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Level 25 Legacy - Where's my reward?


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So you come whining on the forums because you failed to notice, the first time, that the feature wasn't implemented yet?


So why did you bother rushing to get it to level 25?


This makes no sense. It's not like they randomly decided to announce it wasn't ready yet when you just dinged 25, it was there THE WHOLE TIME.


nicely said. if you haven't noticed from past threads op likes to complain a lot

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Oh so you can't hit 50? You can't raid? Seems finished to me.


Actually you can't raid some of the time. When I hit level 50 90% of end game dailies were locked out (I had the DS BH bug). When I PvP I absolute wreck anything because I'm in gear that trumps bolster + champion gear by a large margin. While levelling I had to ignore half of Taris because of the memory leak problems. I had to skip Balmorra's bonus series because it was greyed out to me. I had to skip all my companion quests because they didn't function properly. I had to skip most of the space missions because they're not doable (the end game ones) without the 4 'special' items.


The game is unfinished.

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Too bad we can't see post history yet... you guys would see what kind of poster the OP is.


All his threads are bashing the game. Every single one. We can only hope he/she puts his/her money where his/her mouth is coming January 20.


It was 100% clear that the legacy didn't provide any rewards for now. The developers never denied it, it was announced and repeated. Yet the OP powerlevels his to 25. Makes you wonder if he/she didn't do it JUST to be able to whine about it.

Edited by Korrigan
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Actually you can't raid some of the time. When I hit level 50 90% of end game dailies were locked out (I had the DS BH bug). When I PvP I absolute wreck anything because I'm in gear that trumps bolster + champion gear by a large margin. While levelling I had to ignore half of Taris because of the memory leak problems. I had to skip Balmorra's bonus series because it was greyed out to me. I had to skip all my companion quests because they didn't function properly. I had to skip most of the space missions because they're not doable (the end game ones) without the 4 'special' items.


The game is unfinished.


Not unfinished, Plenty of finished games have bugs, not of which you mentioned were game breaking. Taris was fine for me, was through there within the first few days of pre-release. They're changing brackets, also doubt you're as good as you say at pvp. I'd wager my level 25 scoundrel would wreck you. Played bounty hunter to 40 so far, and no companion bugs. I did all the space missions immediately, none of which, impossible, being not good enough for something doesn't make it impossible.

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Too bad we can't see post history yet... you guys would see what kind of poster the OP is.


All his threads are bashing the game. Every single one. We can only hope he/she puts his/her money where his/her month is coming January 20.


Everyone knows the basement dweller when they see it.

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I think this goes in the same category as the people who leveled to 50 in a few days.


All MMOs start with limited endgame because the first thing people do is level, so there lies the focus of the game. The fact that there is a small percentage of people that can't help themselves, doesn't change that. In fact, I see it as a great way to filter these types of people out of the game.


I mean specifically the whiney ones, that should know that the end game is limited upon release but level to 50 in no time anyway, just so they can complain about it.


Hopefully these people will get so upset that they quit and move on to the next game, where they will do exactly the same.


BW have stated from the beginning that the Legacy rewards would come later. You rushed to 25 anyways. This is your problem, not the game's problem.


And as long as you don't know how to spell words like "servant", I wouldn't be asking for special titles, because you'd look ridiculous with your title.

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The legacy is there almost like an AA grind just minus the AA's lol


These things are added to keep people interested once hitting the level cap and to give the company more time to add content through it.


The problem is here, they have basically put in another 25 levels of nothing.


So i can understand why the OP is a bit annoyed, problem is this is just another example why BW should never have been give the Starwars IP.


They have a severe lack of understanding mmos and what players want. Regardless of other companies who didnt have experience when they first started, like EQ,UO etc, back then players didnt expect as much as it was something new and there was nothing to compare it to.


Since those days inovative ways to keep player happy have been introduced by companies launching mmos and most have learnt from previous companies mistakes. Something here though that BW hasnt.


IF a new flying car was invented tomorrow, then i would expect it to have problems early on, my expectations wouldnt be to high, as it was something new and original, that had never been seen before. But 16 years later, if a company released a flying car that took longer than average to create, had more money spent on the design than any other flying car, but which was more buggy than other cars released in the last year and there was nothing inovative about it, no one would want to keep it after trying it. Yeh sure some would have the features in this car that worked and it did what they said, but when loads of people didnt get what they were expecting, they would go elsewhere to buy something that will deliver and highly doubtful they would ever trust that car company again.


