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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Level 25 Legacy - Where's my reward?


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cran's not trying to impress you, he's trying to point out that an incomplete feature was released explicitly for the purpose of grinding and that it'll come back to bite BW on the *** when they finally do release legacy features because people like him will have already grinded(ground?) it out to level 25




got in on 14th dec. Am level 25 by 6th Jan. Didn't play 23rd - 28th, so I've played a total of 18 days. 18 days for level 25 legacy. Legacy doesn't increase in EXP per level (it's about +1000 more, but that's it), so in 54 days I'll be level 100 legacy. This is totally broken.

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I'm 400 Biochem, 400 Bioanalysis, 400 Diplomacy - this was after I dropped my 400 Cybertech, 400 Scavenging and 400 Slicing.


I'm full epic.



Quick, turn off the computer, take a shower, change your clothes and GO OUTSIDE.

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Quick, turn off the computer, take a shower, change your clothes and GO OUTSIDE.


Showers take 10 minutes.


Jogging for 30 minutes is enough exercise.


I have a plethora of clothes to wear.


^____^ anyone else want to insult my rl status when they know nothing about my rl? <3

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Dear Cranberries,


Please find enclosed your special own imaginary friend. S/he loves you very much and wants you to be happy. Unfortunately, you will not be able to interact with your special imaginary friend until you reach Legacy level 100.


Thank you.


PS. no MMORG is ever finished. If you can't stand half-completed stuff, you should quit now, cause it's going to be half-completed until the day they unplug the servers the final time.

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cran's not trying to impress you, he's trying to point out that an incomplete feature was released explicitly for the purpose of grinding and that it'll come back to bite BW on the *** when they finally do release legacy features because people like him will have already grinded(ground?) it out to level 25


I love it when people point out the reason for a post so I don't have to. :D

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The system is stupid. I'm level 25 and have NOTHING for it. It's the definition of unrewarding. It's totally broken, well that's unfair - it's not broken ... It's ... not finished. You shouldn't implement something half complete.


(though the aforemention sentence would mean SWTOR wouldn't be released as of yet :/)


So you'd rather the experience portion wasn't in now and you'd have to grind out that twenty-five levels when they do put it in without the benefit of getting the legacy experience that you gained while leveling post Act I?


Would I rather have a working Legacy system right now? Sure. However, if it wasn't fully ready to go I'd rather be getting the experience right now and then be able to use it when it comes out as opposed to having to grind out the experience when they do release the benefits.


It's a smart design choice.

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Showers take 10 minutes.


Jogging for 30 minutes is enough exercise.


I have a plethora of clothes to wear.


^____^ anyone else want to insult my rl status when they know nothing about my rl? <3


We know one thing: your RL doesn't seem to involve much that isn't playing SWTOR!


So is Legacy lvl 25 the cap? Hope it goes much, much higher at some point. It should be the kind of thing that is a long term, nearly impossible to obtain goal (like, I dunno, 100 billion legacy points). Even if it gives pathetic bonuses like +1 power/legacy level, it's still something to shoot for someday.

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Showers take 10 minutes.


Jogging for 30 minutes is enough exercise.


I have a plethora of clothes to wear.


^____^ anyone else want to insult my rl status when they know nothing about my rl? <3


I will, it's called AUTOIT. I seriously doubt you PLAYED up to that legacy level. But I would believe you botted to it.

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So you'd rather the experience portion wasn't in now and you'd have to grind out that twenty-five levels when they do put it in without the benefit of getting the legacy experience that you gained while leveling post Act I?


Would I rather have a working Legacy system right now? Sure. However, if it wasn't fully ready to go I'd rather be getting the experience right now and then be able to use it when it comes out as opposed to having to grind out the experience when they do release the benefits.


It's a smart design choice.


It's not. Bioware will have to apply rewards for level 100, 150, 200 legacy. I could -easily- hit level 100 legacy (playing as I am now) in 54 days. Hell I could play double the time and get it in 28 days. That's why it's broken. I can get a large advantage over anyone and render the system useless because of how easy it is to level.

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I recently hit level 25 legacy. This requires, largely, farming the following amount of legacy points:


244,500 x 25 = 6,112,500


Where's my reward. Implementing something which is pointless and saying "it will be implemented later" is poor form in my honest opinion. I'd rather the legacy system be disabled because when it goes live, I'm going to have a large advantage over everyone because of my legacy level.


PS: for level 25 legacy I'd like all my alts to start with the title "Servent of Clarissa" [main char name]


Do you do anything other than rush to 50, claim to be the most elite bounty hunter out there, and complain on the forums about how there is A. not that many people at 50 yet, and B. that the legacy system is not fully in place yet?


I need to stop reading your constant negativity.


Do you sleep? Have a job? Family? Friends outside of TOR? Seriously stop and smell the roses from time to time.

Edited by drakedge
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It's not. Bioware will have to apply rewards for level 100, 150, 200 legacy. I could -easily- hit level 100 legacy (playing as I am now) in 54 days. Hell I could play double the time and get it in 28 days. That's why it's broken. I can get a large advantage over anyone and render the system useless because of how easy it is to level.


And if the system offers nothing more than cosmetic rewards or lowered cooldowns on Quick Travel or Fleet Pass, your entire argument is invalid.

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Remember...an MMO is NEVER done. I for one am quite happy they didn't postpone the launch with the Legacy System incomplete. I'm enjoying the accpects of the game that are in game...not really sweating what isn't there yet.


Relax...go level an alt.

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Do you do anything other than rush to 50, claim to be the most elite bounty hunter out there, and complain on the forums about how there is A. not that many people at 50 yet, and B. that the legacy system is not fully in place yet?


I need to stop reading your constant negativity.


I'm probably one of the most end game established BHs out there. Most of the top end guilds are Republic (do they get an advantage? idk.), and very few are Empire so I think I'm among the top few BHs. Purely speculation.

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Remember...an MMO is NEVER done. I for one am quite happy they didn't postpone the launch with the Legacy System incomplete. I'm enjoying the accpects of the game that are in game...not really sweating what isn't there yet.


Relax...go level an alt.


I have 2 level 50s. I'm fine with alts.

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