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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Level 25 Legacy - Where's my reward?


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So far it's just a last name and ... well, you level in it, but nobody knows what comes from that leveling yet.


You are now officially up to speed.


And Bioware made no indicate it was anything OTHER than that. From the in-game descritpion from the Legacy tab:



You have created your Legacy. Further Legacy features coming soon.

Coming soon: Advance your Legacy and unlock unique Legacy Powers and Legacy Character Creation Options! All Legacy Levels earned now will be used when these features are activated


Point to me where "When you have achieved legacy level 25 something amazing will happen" is indicated in that description.

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Yes, we see you jumping up and down and waving your arms, saying "Look at me!".


Asking "where's my reward?" in an open forum is foolish and immature.


You are getting your just desserts.


No it's not foolish or immature, they're just asking what's the point of putting out an incomplete system?

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I recently hit level 25 legacy. This requires, largely, farming the following amount of legacy points:


244,500 x 25 = 6,112,500


Where's my reward. Implementing something which is pointless and saying "it will be implemented later" is poor form in my honest opinion. I'd rather the legacy system be disabled because when it goes live, I'm going to have a large advantage over everyone because of my legacy level.


PS: for level 25 legacy I'd like all my alts to start with the title "Servent of Clarissa" [main char name]


I hope you are lying.


If you are not, I feel truly sorry for you and recommend that you seek therapy immediately. I'm being completely serious.

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You'd prefer not having the ability to earn the exp at all?


I wouldn't.


I would, because the numbers will be artificially inflated once the rest of Legacy is released because the average experienced player will be about level 10.


Alternatively, they could have not piled on another feature so late in development and focused on the rest of their systems to help raise the bar. Who knows, maybe they'd spend the time designing that flashy experience bar on a user-friendly AH UI instead. BW bit off more than they could chew by trying to implement so much and it bit them on the butt when they have to release this.

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You guys do know he's trolling you, right?


The system does need to be implemented asap. Having a placeholder message isn't satisfactory imo.


I call BS on lvl 25 legacy though. You don't get any legacy points until chapter 1 of your first toon. That's about lvl 32. Legacy points iirc are 1/6 of regular XP.


I hit lvl 50 now and have capped out legacy at lvl 6.5...actually if it's true that the OP has 2x lvl 50's it does sound possible if highly unlikely.


Regardless of whether the OP is lying or not though the point remains, Legacy needs to be implemented asap imo.

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This is by far the biggest display of egocentric ******** I have ever seen in the 6 years I'm playing MMORPG's now. Who gives a flying **** that you leveled a system not implemented yet, or the fact that you claim to be the best BH ever. I honestly do not believe that, most skilled top 3 players don't brag constantly like you do. And besides that, good job on playing over 16 hours a day, probably. Goodjob on leveling a system not implemented yet, and you know it. Expecting a reward for that is like washing a car that just got washed and then asking for 10 dollar. I'm sorry but can you please just **** and continue to get to legacy level 500 so you can stroke your e-peen afterwards. Thank you.


Sincerely, a person who doesn't like you, has never met you, and most likely will 5 shot you at any given time. Now please, go discuss why water is wet, because that's what you're doing here, you're ************ and moaning about something you know is not implemented yet, yet you decide to be an e-badazz and whine for a reward anyway. Please, do humanity a favor and just delete your characters and do it all over again. Should give us some time to recover from the insane amount of **** I just read coming from your forum account

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Assuming legacy is purely cosmetic, that's fine. I get to be unique for a while. Assuming it affects gameplay (it might happen, BW have very little knowledge how to deal with MMOs as is) I'll have a huge advantage over everyone. I am confident I'm better than 99% of players anyway, I don't need any huge advantages to do what I can do without them. It's boring if I win by too much.


The system, imo, should either be reset when it goes live or simply disabled until it can go live. As is you'll have a bunch of people who farmed the crap out of it (read: me) get some huge advantage they shouldn't have.




This made the thread for me! I mean cmon guys how can you even take this guy seriously I mean did you read that part? This has to be one of the funniest thing I've read in a while. Better than 99% , rofl that is some sad attempt at rationalization excessive time spent on the game:rolleyes:.


Dont take this guy seriously he's obviously bored to death and seek attention .

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Why even bother with a "system" that is nothing but a giant placeholder of fail? Can't even call the system broken because the system never had anything attached to it to start with. YAY! It gives me a last name! And forces me to choose one even if I never wanted to use the sum***** in the first place because maybe I find it hard to believe that my Chiss, Human, and Sith characters are all *********** related.


Have you noticed that if your alt gets invited in a guild it automatically receives the same guild rank as your main?


That's just the start of the legacy system and it's possibilities.

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You should stop crying, All I have been getting is level 5 of patchs. Just got the game, and installed it from a CD which corrupted files. So the online had to patch the corrupted files first then the patchs. It took about 12 hours to install. Then the next day, we had a another patch,:eek: yeppy!:eek:
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This thread is absolutely ridiculous.


