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I have seen Jedi Knights ace Sorcs.


The issue with PVP is you can "see" lots of things. Skill is the mitigating factor (ESPECIALLY in this game).


Yes.. those bounty hunters are sooooo skilled with only having 2 ability rotation!

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Thank goodness. HERE it is.


BioWare can finally stop wondering where Mike's unintelligible rant is.


lmfao! That made me laugh.. your right. I mean i don't think they care or anything. But i just wanted to tell a story.. you didn't have to read it :p


This guys post is the best by far though. I have no clever reply to him xD

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I have seen Jedi Knights ace Sorcs.


The issue with PVP is you can "see" lots of things. Skill is the mitigating factor (ESPECIALLY in this game).


Bounty hunters spam one button and wreck almost everyone. I beat them but I use almost all my abilities, work my butt off for it, and barely win. They just stand there and shoot un-interuptable rockets using 1 or two buttons the entire battle and almost win. AND top damage every time doing so.

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Mike sounds like he is bad and has no interest in improving himself. :p


If Mike would take a moment to browse the class or pvp forums, Mike might learn that everyone thinks Concealment Operatives are OP (they're not) and that healing is fine (it is, aside from needed UI tweaks.)

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this is my first mmo, but i was pretty sure i would hate pvp since i dont like playing any games online, like call of doodie or starcrap. diablow 2 was prolly the only game i had fun with, and i hated getting ganked in that game too. wish they just made kotor 3... or finished the 2nd one. world bosses, heroics, flahpoints are all fun... still need to tyry ops.


maybe you dont like pvp and u dont know it yet

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lmfao! That made me laugh.. your right. I mean i don't think they care or anything. But i just wanted to tell a story.. you didn't have to read it :p


This guys post is the best by far though. I have no clever reply to him xD


You're an incredibly good sport, Mike. Kudos to you for being flame resistant.

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Bounty hunters spam one button and wreck almost everyone. I beat them but I use almost all my abilities, work my butt off for it, and barely win. They just stand there and shoot un-interuptable rockets using 1 or two buttons the entire battle and almost win. AND top damage every time doing so.


BH are OP, yes yes yes, my point is not every Sorc can beat every 4 people. Random anecdotes about "I saw <class a> beat 1796 other classes!" is pointless.


Context people, context.

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I have not once wrote a post on these forums.




Now that that is fixed i can finally speak my mind.


I'm going to tell you guys a little story of a guy named mike. Who try'd to play a game called STAR WARS THE OLD REPUBLIC!


About a 2 and a half years ago he signed up to join the swtor community. Boy was he stoked for this game to come out.

2 years went by he thought "maybe this game is a troll and never gonna come out" About a week later he got into beta! WOW he was screaming YESS! So he was playing beta he made a commando. He Loved it was so fun! So manyyy people to play with. All his friends got in to way before him. So his friend made a toon with him. They played through. He got to about level 30 and stopped because he didn't wanna ruin anymore of the game.


Early access came about, He ended up finding out that the pre order code he put in, saying it was put in, never actually was put in, due to a website visual glitch. So he didn't get early access until 2 days before launch having to make a new account and re put in his code.


The game then launched he made a Scoundrel. Planning on healing.. Ended up leveling as dps. (pvp server, you know how that works.)

Everything was going fine, besides some "minor" bugs you could say...


Well... yay greens... i guess.. >.>


He hit about level 23, Then started pvping, (what he loves doing..) Really got hit bad by the input-ability lag, that everyone is aware of. Healing being near impossible... NOT LIKE SMUGGLER HEALING IS COMPARABLE TO SAGE OR COMMANDO HEALING ANYWAYS!!!


Ontop of that.. he decided to go dps, Then realized how unbalanced the game was. (He realized it in beta, but figured it would have been fixed by launch)



Can't barely kill anything... Can't barely move... tbh.. Sorcs having there 90 stuns. Everyone haveing a knockback being impossible to stealth close and melee anything. "Hey sorcs where light armor, ima go stealth up and kill him... (use shoot first, he gets out of the knock down.. stun jump away dot, jump away dot. Channel lightening, can't move. Dead." Oh i forgot to say how there more hard to kill then tanks for some reason.

"He attempts a bounty hunter" (shoot first, he gets out of the knock down, knocked me back, Spam's one ability for 3k each hit, im down before i can reach him)


(Smuggler level 46 btw)


So he thinks, lets just make a sentinel.. Lvl's him up, Try's to pvp..

He then finds out same melee crap happens, But even worse... Cant crit for higher then 2k unlike the 3k crits the scoundrel could do (when he could do it.)


Now here he is.. Writing a very long detail'd thread. On why he doesn't know why he keeps playing... Probably because he has faith in his once favorite company. And favorite saga ever made.


Please tell me bioware, what did you do in beta....


Thanks for listening to my story! Let the swtor defender hate on me! GO! :confused:


did you just say you were a scoundrel and couldnt kill anything? i must be going blind

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I often try and avoid doing what I'm about to do but after reading all of... whatever that was, I just can't resist. Far too atrocious to let pass.


Where - Location

Were - Past tense

We're - We are (contraction)

Wear - Don, put on, etc.

Ware - Item for sale or state of caution


Your - Possessive, indication of ownership

You're - You are (a combination of the two words, a contraction)



If you play the game half as well as your (not you're... this is the possessive version) grammar and spelling indicates then I can see how you might be running into issues.

Edited by Gohtak
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GUYS, we are aware of all of these issues and we are working on them. But first, we want to make sure peoples lips move in cut-scenes.


Because entire teams working on a single issue is the key to success with software development... :rolleyes:

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BH are OP, yes yes yes, my point is not every Sorc can beat every 4 people. Random anecdotes about "I saw <class a> beat 1796 other classes!" is pointless.


Context people, context.



I agree more with beaver though. Op.. is more of a factor here then skill right now that is.. but i agree this game will take alot of skill. People can call me bad.. i won't listen to it.. but i know i have alot of work to do.. but by the time you hit 50 you know your class.. or should.. but i just don't understand what im doing wrong.. i do the exact same thing is people in videos and they do it.. we all have the same problems we all can't suck.. im sorry. But i won't be affected by these flames.

Edited by Cryptzorr
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Have you tried teaming up with someone for friendlies to get your rotations and movement down yet? That should help. A big key in this game is interrupts, make sure you're using them.



Don't worry I have a lot of l2p on my agenda too...

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We appreciate hearing feedback from the community, but we ask that you structure your topics of discussion on specific aspects of Star Wars™: The Old Republic™.


For instance regarding ability delays/lag we have an extensive discussion regarding this topic here: Ability Delay -- Character Responsiveness (This will make or break SW:TOR)


We are closing this thread because it lacks a specific topic of discussion and thus has left little room for constructive discussion. Thank You!

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