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The Focus Tree - How Misguided Public Opinion Has Misrepresented A Devastating Tree


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It was always Focus and Watchman, combat is the lowest damage / lowest utility spec out of the three.

Watchman is still miles ahead of Focus though. Both on utility and burst if played correctly.


Im regulary reaching those numbers as single target spec and considering even the Vanguard had 2/3 of your damage on the first screenshot I wouldnt call that anything spectacular, just a regular pubstomp. Just like you, I have never been outscored on damage in warzone. So its likely the case of being better player than having "devastating" spec.


Once there is serious lvl 50 bracket where healers actualy heal and tanks guard, WM will always have the edge with its centering and focus buildup, frequent interrupts and single target pressure.


Your sole purpose will be to stick to healer and wear the ****er down. And nothing does that better than 7k Overload Saber + the ridiculous pressure you are able to achieve while its ticking.


As much of a burst build Focus is trying to be until Force Sweeps and Blade Storms ridiculously slow build up times are changed Watchman will be able to deliver more reliable and higher damage burst via its guaranteed crit dots and Merciless strike.

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Very nice post, you make some good points but imo watchmen is still better. Im tempted to try focus as it seems fun to smash big groups, but it is really situational. As a Watchmen in full champ minus 2 peices, i aswell am almost never beat in damage and my damage is all single target which means im droping targets in order of importance. Also, times ive done 400k dmg ive done at least 75k healing, which you do none of. 6sec inturupt is also amazing for killing healers. Focus might be fun but a good watchmen is more effective in 90% of circumstances. Im not saying focus isnt a viable spec thats fun to play, but serious pvp'ers with skills with all stick with watchmen for the insane ST dps
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What Maddoxtor and Tobzzz said. Back in December I went from Focus to Watchman and the difference was overwhelming. Focus got nothing on Watchman when the latter is played correctly. Force Ex is fun but that's also it.


And screenshots by OP were anything but impressive. Top opponent had 18 kills and 10 deaths? Score board dominated by your team? Really? I can do the same damage in random pug vs lvl 50 premade.

Edited by darthtoph
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Nice reading indeed.

Havent tried Focus and I dont think I will.

I leveled as Combat up to 50 and didnt have much troubles anywhere. However when I was 50 and couldnt kill 35lvl Sorc in Warzone, I was about to trash my Sent down the bin. Started leveling Commando and was happy.


I actually didnt know You can respec up to that point. When I learned I can, I just switched to Watchman. The dmg increase I saw was amazing. I could finally kill lower levels in PvP and when I got better gear I could kill other 50s 1v1 too. Now im kinda dominating there. I still have problems with few classes, like Operative (who slices me apart in 3 seconds) or good Sorc who keeps me stunned/snared/CCed for the whole time while hes nuking me off. And when i finally get to him he has his shield and when I brake his shield he knocks me off and CC me again.


But apart from Sorcs and Ops I love it and I dont think neither Focus nor Combat can get any near to this spec in both PvE and PvP.


Just my 0,5 credits.

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First off, thanks for the great post and the wellspring of wit along the way- fun to read and very informative. The only thing missing- a link to your build, would LOVE to see it.


I just wanted to clear up another pervasive thing that is often said about Focus Sentinels, which I have found to be false- unless you do not keep up with your gear and/or do not enjoy or are not skilled at a spec that will require more "think" that mashing the same three buttons over and over, which is cool if thats what you want. I also have a BH, much easier to level and play, although still can be a challenge- but I like the fact the Focus Sents require you to think. Anyways, heres the deal you'll hear.


It doesnt get good and lethal until 40.


/Jinook jumps into a massive Force Leap on said poster, crushing him/her/it into oblivion.


Thats just not true and can scare off people unnecessarily. Yes, when you first start off, you're a tad squishy. And yes, even now at 30, I need to keep my eyes of things- to avoid a dirt nap. And yes, I do drop down into meditation a lot. Which the only thing that bugs me about that, is that BW doesnt have Kira do the same- as I think that would look cool. But I digress.


By the time I got to late teens all the way up until, lets say 26sh, I could handle groups of about 4-5 trash, plus a silver- like butter. I could solo one gold. Champions usually ate my lunch. But you really dont run into many of those while leveling, unless you're not paying attention. Then things really started to change at 27 and rapidly again at 30. Even with just one box of Singularity (I could have two, if I had not used boxes in other trees), I can fly through a gold now, with about 40% healthy left over- even the tough ones. If one of the golds is a droid, I can now solo two golds (sort of- I cc the droid, take down the reg gold, grab my breath, then go at the droid). As well, this last quest I did had me against up to 7-9 baddies, with always 1-2 silvers and although my health was very low by fights end- I never died. I looked like a leap frog on way too much Starbucks, jumping and sweeping like a madman, after my stasis ticks, but I lived- always. Its a cool feeling.