Somebody plays through content in the game. They show that it actually is unfinished garbage, like most things in the game. Then, the drones in the forum swarm and attack the poster telling her to get a life.


Give me a break people, you're on a forum for a Star Wars MMO there's no life to be had by any of you.

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Ummm ... Could be wrong, but maybe "Servant of Clarrisa" would be more appropriate ? Unless you're spelling servant in a different language or something... maybe - Just a pointer, as it would be quite embarrassing running around with something like that ;)


Also would like to know if your actually planning on staying in this game long enough to see the legacy system implimented - judging by your overall tone in your posts and I'm sure I've seen you state it (could be wrong - please do enlighten me if you are), but I thought you were outta here before you started getting billed...


You are right ofc to point out to everyone that the system is not implimented yet & that if you do grind out 25 levels you will have an 'unfair advatage' but ... didn't Bioware themselves state to the players that they were fully aware of the legacy system not really being live aand that it would be coming soon in a content patch ?


Best to probably not harp on about it and reap the rewards when it does go live. If you're here ofc.

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Showers take 10 minutes.


Jogging for 30 minutes is enough exercise.


I have a plethora of clothes to wear.


^____^ anyone else want to insult my rl status when they know nothing about my rl? <3


30 minutes of exercise a day is not "enough". If that's all you get I am sorry. I'm sure you will have a healthy future ahead of you.

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I doubt the Legacy does anything to affect gameplay. As to your whining about the Legacy system: "Wah, wah, wah...I got to level 25 legacy expecting to get something!...even though when I got to level 2 legacy I didn't get anything...and at level 3 same thing, level 4, 5, 6, etc...So I got all the way to 25 JUST TO COMPLAIN" (brag).

just **** and stop complaining (bragging)

l2p this epic game called Life.

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30 minutes of exercise a day is not "enough". If that's all you get I am sorry. I'm sure you will have a healthy future ahead of you.


30 minutes of exercise per day is the bare minimum.


Bare minimum is fine. SWTOR is a bare minimum, and people are fine with that. ;)

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The reason the legacy system is already in is because of legacy names.

The fact that your legacy name has to be unique aswell, means that it's a nice advantage for the people who leveled up fast to have much more freedom to choose what they want, rather than letting everyone compete to get just the one they think is shiny when the implementation of rewards comes later on.


So basicly, the reward, for now, is that you had a better chance of getting your first choice of legacy name.

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30 minutes of exercise per day is the bare minimum.


Bare minimum is fine. SWTOR is a bare minimum, and people are fine with that. ;)


Some people are more than fine still spending 8 hours a day on a game they know to be incomplete and buggy.


I'm not saying I'm a better person than anyone but I value my time enough to hit level 50 and realize the game is trash and put it on the shelf until they do something with it.


I hit level 50 on one character. Legacy level 8. Centurion/Champion epics in every slot.


Unsubbed and put on the shelf. I will still be at a competitive level if they ever decide to fix the game. If not... Who cares I didn't waste any time after I knew the game to be hollow at endgame.

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I'm 400 Biochem, 400 Bioanalysis, 400 Diplomacy - this was after I dropped my 400 Cybertech, 400 Scavenging and 400 Slicing.


I'm full epic.



haha i lol'd so much at " I'm Full Epic "

best laugh of the weekend


the thing is u really really believe you are,


i know... get it tatooed on ur a s s then walk down the steet butt naked so we can all laugh at you.

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I recently hit level 25 legacy. This requires, largely, farming the following amount of legacy points:


244,500 x 25 = 6,112,500


Where's my reward. Implementing something which is pointless and saying "it will be implemented later" is poor form in my honest opinion. I'd rather the legacy system be disabled because when it goes live, I'm going to have a large advantage over everyone because of my legacy level.


PS: for level 25 legacy I'd like all my alts to start with the title "Servent of Clarissa" [main char name]


I think you might want to go outside and take a break.


Anyways, patience young padawan.

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and you wonder why people say your mmo is bad


this would not fly in any other genre of game. why should it fly here?


this game has been in development for three years and they have released with so many bugs, bad design ideas, incomplete systems and a terribly optimised engine that i would forgive somebody for thinking that the game was rushed out the door.


When did this become *my* MMO?


Did I hit the jackpot and nobody told me? Sweet!


As for the three years of development - go soak your head. You clearly haven't a clue.

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The reason the legacy system is already in is because of legacy names.

The fact that your legacy name has to be unique aswell, means that it's a nice advantage for the people who leveled up fast to have much more freedom to choose what they want, rather than letting everyone compete to get just the one they think is shiny when the implementation of rewards comes later on.


So basicly, the reward, for now, is that you had a better chance of getting your first choice of legacy name.


Legacy names are not unique.

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30 minutes of exercise a day is not "enough". If that's all you get I am sorry. I'm sure you will have a healthy future ahead of you.


30 minutes of dedicated exercise is plenty and the vast, vast, very very vast majority of people do not get even close to that.


Please ride your high horse off into the sunset. Careful you don't get dizzy from the oxygen loss.

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