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What color crystals are currently available?


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I would really want to know what color crystals are available for use.


Obviously the green/blue/red/purple/yellow/orange.

Also got the magenta crystal, but are there any more colors ingame?


Like black/white/etc...

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There is a Magenta (which you have as you stated)

Rumors of a White crystal

There is the not-so-rare black/yellow Preorder crystal.

There is a Razer SWTOR gear black/green crystal.


Those are the only ones I've heard of or seen.

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Silver exists within the game, though I'm not sure players are able to get the crystal themselves, there is an NPC with a silver lightsaber currently in the game.


Which npc? got any screenshot of it perhaps?

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Which npc? got any screenshot of it perhaps?


I can't get in game right now but the NPC in question is on Tython, right outside the jedi temple door. As though you're heading into the temple itself, turn left, and walk along the patio area to a group of jedi with lightsabers drawn, harrassing some poor alien. The central (and most intentionally prominant) figure has a silver lightsaber drawn in his hands.

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Black-red definatly exist, got mine yesterday :)) shame the rakata offhand is bugged has the stats of a t1... gg Bioware... fix my offhanders already you muppets :(


and by that logic you can also consider black blue confirmed as it wouldnt make sense for republic to get black red.



Still looking for Cyan though, I am gueesing it actually a rare HM/NM drop, by that i mean it prob drops outside of a saber by itself, like the 25 mods.

Edited by Munx
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