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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

"Bugs" are blown out of proportion...


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...and the people that are overreacting and over-reaching are the types that sit around on a forum all day.


Because when I zone into a Flashpoint, I fall through the world, then crash requiring a restart, and then it resets ALL of my in game settings. That isn't a big deal or anything....

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I mean, I don't know. It's had game breaking bugs (Taris memory leak yeah!) and that is, in my opinion, on par with the bug in FO:NV that permanently locked your character out of the strip. They'd both force you to essentially start over again, the only difference is that thankfully MMO producers patch their game quickly. Even single player games do that though, there just tends to be less urgency because they already have your money. People pretty much hammered Obsidian for just that bug alone though there were obviously others (just as there are in TOR).'


But people need to not be afraid of that. MMO launches are buggy, this is the experience. If you came into this expecting something else you weren't prepared. They'll probably fix the bugs relatively quickly, but running a MMO is a monumental task. We should continue to criticize and point out these bugs/flaws so the game can get better, and when we refuse to acknowledge their existence all that happens is that a bunch of people having them become extremely exasperated.


So stop fighting it, just as people should stop expecting this game to launch with no flaws. I know you're probably trying to help, but you're actually hurting.

Edited by Excedrin
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BECAUSE YOU ARE SUB-40. How many times do we have to say this. 40+ was tested for less than a month before the game was released. It is a completely different game.


what 40+ bugs are you talking about. I raided eternity vault just fine yesterday.

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Only in TOR is the community elitist enough to demand that they get all the bugs.


Sorry. You have to be 40+ to get bugs and have the right to complain about them.


Inb4: Bugscore


LFM Daily raid. 6300+ bugscore only. PST.

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Only in TOR is the community elitist enough to demand that they get all the bugs.


Sorry. You have to be 40+ to get bugs and have the right to complain about them.


Inb4: Bugscore


LFM Daily raid. 6300+ bugscore only. PST.


The great thing about Bugscore is that its abbreviation is BS, which most of its users would be full of.

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Agreeable. People call silly glitches game breaking. Game breaking is where it is literally unplayable, as in you can't log in.


Taris memory leak

FPS issues

Loading screen stuck at 50%


I know I'm forgetting some others here


It's OK that there are some bugs here. A silly glitch is my mouse pointer becoming invisible until I click around when I zone in to a flashpoint, no one cares about that nonsense. The above are actually big deals, though I believe they are either fixed or will be fixed soon.

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No you didn't.



I've never heard anyone complain about "game breaking" bugs in game. Nor have I or any of my friends experienced any. The bugs that do occur are fixed with quick patches, as evidenced by the last couple put out in consecutive days to alleviate minor bugs.


Proportion: It's blown.


A lot of Bounty Hunters can't even finish their Class Quest; I'd say that's game breaking


Then you have game breaking bugs like falling through the world, getting stuck on terrain, etc.

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Taris memory leak

FPS issues

Loading screen stuck at 50%


I know I'm forgetting some others here


It's OK that there are some bugs here. A silly glitch is my mouse pointer becoming invisible until I click around when I zone in to a flashpoint, no one cares about that nonsense. The above are actually big deals, though I believe they are either fixed or will be fixed soon.


Those three are not game breaking. They're very annoying for your gameplay experience, but not game breaking.

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No, the bugs are not blown out of proportion. Many of them are litereally game-breaking


Game-Breaking issues is one of the reasons I cancelled on January/4/2012


man, I have to commend you for being the Gandhi of trolls on these forums.


you always hop on the threads that you can stick your foot into and throw in your "January/4/2012" without too much drama. and so adamant about it too.


you should relax a little and go do something to lighten up. all this passive trolling can bring you down big time. i know i have my quirks with the game, and i really want it to be better, but staying in front of the PC 24/7 preaching your "January/4/2012" is probably causing you more grief than good.


heck, i'll even mail you a box of girl scout cookies if it'll cheer you up a bit. :)

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A lot of Bounty Hunters can't even finish their Class Quest; I'd say that's game breaking


Then you have game breaking bugs like falling through the world, getting stuck on terrain, etc.


TOR is the only game where you fall through a map? lol. I've fallen thru maps raiding in WoW tons of time. Never got upset. It's a game.


Bugs are blown out of proportion by whiny kids with a false sense of entitlement and too much time on their hands. Game is fine.


Funny how I never hear anyone in game complain. Only on the fourms hahahahahah.

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Those three are not game breaking. They're very annoying for your gameplay experience, but not game breaking.


Taris memory leak means I could not literally play my sorceror while it was happening, that is game breaking.


If your FPS is at 1 or less you cannot effectively play the game. That is gamebreaking.


If your load bar gets stuck at 50% when you try to log in, you cannot play the game. That is gamebreaking.


Come on now, let's call a spade a damn spade.

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I bet if there was a bug that gave us the full collectors edition of the game for the price of the digital delux edition, they'd have it fixed within a day.



They sure as hell wouldn't just rename the collector's edition as digital delux, like they did by switching medium to high in the graphics settings.


Nope, they'd have a full fix within a day. ;) Think about it.

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Taris memory leak means I could not literally play my sorceror while it was happening, that is game breaking.


If your FPS is at 1 or less you cannot effectively play the game. That is gamebreaking.


If your load bar gets stuck at 50% when you try to log in, you cannot play the game. That is gamebreaking.


Come on now, let's call a spade a damn spade.


Constant 102 FPS. Never had an issue loading. Calling bs.

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We appreciate you taking the time to express your thoughts and concerns, but will be closing this thread, as there is little room for constructive discussion. We encourage you to make threads about specific game-related topics if you like and wish you the best.



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