Then there was the time it was 9 against me and Kira; five mobbed me and due to the fact I had my stasis singularity up and do the the fact I crit'd- I two shot killed all five within seconds. Thats the only time my little dude has been that uber, but dang that felt good!


So, NO, you do not have to wait until 40 to rock. Had I been a tad smarter (I put 5 pts in non focus trees before working my way up focus- not smart)- I would have been uber even earlier. NOW, with all that said, you DO have to gear up you and Kira or the droid- every major zone change and I would suggest a saber review, every third zone change. And hot key targeting and leaps. But other then that, you can start kicking some major booty by your mid 20's.


i posted my build earlier.


combat is terrible until 43. Focus and watchman are notable in that they are much stronger, much earlier. Focus comes right out of the game with buffs to slash, which synthesize with focus zen with is amazing. Then mid way gets the +100% damage/crit sweeps. And at 40 gets crush, which is mega single target dps, and lets you sweep more often. And then 40-50, gives you def forms, which gives you +centering you really need. And 1 focus sweeps on a 9s cd. And focus refunds on slash.


Watchman is also similar in that its base form is +10% damage. And it buffs burns right away, with crits, crit damage, and heals. as well as a zen which also plays right into that.

And its mid level point of overload sabre is its best skill. Merc slash isn't all that great at all, really. I wonder if a hybrid spec stopping at overload is possible.. I did show a focus/watchman build that went all the way up focus to grab its +30% crit damage buff, while getting watchman burns. They would presumably stack for +60% crit damage from talents.


combat on the other hand. +offhand damage. +acc (which as far as anyone can tell, is nearly useless vs =level players/npcs. both are horrible +damage talents. at 20 you finally get ataru, and it sucks still. you now need 7 points/7 levels just to get it to baseline function. And the first real buff to combat damage of 100% crit bladestorms. Prec strike is an ok move. but no overload sabre, and no 100% damage sweep.

Even at 40, you get blade rush. and, without the 3 points in focused slash, you are STILL severely lacking. so FINALLY at 43, you have your cheap and strong blade rush. Which FINALLY works with your zen to be effective. And then it STILL lags behind the 9% damage, 15% crit chance cleaving slash's of focus zen. combat may function as raid dps. But terrible leveling for sure.

Edited by MBirkhofer
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Very nice post, you make some good points but imo watchmen is still better. Im tempted to try focus as it seems fun to smash big groups, but it is really situational. As a Watchmen in full champ minus 2 peices, i aswell am almost never beat in damage and my damage is all single target which means im droping targets in order of importance. Also, times ive done 400k dmg ive done at least 75k healing, which you do none of. 6sec inturupt is also amazing for killing healers. Focus might be fun but a good watchmen is more effective in 90% of circumstances. Im not saying focus isnt a viable spec thats fun to play, but serious pvp'ers with skills with all stick with watchmen for the insane ST dps


Excuse me, but how can you stay on a target as Watchman when you get knocked back, rooted and / or snared. The 3s off CD on Force leap is nice, but plenty of time for someone to shield / cleanse / heal up your dmg. Since we're discussing top end pvp team play, with premades on both sides, I don't think the opposing team will allow you to stack dots on their healers and dps / interrupt them unbothered.


You only have 1 trinket to remove CC, but no way to negate snares and roots which are independent to Resolve bar status.


The way I see it, Watchman has great single target dps (with some burst) when is allowed to stick on that target to apply it's dots and setup it's burst. As long as you don't have to switch targets often (for interrupts, different target assist, snaring w/e utility stuff), and you can stay on a target is great. When you can't, you waddle waddle waddle.


On the other side you have Focus build Sent. Your burst is unpredictable. You have 15s to unleash it, you can setup on X target, then make a leap to other target to assist dps and deliver spike dmg on same second with no other build up time required or effects present on target / lucky procs / stars align etc.


You can switch targets way easier, even if you are snared, in order to interrupt, apply a snare or deliver burst.


Am not trying to say Focus is the ultimate spec, just that peeps who keep saying Watchman outclasses it in high end pvp team games, are a bit biassed.


Each spec works, and does good dmg, delivers it in different manner, but for team pvp imho, you are better as a mobile peeler / interrupter / healing debuff / burst dmg, than a dot pressure class. Ranged dps is way better at pressure through dots mechanics as they have an easier time to apply their effects to multiple targets, and still focus the trained target - imho.


