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Were those that predicted this game being a failure months ago just clairvoyant?


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Or were they beta testers who wrote carefully of their opinion without breaking their NDA? I mean there were a bunch who were spot on. The thing I remember from a year ago is the term space on rails, and no player crafting. I don't recall reading anything about pvp.


The fanboi flames were endless about ANYONE who posted something bad. "It is beta" excuse and "Go back to WoW" was used all the time. All POSTS that were negative or critiquing the game were moved to the OTHER section in the test forums.

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Well are you guys seriuosly impressed so far ?





To everyone on this thread saying this game is "garbage" I ask you, why the hell are you playing the game? Even better, why are you on the forums complaining about it? Go do something else, or go play another game!!! You either enjoy the game, and trust that Bioware will fix what needs fixing, or you move on to a new game and maybe come back once the bugs are ironed out. Good god.

Edited by SkiaTheShade
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The pvp is actually the most complete part of the game, as sad as that is considering it's like half finished.


If the ability delay was fixed (which it will be) then PvP would be a lot better. Other then that I really like PvP.


BTW I am also on Wound in the Force. Fun fact.

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You are comparing this game to games that were released years and years ago. Shouldn't we expect some improvement in all areas. This is the most horribly optimized game that I have ever played. There should be certain aspects that continue to improve. when you go out and buy a new car after 10 years dont you expect it to have more features and less problems than the 10 year old junker you have been driving? Yes. But, as with every MMO there will fan boi's all the way cheering on a mediocre product with no replay ability.


Release issues are relative. Improving the technology does not mean that problems go away. It just simply means that old problems have been resolved, but that new ones have arrived. It was more important that this game accomplished Design Innovations rather than Technical Innovations. Why? Because Design Innovations are the only things that are going to get this genre out of the gutter it's been in for 5 years. Technical Innovations aren't going to do it - AoC proved that.


And if you have problems seeing the Design Innovations in this game, then you simply have no idea what you are talking about, anyway. And frankly, I don't have the time nor the inclination to sit here and list them all for you. It would be pointless anyway, since you'd just argue with me... just because you probably couldn't stand the thought of being wrong. I digress...


I think the problem is you expect too much out of reality. In a perfect world, we COULD expect a game to release without any problems. But, that just isn't so. Stop making absurd expectations, and you'll find you won't be disappointed as much.

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SWTOR is a grind-based mmorpg like all the others.

The only difference is the voice acted, movie-like cutscenes. But the core gameplay is the same as the others.


Comparing it to Skyrim is a joke.


Skyrim has the least depth of all the Elder scrolls series, so story wise, SWTOR is actually better than it.


And to the guy that said "I'm bored", that's how I felt with Rift by this point, not even slightly bored of SWTOR because I'm keeping myself busy by mixing it up.


Problem with Rift at launch was about the most "mixing up" you could do at max level was grind Rift gates, PvP in frustration (now when people complain about balance here, there should have played Rift) or hope I can get a few guildies together to do an instance.



What can I do in SWTOR to kill time?


PvP in less frustration, sure there are imbalances but nowhere near the magnitude of Rift


Flashpoints, easy to get a team for since there is always people hanging around and none of this class discrimination we saw in Rift (rogues being shunned for several months unless they played bard spec)


Crewskill yea sure I can do this while doing other things, but sometimes it's nice to sit back, relax listen to a bit of music and just craft.


Do a buttload of content that I still have, such as heroics and the like all while gaining legacy xp


Space mission dailies, great pewpew escape from ground combat.


Sit in fleet and actually.....chat with people since the community on the Republic side on my server (Jedi Covenant) are actually decent folk, something I could never do in WoW or Rift because the idiot population way outweighed the sensible folk.


Hit up Ilium and go hunting for Imperials, Ilium can be quite active during peak.


Work on affection with my companions


Roll another character to play a different story, safe in the knowledge that I'll still be gaining legacy xp for everything I do.


Go sightseeing and hunting the datacrons I'm missing, knowing it's all adding to my legacy xp progression so it's not wasted time.



Come to think of it, for a game in it's 1.XX SWTOR has a heck of a lot to do compared to every other MMO release I've ever been in.

