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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

I feel cheated.


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Someone made the highly intelligent observation that the OP wants TOR to be both more and less like WoW.


But it would have been more intelligent for BW to observe what WoW does right and wrong before indiscriminately copying. Copy: the AH. Don't copy: the kill/fetch quests. Copy: the UI. Don't copy: the character classes and abilities. Copy: the character responsiveness. Don't copy: the Ironforge city design.


See, Bioware really tried to copy WoW - they just copied the wrong parts. Notice that the things they really should have copied (UI, AH, responsiveness) are all core gameplay/interface mechanics (that TOR has wrong), and the things they shouldn't have copied (city, quest, and character design) are all design issues.


So what you have is a game that looks great but feels dated, and plays like poop, whereas WoW looks kind of poopy but plays like driving a Porsche.


:wea_03: Lightsaber!

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So many promises yet this is just another reskinned default MMO. To be honest, this game made me resubscribe World of Warcraft. If I'm going to pay for a copy I might as well just play the original.


Then you've just resubbed the wrong game then.


+ can I have all your stuff, dont let the door hit you in the arse on the way out.

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I do not believe he is trying to say that you should not act like the older MMO does not exsist. I think he is trying to say that you should play the game for what it is and not expect it to be anything more. When you come to a new game expecting it to play or be similar to a previously played game, you will see nothing but the bad because it will hopefully not be playing exactly like the previous game. If you come to a game with zero expectations of it playing like anything else, I am not going to say you will not see the bad, but the game will have a different light for you. You will see the game for what it is, not for what it is not.


If I am completely wrong Origional, I apologize as that is what I got out of it.


I came to this game expecting nothing, as I do with every game and I got disappointed with it because none of the basic features have progressed past 2004, in some cases even regressed.

I was disappointed that it played -exactly- like the game that I play on a regular basis because it doesn't suit an environment where plenty of guns are involved. I like the space combat segments because they play differently to what I regularly play, I like that I have to physically aim my mouse over the target in order to hit them, it feels wrong to me that I just click on a target and then press buttons in order to shoot it. Especially since the blaster shots homes in if the target moves.


"Game sucks because it's too much like WoW. Game sucks because it doesn't have all the features WoW has."


If you want to make something that is this close to the core mechanics of WoW, then your basic game functionality and world feel needs to surpass that of what WoW offers, a more correct interpretated version of what you wrote would read:

Why does this game feel as much as WoW and since it does, why are the things I'm experiencing and using more clunky, less responsive and less developed.

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Combat is identical, although SWTOR's is a worse version.


Zones structure is the same, quest hub to quest hub. Less Zones


Endgame is 100% identical


Quests are worse than WoW


Voiceovers and story delivery is better


Crafting system is better, but lacks recipes so it's ruined.


With a few differences, how is the game "not WoW-like"


Your trolling right? Less Zones? How do you figure that? First of all, wow has multiple expansions so you can't even add them in to the equation of zones. If you just figure in the vanilla zones, SWTOR has more zones.


I'll give you that Endgame is the same but it's the same for all MMOs so yeah... Every MMO is "fight X boss with many friends".


Crafting system is better and it has recipes, so I don't know where you got that. Would've actually liked having SWG crafting system but you can't win them all.


The only thing similar between WoW and SWTOR is that SWTOR copied their UI bindings because it's what is familiar. Beyond that, the combat is more engaging, the quests are far better and the game as a whole is far more fast paced.

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I like how the OP expected Bioware to reinvent the wheel. If you want to play an MMO and you buy an MMO, you shouldn't be mad that you got an MMO.


Blizzard reinvented the wheel, the very fact that you state it like you do just proves it. Before WoW each game had one element which Blizzard took with them into their game. They did this so successfully that you are now calling it "The Wheel," or rather "an MMO."


