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What are your Shadow key-bindings that work for you? Mine are...


1-5: melee abilities

F1-F4: force abilities

~: slow

Shift 1-Shift 4: Battle buffs (relics, stims, etc)

Shift q-Shift r: Debuffs for enemies

Extra mouse buttons: interrupts and stuns

Alt 1 - Alt 5: defensive abilities (damage mitigating, vanish, root freeing, etc.)

Alt q - Alt r: AoE

Shift z: mount

Shift X: stealth

Shift C: Sprint

Everything else like buffs that I wouldn't use unless I just died I just click on.


This is what I use and it works very well so far for me. I keep all my movement buttons free, and even bind auto-run to "R."


Post what you use for your shadow and tell us how you like it. I want this thread to give shadows ideas on how they can change and test out new styles of key-binding.

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1 - Sabre Strike

Shift +1 - Deflection


2 - Clairvoyant Strike

Shift+2 - Force Cloak


3 - Project

Shift +3 - Telekinetic Throw


4 - Force Slow

5 Whirling Blow


Q - Shadow Strike

Shift+Q - Low Slash

STRG+Q - Overcharge Consumable


E - Force Stun

Shift+E - Mind Snap


F - Force Wave

Shift+F - Blackout


C - Relict

Shiift+C - Force Potency

STRG+C - Battle Readyness


X - Mind Crush

Shift+X - Force Lift

STRG+X - Throw Huttball


R - Mind Control

Shift+R - Mass Mind Controll


Mouse 3 - Stealth

Shift+M3 - Meditation


Mouse 4 - Force Breach

Shift+M4 - Spinning Strike

STRG+M4 - Mind Maze


Mouse 5 - Force Speed

STRG+M5 - Spinning Kick


Mouse 6 - Slow Grenate

Shift+M6 - Stun Grenate

STRG+M6 - Dot Grenate


Mouse 7 - Medipack

Mousewheel left - Force of Will

Mousewheel right - Resilience


Shift+^ - Speeder


Mousewheel up - target Partymember 1

Mousewheel down - Aquire Targets target

Edited by Jeckll
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Mine is a little unusual as I use a Logitech keyboard and an naga mouse, but its going to be...




1. Saber Strike

2. Project.

3. Clair Strike

4. Shadow Strike

5. Tele Throw

6. Force of Will

Q. Force Wave

E. Stun

F. Force Lift

ALT + F. Mind Maze

R. Stealth


NUM 1 (mouse). Breach

NUM 2 (mouse). .......Damnit I forget.

NUM 4 (mouse). Tumult

NUM 5 (mouse). Spinning strike



And....others, but at work and currently drawing a blank.

Edited by Okanitu
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Mine is a little unusual as I use a Logitech keyboard and an naga mouse, but its going to be...





And....others, but at work and currently drawing a blank.

Could you share please? I just started a jedi(sith player here) and figuring out how to bind my naga. Your keyb & mouse binds sounds like a decent start.
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Yes I know, but getting force abilities there is my issue--it seemed to be for assigning things to the various quick bars, not keys. Its probably so obvious that I am overlooking something.


It is for the quick bars, you need to bind a key to a quick bar slot, then put your ability there.


On topic:


I have found that I do not have enough keybinds for all of the abilities that I use.


I use WASD and my mouse for movement.


Q- Generic attack

Shft Q- Mind Control

E- Double Strike

Shft E- Mass Mind Control

R- Force Stun

Shft R- Force Wave

F- Project

Shft F- TThrow

V- Kinetic Ward

Shft V- Deflection

C- Force Breach

Shft C- Slow Time (not 40 yet, but it is reserved)

X- Spinning Strike

Shft X- Tumult

Z- Force Speed

Shft Z- CC break (don't remember the name)

1- Relic

Shft 1- Relic


Shft 2- Resilience

3- Mind Snap

Shft 3- Force Potency

4- Force Pull

Shft 4- Force Cloak


I find that these keys are the easiest to hit while still having mobility, as they are the closest to my movement keys.


I suppose I could add 5/Shft 5 but this begins to become uncomfortable while still maintaining mobility.


I also have 2 extra buttons on my mouse, but they do not seem to work for key binds in TOR.


