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The SW:TOR EGA program


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That more or less sums up 99% of the forums content atm, yes...


And it is not unexpected, everybody with half a brain knew this was coming (this includes all or most BW/EA employees). Of course people that did not preorder fast enough are pissed because they want to play as well, but they will be quite happy the moment they recieve their start flag ;-) So I guess things are coming along just as BW/EA wanted them, the negative forum feedback was to be expected...


It will be far more interesting to see how servers handle the situation from 20.12. up, if there will be crashed, gigantic queues, etc. - if not, than BW/EA did mostly everything right. But if all these problems exist anyway they will have wasted a lot of effort (and customer goodwill) for nothing ;-)

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Bool IsThePosterInTheGameYet (string PosterName)


If (PosterName == EarlyGameAccess)

Return (True);

else Return (False);




int main ()


bool InGame;

string Spam = "QQ";


InGame = IsThePosterInTheGameYet(Your Name Here!);

While (InGame == False)


Return 0;


Edited by Zannis
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