I love this thread and similar ones, where peeps keep it constructive and give solid input.

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First off, your focus spec while you may say its awesome, you are more or less a one hit wonder. You even said it yourself. All you have to do is force leap on cool down and you will see those number, especially if people are staying clumped up. While I am not saying that the force tree is bad I am saying you will not reach those numbers in a single target situation.



A poster earlier said as watchman they pulled 300k damage as well, I call bullpoop on that one, they didn't provide a screenshot. However, I know as combat I have pulled well over 200k, but most of the time im right around 175k due to trying to complete mission objectives.


Someone also posted that watchman dps beats combat. This I don't know about, I have a good friend that is watchman. I have also played it myself. While I do see him criting quite a bit, I don't see him criting for 5k every 7-10 seconds? It could just be me.


Either way argue what you will until a combat log is put into the game, this is all speculation.

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First off, your focus spec while you may say its awesome, you are more or less a one hit wonder. You even said it yourself.


who said that? I was pretty clear. Focus leaves you with MANY high damage moves. In order of damage, force crush, sweep, bladestorm, stasis, slash, cauterize, zleap, dispatch.


5k over 5s, 3k, 2.5k, 3k over 3s, 2k, 2k, 2.3k, 3k.

3 focus, 1 focus, 3 focus, +3 focus, 2 focus, 2 focus, 3 focus, 3focus.

Thats what they average at my gear level. Which is fairly behind most at this point.

Work. /shrug. Most of my gear is level 47 ish still. offhand champ, implants, ear.


And again, one of the core +pvp things is the transcendence thing. Which give no damage at all.

Edited by MBirkhofer
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A different focus/watchman hybrid spec.

Mega transcendence. 100% uptime focus, AND +40% faster watchman. +90% runspeed to party all the time? lol.

Resolute heal, and watchman burn heals. Buffed slash instead of merc slash. Zleap, and buffed watchman leap.




This one is the +60% damage burn crit build.

Yes, gives up a ton of utility for crazy burn crits.

A little curious to see if gravity makes slowing cauterize 1 focus.



(Not saying either of these are good. Just they might be fun to try out, mess with. that mega trans build is trolltastic. esp on void star/huttball)

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who said that? I was pretty clear. Focus leaves you with MANY high damage moves. In order of damage, force crush, sweep, bladestorm, stasis, slash, cauterize, zleap, dispatch.


5k over 5s, 3k, 2.5k, 3k over 3s, 2k, 2k, 2.3k, 3k.

3 focus, 1 focus, 3 focus, +3 focus, 2 focus, 2 focus, 3 focus, 3focus.

Thats what they average at my gear level. Which is fairly behind most at this point.

Work. /shrug. Most of my gear is level 47 ish still. offhand champ, implants, ear.


And again, one of the core +pvp things is the transcendence thing. Which give no damage at all.


I love your 5k, 3k 2.5k, 3k, 2k


Round up much do you?

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I love your 5k, 3k 2.5k, 3k, 2k


Round up much do you?


They are high. Exhaustion doesn't his that hard, neither should his Slash or ZLeap.


The damage is high though. The burst is very good. I actually respec'd to Focus yesterday immediately after hearing about the Transcendence issue. That alone makes Focus the best Sentinel tree in the game period, probably for all aspects of the game. I refuse to believe that is working as intended.

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I refuse to believe that is working as intended.


One of my guildies was stupid enough to ask a CSR, and lo and behold they said that it was working as intended.


I agree that once the devs look at it, they will decide otherwise, but THE IRONY MAKING THE GIGGLES EH?

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If a move hits for 1.5k, has a 40% chance of dealing 102% damage, then it averages 2.712k.


No, it averages 2112.


1500 *.6 + 1500 * 2.02 *.4


You aren't multipling base damage by (1 - crit chance) and are double counting.


And on the Transcendence, I saw that the CSR person said that. I just refuse to believe it.

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oh right, meant to 1.02x.4, but did 2.02 mistakenly.

But, that's not were I got the first estimates anyway.


I also misread the numbers. It would have been nice, IMO, if you'd put the numbers next to the abilities. I was reading Slash at 3k. I think your Exhaustion and Stasis seem high and your Sweep low, but I'd have to double check when I logged in.

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His numbers are high.


In order of damage, force crush, sweep, bladestorm, stasis, slash, cauterize, zleap, dispatch.

5k over 5s, 3k, 2.5k, 3k over 3s, 2k, 2k, 2.3k, 3k.


Crush will hit for about 4k.