I am obviously tank specced, and I do PVE and PVP.



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The one I never see people doing....


Force Lift (I'm balance so its insta). Mouse right click on target! Its in the first slot on the toolbar w/ no number assigned. Gives me insta lift on targets while I'm still attacking another. These really will not sense though, as I use a g13 and these are assigned to G keys (added the g key at the bottom)


shift+mid mouse-Speed burst


1-Force critiical buff

Shift+1 Expertise buff

Ctrl+1 Companion attack my target


2-Force In balance

Shift+2-Aoe Knockback (my aoe attacks)

Ctrl +2-Aoe melee force attack



Shift+3 30% strike (melee attacks)

Ctrl +3 none force atttack



Shift+4 Shadow Strike





Shift+5 Server Force (my main "dmg" dots)

Ctrl +5 Slow


6-Tele Throw (not used as often...I use g13 and 6 is on g2 key)

Shift+6 single taunt

Ctrl+6 aoe taunt


7-Force Breach (just used on off targets for extra force regen)




9-Mind maze

Shift+9 will be out of stealth attack

Ctril+9 PVE ou of stealth attack




H-Health potion



shift+s- force 5% buff




Things taht dont matter


Shift+F12- Port

Ctrl+F12-Look cool w/ lightsaber out


G-Key layout atm


g8-tab (next target)






g14-H (heal pot)


Then its









Next to bottom row







Bottom 3 are focus based macro's (meaning its use focus button "F", plus w/e to cast that ability)


g20-target becomes focus target

g21-focus cast force breach.

g22-focus cast interrupt


Movement is with the thumbstick and mouse. I always disable the backwards run ability, so I have to use mouse 100% for that.



Left button by thumb (F12)

Bottom button by joystick (space-jump)


My mouse has 2 side buttons, and the are the modifiers





As I play more...I'm working out figuring out more of the bottom g15-g19 as all focus cast abilities and will convert the g20-g22 (into more of map and stuff)

Edited by Grometsc
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I use Razer Naga. Use it for potions defensive and cloaks. U can see on pick that I use shift for taunts,relics and stanses.


I use regular q and e for targeting. Mouse 4 for stealth, which is way on right top. Mouse 3 is to target targets target. Wheel button to pass in hutt ball. Scrol wheel down - zoom out, scroll wheel up to stagger out of combat.


What you see in picture is not final, for example i never use Telekinetik Throw so I will put it on left top bar for clickable items. I am 45 atm, just waiting to get 50 so I know all abilities I need.

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Anyone else using macro's?


At the moment I have G1 setup with sprint/resilience/vanish. G5 setup for battle/potency/surge stim/relic/taunt/area taunt/breach/project


Basicly any ability that does not have a cool down will go off the first time I hit the G key. It takes a bit to get use to hitting a key with my pinky but it feels natural now.


My keys:

F - Stealth

G- sprint

H- Med pack

R- Sap

T- area KB

V- Kick

C- Trinket

Side Mouse Button 1 - Gouge

Side Mouse Button 2 - Interupt

2 - Clar strike

3 - Snare

5 - execute

F1 - Bstab

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meh at work, have time to burn.

i think i had less binds on my shammy in wow.




f2-combat tech

f3- shadow tech

f4- whirling blow (only used to knock groups of people off an objective)


1 - throw hutball (love me some hut ball)

2 - tk throw

3 - mindcrush

4 - force speed

5 - deflect

6 - pvp heal stim

7 - meditate

8 - speeder bike

9 - force lift (bound to mouse)

0 - force stun (bound to mouse)

- - force breach (bound to mouse)

= - project (bound to mouse)

mouse3- mass mind control


q - saber strike

e - double strike

r - force wave

t - mind maze

f - expertise stim

g- unused atm

b - stun break

v - force cloak

c - black out

x - sprint

z - force valor


sh+q - spinning strike

sh+e - shadow strike

sh+r - spin kick

sh+t - med pack

sh+b - resilience

sh+v - relic

sh+c - unused at the moment

sh+= - force potency

sh+- - surge stim

sh+0 - mind snap

sh+9 - force slow

sh+mouse3- mind contol

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