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To much hate


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I think expectations were very high. They want the game to be more like the MMOs they are familiar with in terms of competitive pvp, rich endgame, complex crafting, but different with some new, innovative tech added in.


You can't blame people- if you've played the same game for 7+ years, you want something different and refreshing, while at the same time you don't want to lose the game mechanics which are considered to be the foundation of any good game.


I see where people are coming from when they say a newly-released game should be comparable with other games at their current state, not at their 2003-2004 state. The new game may not have the amount of content as the older, more mature game. But it should at least have comparable mechanics. That makes sense.


But i think Bioware designs storybook games, that are rich and complex in story, but very linear and one dimensional in gameplay. Nothing wrong with that. I enjoyed ME 1 and 2, and Dragon Age 1 (but not 2, too dumbed down, too linear).


I think you have to understand the developer, and recognize what they are known for, what they are good at.


In the future, they may take this experience and design a more complex MMO. But that comes with experience. For now, you have a single player game with multiplayer features. They will build on it, but at its core this is what it will be.


People hate on it because they expected more. So did I. But I now try to enjoy it for what it is. It will last for only so long, then people will move on to more complex game systems, because that's what the market calls for today.


The beauty of this forum is that other developers are learning exactly what the market will and will not bear. In the future, we should only expect greater things. Kudos to Bioware for that.


Not to be completely negative, I do expect additional features, as the devs have stated. Over time, it will mature and get better. Similar to STO. It will have a following, and it should stay afloat for quite some time.


With that in mind, you really can't go wrong. Once people get past the need for competitive pvp and hardcore raiding, which you will not get here, the rage should end. Either they take it for what it is or move on.

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Hello everyone,


We are closing this thread. While we understand that people can be frustrated with the community at times, please understand that threads like this, while made with good intentions, tend to draw out people who wish to be overly negative and incite flames. In the future, please create threads that encourage gameplay discussion and not ones which criticize the community.


Thank you. We've closed this thread.

Edited by Zilrota
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