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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Neutral Alignment punishment


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My alignment is neutral at level 25. I have 1200 light rating and 2000 dark rating. I have just as many rating points (3200 total) as someone that has 3200 rating in all light or dark. However they have access to equipment that I cannot get. I cannot use any relics because I do not have enough points in light or dark. It's silly to give me a choices to make in the game, but I really can't do what I want to do without suffering the loss of equipment. You are kind of forced to either pick light or dark. I want my choices to be my own, not forced down a certain path in order to not get jipped on gear. Why can't there by a neutral tier just light and dark based on your TOTAL rating points?
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I agree it's a very dumb design decision by Bioware. Apparently they want you to aimlessly choose '1' or '3' in every single conversation instead of actively contemplating the moral decisions that the game presents to you.


That said, Bioware has said they intend to eventually release neutral items. Until then, if you want relics, just go collect some datacrons. I'll link you the guide for it.




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They also have neutral inclusive items for now.


They say things like 'Forbidden to Dark 1 and above' meaning that neutral-Light 5(i think that's the max) can use them.


However as the user above stated, they have said that they plan to impliment neutral gear at some point.

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You know you can farm light/dark points in flashpoints? Just answer things the way you want while playing, then farm to get light/dark 5 later. Or, realize that datacrons allow access to relics that are arguably better than the light/dak ones, and also have no alignment restrictions.
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