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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

I feel cheated.


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I pretty much agree with the OP.


I only started playing TOR because the WoW "look" was getting on my nerves. You know. The racials and colors and textures. And the silly Disney pets and mounts, not to mention the new panda expansion. Pandas....sad.


Even though TOR is pretty much another run-of-the-mill MMO, the story is kind of cool and I'm hoping they fix the spell delay sooner than later.

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Crafting system is better, but lacks recipes so it's ruined.


How does it lack 'recipes' ? I think there are way way to many. Upgrades for everything every couple of levels is huge. Just take the different barrels I can make, what, 5 barrel types, 20 levels of green, 20 levels of blue, thats 200 'recipes' just for barrels, and doesnt include any purples (if there are any).


Then there are probably a hundred different weapons I can make, just green versions. Assault Cannons, Rifles, Shotguns, Sniper Rifles, Pistols, Swords, Knives.


Then I can make blue versions of them, then I make make advanced versions of them, then I can make purple versions, and maybe even advanced purples.


Whats also cool is that ts not necessarily all cookie cutter stuff either because you are not guaranteed to be able to learn every schematic in the game, or create an advanced weapon, so you could take 100 people are level 400 and each might be able to make something the others cant.

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So many promises yet this is just another reskinned default MMO. To be honest, this game made me resubscribe World of Warcraft. If I'm going to pay for a copy I might as well just play the original.


Hahahaha ! The original? Where do you guys come from, seriously ? Thanks for the laugh, though, I needed that :)

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I really don't understand why people find it necessary to point out that others are sharing their opinions. No joke. That's what this board is for. No reason to do that.


Also, the point was directed towards the person that said this game is not WoW like at all.


It's more like ALL MMO's than it is different, that's all I'm saying.





-True story:cool:

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How can you say that? The OP very clearly states this game is an MMO. And yet I keep reading here in thread after thread that this dead, lifeless, soul-less, comunity-less game is not an MMO.


This game can't be a WoW clone. Or some default reskinned MMO, when it clearly isn't even an MMO.


The OP is way off base here. The General Forum has already spoken on this topic, and the consensus of flame has already determined that this game is not an MMO. So threads that complain that this game is a hackneyed clone of some other MMO need to just be shot out the airlock with the rest of the refuse.


Dont you just love selective posting. I said it was a good post, I also said I disagreed with the content. A good post as in quite well written with extended reasoning why he didnt like x, y and z. I didnt say what he wrote was right.


And it is an MMO regardless of what the 'forum' has said. It's just one that leans more towards the single player story line than towards group play, but you can still play as a group, and certain aspects are specifically designed to be played as a group. People are ************ that its a single player game then screaming why is'nt their an LFG tool. Well if its single player, why do you need an LFG tool?

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This is the most horrible thing I've seen posted.


Pretend the game doesn't have competition and you'll like it better. That's dumb.


You've got a filet mignon and a mcdonalds hamburger patty in front of you. If the patty is there alone you'll eat it. The filet mignon is there and you'll think twice about even sniffing the patty.


I do not believe he is trying to say that you should not act like the older MMO does not exsist. I think he is trying to say that you should play the game for what it is and not expect it to be anything more. When you come to a new game expecting it to play or be similar to a previously played game, you will see nothing but the bad because it will hopefully not be playing exactly like the previous game. If you come to a game with zero expectations of it playing like anything else, I am not going to say you will not see the bad, but the game will have a different light for you. You will see the game for what it is, not for what it is not.


If I am completely wrong Origional, I apologize as that is what I got out of it.

Edited by Kemosobe
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This is the most horrible thing I've seen posted.


Pretend the game doesn't have competition and you'll like it better. That's dumb.


You've got a filet mignon and a mcdonalds hamburger patty in front of you. If the patty is there alone you'll eat it. The filet mignon is there and you'll think twice about even sniffing the patty.


But you dont go in to mcdonalds expecting patty to be of the same standard as a fillet mignon and whine when it isnt.


Its not about pretending there isnt any competition, its about accepting the content for what it is and deciding if thats what you want or not.


If I want a fillet mignon i'll go buy one, if I want a big tasty burger I'll buy one of them.

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Thank you OP just when I was having major issues having deleted all my toons and cancelling my sub to WoW (as did my wife) Stopping and thinking what the hell did I just do I found your post read it and was comforted that after all, I did the right thing. I really like that you are passionate about WoW may you have many more years of enjoyment playing it. As for me and my wife the Star Wars you have described is just the thing we were looking for so may we, as you, have many years playing the game we like.
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Thank you so much OP. I will be asking my mom to cancel my account when she wakes up from her red bull and vodka induced stupor (please don't tell my brother, because I'm not really going to ask her) because of your well-reasoned werds.


Again, thank you for enlightening me with werds which convinced me that my investment (well, my parents' investment anyways) in this game was a mistake. God only knows what we would do without saints like you to guide us along the Holy MMO path!. God bless you! Do you have a PO box I could send a small donation to?


Until tomorrow, when I may claim that my "brother" made this post, rock on, hard-cores!

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holy wal of text. i think my screen was crited by snowflakes... anyways games nto for you WOWcheat me plus got stuck with 1 years sub i can never get back and i wont even play diablo 3 cause of the real money AH there so .... i am happy here
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This is and accurate and truthful review, unlike the lies at places like IGN and MMORPG dot stupid.


And if those sites had trashed the game, you'd be championing those sites.


Amateur transparent poster is transparent.


What do you get out of this? Are you impressing your friends?


If the food at Random Restaurant sucks, I don't hang around the restaurant, wailing like a 2nd grader and making a fool out of myself, so why do you do it online? Why is it "different"?

Edited by KippTabor
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And if those sites had trashed the game, you'd be championing those sites.


Amateur transparent poster is transparent.


What do you get out of this? Are you impressing your friends?


If the food at Random Restaurant sucks, i don't hang around the restaurant, wailing like a 2nd grader and making a fool out of myself, so why do you do it?


And what makes you think I'd be praising your fellow prats at those sites?

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And what makes you think I'd be praising your fellow prats at those sites?


I think you need to re-read what I wrote, this time with a bit more attention to comprehension.


BTW, you need to up your dodge score, because that last dodge was lame.

Edited by KippTabor
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Hahahaha ! The original? Where do you guys come from, seriously ? Thanks for the laugh, though, I needed that :)


That is pretty hilarious...but seriously I'm resubscribing to WOW too...it it by no means "original" but I like what Blizzard does and I have a lot of time investment there.


It's hard to talk yourself into all those levels when you already have them on a very similar game.


SWTOR endgame is just meh at best, its not innovative at all.


I just don't see the reason to stay when they didn't offer anything new.

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That is pretty hilarious...but seriously I'm resubscribing to WOW too...it it by no means "original" but I like what Blizzard does and I have a lot of time investment there.


It's hard to talk yourself into all those levels when you already have them on a very similar game.


SWTOR endgame is just meh at best, its not innovative at all.


I just don't see the reason to stay when they didn't offer anything new.


peace out homie


somebody will come along to replace the gapping void you will have left after the 20th and WOW would have gained millions just with the reverberating effect you would have caused to the community there.

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