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Why didn't you pre-order earlier? (Not a QQ)


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I did not have the money. my birthday was 18 of October so i preorderd and registered the code 19 of October. :)


You realise most retailers other than Origin don't charge you anything until the order is shipped, right? :\


Even Origin only charges 5 dollars/euros/pounds and that isn't really a lot of money to put together.

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Financial situation and uncertainty of performance issues.


How many MMO's have we seen rise and fall? Needed a hands on to establish if the potential game of my dreams was worth investment. I'm pleased to say the game has surpassed any previous judgement, although because of this original lack of faith, I'm left waiting for an early access code.


Self deprecation ftl :p

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You realise most retailers other than Origin don't charge you anything until the order is shipped, right? :\


Even Origin only charges 5 dollars/euros/pounds and that isn't really a lot of money to put together.


In the UK it was cheaper to go with any other retailer than buy from Origin with their pre-order fee.

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I wanted to wait for a release date to see how long I would wait for the game to start live. Then I did not even order right away because I wanted to see what the game looked like in beta or view videos on Youtube to see if the game appealed to me.
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I was just extremely sceptical of Biowares whole take on the MMO. I thought that things like dialogue choices in questing where going to be very meh. The only MMO i had tried prior to this that had a dialogue tree in its quests was Age of Conan's 1-20 experience and it was awful. When I saw how the dialogue trees would work in group play ( some dev video from like almost a year) I was down right horrified. Some of the early gameplay videos also didn't particular motivate me. But I kept a eye on it. Got in the weekend beta in early Nov, and it completely won me over. I have been eating crow for two months now over all the negative things I thought and said about this game. So didn't pre-order till the 27th of Nov. after I got the wife in the big beta weekend.
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Because I by default do not pre-order games I am not sure I will play, especially when it comes to MMOs. Since I did not get into beta until 25th November I was not willing to potentially "waste" money.


I'm the kind of customer that companies hate, because I do not blindly buy everything that has flashy adverts. I patiently waited since Feb 2010 for beta to see whenever I will commit to the game or not. Those few days now waiting for Early Access/Official Launch don't really seem all that much.

Edited by Keevae
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Kept up to date with everything over the years but didn't feel like parting with my cash for a game I hadn't even played, so I thought I'd either wait for a Beta or just risk it sometime after release. Got a Beta invite, enjoyed the gameplay and story, pre-ordered it. For the game, not for the early access. Couldn't care less about that.
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I was waiting on monthly pricing. EA Games has a tendency to be expensive, so with their name on it, I was concerned that it would have a monthly sub higher than what I could convince my wife was worth me playing it ;) I finally convinced her to let me order on 9/20 prior to learning the monthly fees when she was convinced I was going to play regardless anyway. Therefore....I'm throwing my wife under the bus in this case, it's her fault :D
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Knew about the game and always intended to play it, I just simply didn't read enough to realise it was based on first come first serve. As far as I was concerned, pre-order equalled the same early access as day 1 pre-orders. When I did i had to wait till i was paid so im a November pre-orderer :D


But, i'm sure i'll get something, so im not too fussed, i never expected more than 2 or 3 days at the most anyway.

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The early footage of this game wasn't promising. The graphics and animations were pretty bad then and Bioware had not long released the infamous Dragon Age 2.


I was understandably hesitant to preorder, but I was pleasantly suprised when I finally got to play a bit of beta.


I'm not the only one, who was 'slightly' disappointed with DA:2? :cool:


Anyway, I and some friends decided to wait for the launch or buy it even thereafter.

Happened that I got some Beta code from Bioware's community board (still playing Mass Effect 2 ^^) and redeemed it.


Got invited and enjoyed playing both weekends and did my Pre-order in between. So I don't mind if I get 1 up to 5 'additional' days as I'll be playing at the 20th of December nonetheless.

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I was told 3 days for standard edition and 6 days of early access for collector's edition, I preordered the standard edition but tried to get a CE from my local shop, figuring the 3-6 days clause was still in play I didn't redeem my code because I wanted to get me a CE, but then I was told 5 days early access no matter which version so I redeemed the code, it was November. Of course I listened to the local shops advertisements and hardly ever logged in to the SW: TOR website, so I kinda put this on myself and got what I deserved :) Edited by SonofaGun
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Australian - was waiting for information on wether or not I could buy an amazon copy and still get to play.


Oh and spent some time rather upset with being called a redzoner when I thought our countries were military allies.


Basically - all my own fault.


Same. Subscribe 100%. Lack of info and the lack of consideration for the colonial part of the anglo-american/european 1st world (THANKS FOR EXCLUDING US BTW>the only really bad thing tbh about SWTOR). So I could not commit 2xRRP for a game I was not even sure I could access. I am delighted that I can and that I had access to the BETA. However you guys need to have us all in by the 15th-otherwise this is utter rubbish and a semi-failure. Especially since the grace period has been removed or was never there. THAT is actually a complete other kettle of fish and I just realised another really bad thing. For some reason I cannot help myself but think that this is not grown on Bioware's/LucasArts' pile but must be another EA atrocity. Sigh.....counting the hours. See you all online soon-hopefully.



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The last three MMOs i pre-ordered (Warhammer, Age of Conan, FF XIV) where failures I regretted preordering in the end (with FF XIV being a complete trainwreck). Because of that I grew cautious.


Bioware made great games in the past but by no means perfect ones especially from a technical standpoint. There was no way for me to know if SWTOR would be great or even good or a complete failure like so many MMOs in the past since WoW. So I decided to wait until I got a chance to play. I did play it, liked it and pre-ordered. I really love Bioware but I am not a fanboy who blindly pre-orders something on day one just because he WANTS the game to be good. Not after the many, many big-name failures in the last years.

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I genuinely would like to know why we all didn't order sooner.


For me it was a matter of performance. I was a long time beta tester and in each build up until stress test weekend my FPS was poor. I didn't want to pre-order a game that I wasn't sure would run well. Eventually it did get fixed.


I was well aware of the "up to 5 days" clause. So I'm not complaining.


Whats your excuse?


not knowing of the first come first serve thing

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