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You know you played to mutch Swtor when...


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Lets get one off these funny threads going :) i'll start.


You know you played to mutch Swtor when in conversations you w8 for 3 choices to come upp.


You know you played to mutch Swtor when you leave the toilet seat upp to gain dark side points.


You know you played to mutch Swtor when .... and so on :D


Lets get starting.

Edited by Bakedlol
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When you try to respond to something your friend says to you, but only your other friend hears you.


When you think you need to get on the freeway with your car just so you can get something out of the trunk.


When you think you're not allowed to put cloths on because you didn't have strong feelings about something in either direction.


When everyone is much blurrier than the environment you live in.


When you go to the store but can't ask the clerk for what you want because you think you need to select it off of a list.


When you hope everything will be fixed in 6 months, and actually do notice the problems unlike the idiot next to you, but have more patience than the other idiot next to you.

Edited by Khechari
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