Sweep should hit for about 2300 if it's only the autocrit. Should be in the neighborhood of 4500 with the 100% damage buff, unless you're popping adrenals and stuff, which would push it over 5k.

Bladestorm is about right at 2500.

Stasis is pretty meh. Probably closer to 2k or 2400 over 3s.

Slash is slightly high. More likely looking at 1700.

Cauterize probably at 2100-2200.

ZL at 1800 maybe.

Dispatch about right.


Naturally, depends on what buffs and debuffs are floating around, and the armor class of your target ...

Edited by EasymodeX
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A poster earlier said as watchman they pulled 300k damage as well, I call bullpoop on that one, they didn't provide a screenshot. However, I know as combat I have pulled well over 200k, but most of the time im right around 175k due to trying to complete mission objectives.


Someone also posted that watchman dps beats combat. This I don't know about, I have a good friend that is watchman. I have also played it myself. While I do see him criting quite a bit, I don't see him criting for 5k every 7-10 seconds? It could just be me.


This is not call of duty, I dont screenshot my scoreboards. And it was 400k, 250-300k is the standard (: Imagine with dedicated healer and guard I would be pulling even more as I wouldnt have to spend time running for those damn medkits :p

Someone earlier also posted watchman screenshot with 370k - http://img842.imageshack.us/img842/1544/screenshot2012010803594.jpg



4-5k Merciless strike is pretty regular for me with 4/5 champion, pve gear + 460 dps Pve weapons. And 1500+ ( almost 2000 if I stack 550 Surge adrenal with surge relic) Overload saber tick every 1.5 +600 Cauterize ticks add up to a ton of damage. Thats the magic of the build, you are doing damage while your dots are still ticking for just as much. Imagine battlemaster or fully geared champion would hit even harder as my gear isnt really ideal for PvP and im losing out good 8% damage boost.


Your friend is likely pretty bad, seeing the combat tree has the lowest potential damage output in PvP, not to mention having no damage at range, unlike focus and watchman (dots still tick if you get sent flying over the map).

Edited by Maddoxtor
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This is not call of duty, I dont screenshot my scoreboards. And it was 400k, 250-300k is the standard (: Imagine with dedicated healer and guard I would be pulling even more as I wouldnt have to spend time running for those damn medkits :p

Someone earlier also posted watchman screenshot with 370k - http://img842.imageshack.us/img842/1544/screenshot2012010803594.jpg



4-5k Merciless strike is pretty regular for me with 4/5 champion, pve gear + 460 dps Pve weapons. And 1500+ ( almost 2000 if I stack 550 Surge adrenal with surge relic) Overload saber tick every 1.5 +600 Cauterize ticks add up to a ton of damage. Thats the magic of the build, you are doing damage while your dots are still ticking for just as much. Imagine battlemaster or fully geared champion would hit even harder as my gear isnt really ideal for PvP and im losing out good 8% damage boost.


Your friend is likely pretty bad, seeing the combat tree has the lowest potential damage output in PvP, not to mention having no damage at range, unlike focus and watchman (dots still tick if you get sent flying over the map).


Combat actually gets pretty solid PVP damage later on. It require very little start time and has a very strong advantage in the area of target switching. Neither Watchman or Focus is target swap friendly.

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First off, your focus spec while you may say its awesome, you are more or less a one hit wonder. You even said it yourself. All you have to do is force leap on cool down and you will see those number, especially if people are staying clumped up. While I am not saying that the force tree is bad I am saying you will not reach those numbers in a single target situation.



A poster earlier said as watchman they pulled 300k damage as well, I call bullpoop on that one, they didn't provide a screenshot. However, I know as combat I have pulled well over 200k, but most of the time im right around 175k due to trying to complete mission objectives.


Someone also posted that watchman dps beats combat. This I don't know about, I have a good friend that is watchman. I have also played it myself. While I do see him criting quite a bit, I don't see him criting for 5k every 7-10 seconds? It could just be me.


Either way argue what you will until a combat log is put into the game, this is all speculation.




There are your screenshots. They are 2 of many. You'll notice both games I was or tied for highest objective.

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Correct me if I'm wrong but doesn't Overload saber work with Force Sweep to allow you to AOE burn people? I thought I saw some ticks of burn damage when I use Force Sweep right after Overload Saber.


According to the skill description, its any melee attack. Might have to try it as it would be very interesting.


Good post though OP, I'm currently watchman specced at 46, was combat till 35 then respecced. Might respec to focus one I hit 50 to give it a go and see how it works for me in pvp since I hear its a pretty good pvp skill tree.

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