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I dont understand why do people complain...


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I will say this again even though my throat is getting sore from it. Do not give your opinion on how well a class performs until you reach it's end game comment because at level 28 all classes have very few flaws on the surface...There is an old MMO saying "Nothing you do matters till level cap"...keep that in mind.
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I will say this again even though my throat is getting sore from it. Do not give your opinion on how well a class performs until you reach it's end game comment because at level 28 all classes have very few flaws on the surface...There is an old MMO saying "Nothing you do matters till level cap"...keep that in mind.


Erm, people have been complaning about 20-30, not lvl 50.

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I will say this again even though my throat is getting sore from it. Do not give your opinion on how well a class performs until you reach it's end game comment because at level 28 all classes have very few flaws on the surface...There is an old MMO saying "Nothing you do matters till level cap"...keep that in mind.


Iv seen no one complain about Lvl 50. But Iv seen ppl complain about lvl 20-30, and that is what I cant understand. I never said anything about end-content etc.

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Im currently 28 Lvl Sentinel and I really have no problems with PvE, and I have normal PvP. I dont understand why people complain that the class is bad...


I think most of the problems are being an under-leveled Sentinel or not using the abilities correctly.


There are allot of us on here that leveled all the way with no problems what so ever. Some people have problems and seem to think it is the class. It is wierd that some people have no problems and are capable of taking on large groups of mobs, soloing heroics and taking out equal level champions 1vs1, while some claim to die to regular mobs 4 levels lower. I think honestly that the majority of people that play this class don't even come here to see these forums at all. I try to help out as much as I can, to try and help people come to love their sentinel as much as I do. It really is a great class and if played well, a very powerful class. I will admit their is a high level of skill needed to play this class and playing this class even a little sub par does seem to pose many challenges to many people. Keep enjoying and keep leveling, it never gets any harder.

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Why do people complain? Because it is far easier to do that than it is to actually find and address the problem, whatever that problem may be.


While I too subscribe to the notion that one should not get too deep into discussions of balance until the end-game, when the class is presented as the sum of all it's parts, I also realize that those 49 levels are in the game for a reason. They are the stepping stones towards the end-game and afford inexperienced players the best possible way to gradually learn their class, in and out. If there is a balance problem on the way up, it can only lead to frustration with the class itself... not really the best time to be absorbing new information.


For me, all of my bad experiences with the class boiled down to my decision to ignore my gear. I never really felt as though we lacked the skills necessary to beat any given encounter at the proper level range and I sure haven't felt as though there is anything missing from the class.


People may spout, "Sent needs this, Sent needs that" but I feel as though these are more wants than they are needs. As a whole, I feel the class has been well thought out and certainly has it's niche, both in PVE and PVP. I could think of a dozen things we don't have that would be 'cool' if we did, but each would only serve to take us one step closer to or beyond OP.



tl;dr - QQ is easy, l2p is hard

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Because Tatooine, and to an extent Alderaan, are big difficulty leaps, with little time to adjust.


It's basically Coruscant (Easy mode) -> Taris (Easy mode) -> Nar Shadda (Easy mode) -> Tatooine (WHAT THE FFFFF) -> Alderaan (Okay, this is hard but bearable)

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After doing all the quests on Tython, Coruscant, Taris and Nar-shadaa (with some daily space missions too), however, I was way overleveled for Tatooine. I breezed through it and the bonus series on it with little difficult.


Most of the complaints about Sentinel sucking are from people who are comparing it to other classes. Yes, perhaps Sentinel is not as easy to play or as powerful as other classes. But it's certainly not underpowered or broken to the point that makes it unplayable. Plenty of people are capable and have played Sentinel just fine.


Just because it's not as murderous as Trooper or whatever doesn't mean it's a crap class. That's where I've seen most of the complaints - "I played (Insert Other Class) and it rocks way more than Sentinel so Sentinel is trash."

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Im currently 28 Lvl Sentinel and I really have no problems with PvE, and I have normal PvP. I dont understand why people complain that the class is bad...


I think most of the problems are being an under-leveled Sentinel or not using the abilities correctly.


Because they dont know how to play it, i never called a friend all the way up till lvl 48 when i killed the Emperor....he's the only trouble i've had. Everyone just needs to learn their doggone class..... Sentinels are the bomb, i love mine, he will be my main till they quit making the game :p

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Because they dont know how to play it, i never called a friend all the way up till lvl 48 when i killed the Emperor....he's the only trouble i've had. Everyone just needs to learn their doggone class..... Sentinels are the bomb, i love mine, he will be my main till they quit making the game :p


Thanks for the spolier alert for those who have yet to get there!


IN all honesty, PVE as a sentinel is pretty much a breaze, just keep yourself and doc fairly well geared and you should be good to go all the way to 50.

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