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To be completely realistic here, compared to most Pay-2-Play MMO's out there, this is top tier. I'm sure it's been said "come on guys, its still new! give it a shot!" But honestly the problem is this. Don't like TOR? Then cancel your sub and leave. Calling me a fanboi? Damn skippy. But seriously here, Graphics, Game-Play (PvE and PvP alike) is much better then those already out there. Sure some are more biased this way or that. So it's a little glitchy, or a little imbalenced. The glitches are to be expected, as with any other game. The imbalance comes from everyone logging into the forums after being stomped on in Huttball all day and complaining how class X is better the class Y which is weaker then class Z. Seriously, it's a new game. A few months and it will be smoothed over a bit. will it ever be perfect? Nope, why? Because everyone's opinions will conflict.

Moral of the Story: Shut up and Play, or just stop playing. No one likes a cry-baby. ;)

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Just amazed at how many of the little things they did do like;

Alts don't show up automatically in your friends list, 1/2 the time I can't even get them to add manually.


No shared storage between alts that I have found


No option to stop companions returning from a mission from shutting down whatever you are doing.


Weapons not showing up in the viewer.


Inspecting other toons gear requires multiple menus, also no way to inspect others companions gear.


How on gods green earth can you not give atleast an option to pick what bg (s) you que for, I hate hutuball and would gladly wait longer if it meant not having to play it.


No clue how badly level 50s in end game pvp would destroy pvp for most players. Also seemly now understanding of how badly group queing destroys balance.


No indication for realm pop imbalance, no incentive to help balance the pop. I may be forced to leave my Empire pvp rp server because almost all I can get for PvP is Huttball. (16 of 17) To be honest I feel punished for preordering and headstart.


PvP class balance is PATHETIC, I mean like designed by someone with 0 time playing any kind of pvp game. The level of cc and burst some classes have is just beyond dumb, with the YEARS they had it is just mind blowing.


To be honest it feels like nobody on the team spent time playing other MMOs to see what they did good and what they did bad. Very sad indeed.

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Single Player content in this game is fine I've already said that. But Rift was better at launch. It had had a better UI, Macros, Skill trees, Graphics, PVP (though they did jack that up), instances were good (not great but good), crafting was better and raids were fine at least as good as what this game has.


If this game didn't have the Star Wars IP there would be less then a third of the people playing it, and it would be free inside of a year. It's that simple.


1. If this game were not Star Wars - it would be a completely different experience altogether. When are you guys going to get this: Bioware designs each of their franchises completely different, on purpose. Mass Effect is totally different than Dragon Age. Dragon Age was the spiritual successor to Baldur's Gate. KOTOR was different than either one, and was the spiritual successor to Neverwinter Nights.


2. This game is only single player, because you choose not to play with someone else. I've been playing with my brother the entire time. We have done every single quest together. We have done every Class Quest together. We have done all FP's together. We PvP together. When he isn't on, I log into an Alt and I play with a friend - always doing something with someone else. This is just as much an MMO as WoW is, or Rift, or any other MMO. Don't blame the game because you are anti-social.


3. Rift was pretty good at launch, I won't say better. But you know... it was a pretty good game. I enjoyed Rift. But the only reason it did so well, was because people were genuinely tired of WoW. They still are. They're just tired of it. And they're tired of these crappy F2P games, that became F2P, because they were crappy in the first place when they were P2P, or because they really offered absolutely nothing different than what you could already find better (at the time), in WoW. Rift is what WoW used to be, right before it became absurd. But... that's the problem - been there, done that. It's a great game, but it's time to move on. TOR is a completely new game to most people. It feels new. It plays differently. It looks different. Anyone who can't see how different it is may be being a little too self-righteous.


4. WoW is suffering right now from a case of, "Working too much on something that was already good." There is such a thing as over-working something to the point that it's just... too much, and WoW did this. It's at the point now where it has already reached it's potential, but they keep throwing crap in there for the sake of having new crap.... and it's tearing away what was good about it. TOR might feel a little "lite" I suppose... but that isn't a bad thing. It's a fresh start, and what is there, has enough to sink your teeth into pretty good. The core game is rock solid. Give it time to grow a minute. What we have in TOR right now is good, dude. I'm telling you, it is so good, you don't even realize it. Just give it a minute, and you're going to see how awesome it will be. I say that, because it's already awesome, and I know Bioware isn't going to give up on it.

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Yeah I'm sure that all the content you listed (which is literally half the damn content in the game) was cobbled together at the last second by some guy scribbling on a bar napkin. Seriously, what delusional world you living in?


Second - name an MMORPG that was released recently that has more and better content than this. Your opinion of 'what a game should be in 2011' is irrelevant if it doesn't exist as an industry standard anywhere.


Third - WoW just put Pandas in.


What delusional world are YOU living in?

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