Each game after WoW has also improved on some aspect and BW should had looked at those, incorporated it in their own game and thus reinvented the wheel one more time and created a new base standard for MMO's that doesn't need us to "give it X amount of time to be as polished as WoW."


They had the biggest development budget ever, even dwarfing Avatar in production values and all they could come up with was an older version of "The Wheel."

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Blah blah blah, it's to much like WoW, blah blah blah, I didn't to the research before buying...




Howabout we go back and ask all those people who paid for WoW for several months after launch and asked how they felt about the lack of polish





Good quote there


UHUHUHUH, I was there, I can answer that!


The answer is: Because it still felt fun, the gameplay was flowing and the gameworld felt alive and vibrant with a lot of small things that was there just for the sake of being there and was quite "Whoa, that's amazing" when you noticed it.

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I don't agree with everything the OP is saying, but this game is WOW in space. Anyone that can't see this is either -


A. A person who never played WOW.


B. A SWTOR Fanboy with blind devotion.


C. A MMORPG noob and this is their first MMO.




The worst thing about all of this, is that SWTOR took all of the 'average' things about WOW and none of the 'best' things. I don't mind people copying WOW's basics, but geez! Can't you at least copy the things that are great about the game?


Conclusion -

I agree with the OP about going back to WOW. Unless you are a Star Wars nut bag, why play a game that is WOW from 7 years ago? This game has all of the hiccups that WOW had when it was released. Now all of us get to wait around for 2 Years + for the basics to be implemented? Don't kid yourselves, most of this garbage won't be fixed for YEARS. I'm not sure about everyone else, but I'm not waiting around that long, cause in the end, you will still be playing WOW in space.


Thank god for the voice acting/cut scenes, cause it's all this game has.




Let me read your future of what you will be doing in this game.


1. Daily quests (oh yay! we really, really, really need more of those! AMIRIGHT!?!?)

2. BG's (you can slap a different name on it, but these are battlegrounds ladies)

3. Standard Raiding (Yawn... This is getting old)

4. Standard Grouping (Need, Greed, Pass, Sound familiar?)

5. Tokens (Yay, i get tokens to buy gear that i earn from dailies that i use for raiding!)



Edited by Cynfox
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thats wrong, im afraid blizzard will again take the lead again when titan comes out (anyways they still got it lol), if they say is a "second generation mmo" it means that will be very different than wow, something new fresh and original, and then we will see a serie of other mmos being titan-clone trying to get money in the mmorpg market too in the following years


Don't get yourself hyped up too bad, you'll only end up disappointed, approach the subject with a blank slate :)


I myself is very curious as to what hides behind the Titan label and can't wait to know more about it, I'm just trying very hard not to give myself too many imaginary images about what it might contain. That's bloody hard though since the Titans did after all create the world and just the words gives me associations to Sandbox game and that could be so awesome to have with Blizzard's typical polish and attentiont to detail >.<

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I think the reviews make sense, but what difference does it make.


It's like if you were dating a super hot girl for like 5 years and all of a sudden you meet the new girl at work. She's almost as attractive as your gf and for the sake of argument she has an identical personality EXCEPT she totally loves Star Wars.


Maybe some of us would jump ship on the old gf, but for me personally I'm thinking about those awkward first dates, meeting the parents, moving in together, etc etc. That's a lot of work for some Star Wars love...


Surprise, Wow is that old gf you've had for years that you cheat on and always go back to.


SWTOR is Star Wars girl.


Unfortunately, this guy is probably right.


I think alot of people really want to ditch WoW, but leaving it for an inferior product is too unbearable. Especially, with the time some have invested in too WoW. Sucks.

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Hello everyone,


We do appreciate and encourage constructive feedback of all kinds, both positive and negative. There are a couple of threads we have that are great places to give your thoughts and opinions on bugs and suggestions of features you would like to see in-game. We are going to close this thread and encourage you to add your constructive feedback to one of the following threads:


The Ultimate Bug List

The Suggestion Compilation


Thank you for understanding!


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