In 15 years of playign mmos i have to say i have never played a game where the hype has been so outrageous, the money spent on advertising was huge, only for the mmo to fail to deliver for so many.

Edited by Elgarr
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only for the mmo to fail to deliver for so many.


Let me guess, you have absolutely no figures to support this statement, so really, you are just saying that it failed to deliver for you (and maybe a couple of friends) and want to make it sound more important by replacing "me" with "so many".

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Let me guess, you have absolutely no figures to support this statement, so really, you are just saying that it failed to deliver for you (and maybe a couple of friends) and want to make it sound more important by replacing "me" with "so many".


I have the forum as my proof and the 1000's (or dont you count that as many?) of people who cant play the game because of issues with BW's game, not peoples machine.


So yes, i have plenty of proof, next pointless response?


I take it you are one of these people who dont bother to read the customer support section on the forums to see how ridiculous the responses from CS are to fixing problems?

Heck We fixed a locked account issue for a player last night while CS was saying in the same post "the only way it could be fixed was to ring"lol yeh sure. Thats why we told him just hitting forgot password would resolve it.


Sorry, but if you are going to fight the good fight, at least realise who you are trying to fight for.

Edited by Elgarr
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In 15 years of playign mmos i have to say i have never played a game where the hype has been so outrageous, the money spent on advertising was huge, only for the mmo to fail to deliver for so many.
You must not have played many MMOs during those 15 years then...

I also play MMOs for 15+ years and I've played so many MMOs which release was 1000x worse than SW:TOR it's not even funny anymore.

Is it perfect? Definitely not, and I have yet to see a perfect launch. But it's very far from being the worse, it's actually among the best.


Are you the elgar who was writing cheat/hack programs for Asheron's Call?

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You must not have played many MMOs during those 15 years then...

I also play MMOs for 15+ years and I've played so many MMOs which release was 1000x worse than SW:TOR it's not even funny anymore.

Is it perfect? Definitely not, and I have yet to see a perfect launch. But it's very far from being the worse, it's actually among the best.


Are you the elgar who was writing cheat/hack programs for Asheron's Call?


I am afraid i am not that elgar (they are one R i am 2)


Its not the launch, as much as the system to try and fix it for people, they knew this game wa sincomplete and had serious problems before it was launched, but they didnt take on more staff, because they were a slave to EA and just like Vanguard was because of sony, rushed out way to early.


In 15 years this is the worst for the time it took to make and the money spent on it, this has to be the most expensive mmo to make to date, so from that point, it is defo the worse.

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It said from day 1 "Coming Soon" so who's fault is it that you levelled something that wasn't there?


If it caught you by surprise then I fear for you.


Also my bro now has 2 lvl 50 chars and he's only legacy 12 or 13 yet the lad has pretty much no lifed this game since launch.


God knows what you'd actually have to do to get legacy 25 by this point.

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I didn't wade through all the pages of responses but wow well done on getting that far.


I agree that it does seem pointless to have put in place a system that currently does nothing that various people are already earning legacy points towards.


It also makes me think it's not likely to do anything amazing by the time they do get round to implementing it.


Some areas seem to have only half heartedly have been throught out, like the CE and VIP vendors and the legacy system.


I love the game and am enjoying levelling my main and alts. I've barely hit legacy 1 so I've got a long way to go :D

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I recently hit level 25 legacy. This requires, largely, farming the following amount of legacy points:


244,500 x 25 = 6,112,500


Where's my reward. Implementing something which is pointless and saying "it will be implemented later" is poor form in my honest opinion. I'd rather the legacy system be disabled because when it goes live, I'm going to have a large advantage over everyone because of my legacy level.


PS: for level 25 legacy I'd like all my alts to start with the title "Servent of Clarissa" [main char name]


All I have to say is, screen shot or it didn't happen. I have a guy in my guild that leveled his first 50 in 4 days 10 hours, and has been on non-stop ever since early access and he's only level 10 legacy.

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All I have to say is, screen shot or it didn't happen. I have a guy in my guild that leveled his first 50 in 4 days 10 hours, and has been on non-stop ever since early access and he's only level 10 legacy.


He's bad. I hit level 50 in 2 days 19 hours.

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When will people learn that Cranberries actually loves the game and is only trolling you when he writes all of these complaints? If he's playing enough to get to Legacy 25, then he's clearly enjoying himself.


Or just lying.

Edited by MaverickXIV
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