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Loophole with Warzone token turn ins


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It was my first time doing PVP . Why don't they put a system in where that can't even happen to begin with? Having the whole token conversion crap is stupid and misleading. Say whatever you want, that was the first mistake I have made since I started playing this game. I can guarantee you the same thing has happened to other people. Why would they make it possible to convert tokens to nothing?


weren't you the guy complaining about how crappy your fps was in pvp like a week ago? If this was your first time pvping then *** were you talking about back then?

Edited by Paralassa
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No... You can jump off the rails in the Imperial Fleet 10 times in a row and die every time. Is that Biowares stupid fault that they allow you to do that?


Hey now.. A friend auto ran off Nar Shaddea just to see if he'd bounce cuz he's on a fat toon.


Don't knock some ppls fun lol

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You're not a thinker yourself either ... why would you wanna end up with 1000 mercs and no warzones? Can't you plan a bit ahead? Like ... maybe 2 matches.


Because there was a mechanic in which you could obtain Merc credits from chests... so it's very plausible and happened that people ended up with more Merc comm's than Warzone... this was removed recently and is being put back in the game with patch 1.1.


Incidentally, lets say I had 1000 each, WZ and Merc comm's. I spent 300 WZ comm's on consumables, then decided I wanted the rank 50 bike... instead of spending 15-20 min. doing another warzone (or longer depending on the queue and getting booted to the laod screen) I could just trade merc comm's for WZ comm's. Happen often... or ever? prolly not, but it's still possible. But please see above for true reason.

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wow, some classic trolling here. sorry OP, just ignore them. So after skipping through the trolls I wanted to sympathize because the PvP exchange system is frustrating to me as well.


I'm a Sith Sorcerer and I saw Force-Master piece...sounds awesome!...and it has the most willpower of anything available....its GOTTA be the healer set right?...right? oh..wait a minute, why the F--- would I care about casting a dps dot faster..wait a minute...ARRRGGGHHH, *****IIIIVVVAAAAAA!!!!...


Yeah so the labeling could be more intuitive or be just more clear in general all around in the PvP section of the fleet. Pretty dumb to miss out on a genuinely useful set bonus because I was duped into buying the "Force-Master" vs the "Force-Mystic"



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wow, some classic trolling here. sorry OP, just ignore them. So after skipping through the trolls I wanted to sympathize because the PvP exchange system is frustrating to me as well.


I'm a Sith Sorcerer and I saw Force-Master piece...sounds awesome!...and it has the most willpower of anything available....its GOTTA be the healer set right?...right? oh..wait a minute, why the F--- would I care about casting a dps dot faster..wait a minute...ARRRGGGHHH, *****IIIIVVVAAAAAA!!!!...


Yeah so the labeling could be more intuitive or be just more clear in general all around in the PvP section of the fleet. Pretty dumb to miss out on a genuinely useful set bonus because I was duped into buying the "Force-Master" vs the "Force-Mystic"




I understand your annoyance with the set bonuses not showing up, we all felt that way. But how does that add to the OP's oops with commendation trading?

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