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Can Immortal Jugs solo Champions/hard elites easy at 30+?


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Yea im just wondering how you guys do at lvls 30+ when it comes to fighting champions ect. I read the bounty hunter/trooper forums and they all go on about how they can solo champions ect and dont drop below 80% health with their healing companion ect and im wondering if its the same for a immortal jug? or do you guys have a harder time?


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At 40, I can solo elites and never dip below 90% or so (with Quinn), but champions and bosses are a different ball game. Depending on the type of encounter (they are typically different), some I can leave the battle with close to 100%, some I leave the battle barely alive with all of my CD's blown. Either way, my health will spike.
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It depends...


I just solo'd a 4man heroic mission on Taris with Quinn, the mission was the same level as me, 36. To be fair it was one of the easier ones.


1v1 I can take on pretty much any elite or champion.


In groups, if the mobs do only mele/blaster dmg which you can parry/deflect; with good cool down management, yes.


If there are alot of force users, with elemental/internal damage; most likely no.

Edited by Skarrzog
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Yea im just wondering how you guys do at lvls 30+ when it comes to fighting champions ect. I read the bounty hunter/trooper forums and they all go on about how they can solo champions ect and dont drop below 80% health with their healing companion ect and im wondering if its the same for a immortal jug? or do you guys have a harder time?



Mob difficulty in this game is very relative and can be totally different between two different champion mobs od the same level.


Having said that, there is absolutely no way you are going to pull this off as either Veng or Rage so Immortal is as good as soloing champs gets for Juggs.

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Having said that, there is absolutely no way you are going to pull this off as either Veng or Rage so Immortal is as good as soloing champs gets for Juggs.


Well, speaking from the Vengeance point of view, I am not sure what you're basing this on. I have been playing a Vengeance Juggernaut since beta, and I can solo champions just fine (I'm level 41 now). Some are very doable, others require medium to heavy use of my CD's. Still, as a well-equipped character with Quinn as my backup, I have had no real trouble thusfar.


I'm sure there are champion-class enemies out there that I cannot solo, just as I'm sure other classes / specs can do it with much more ease, but to say that there's no way to pull it off as a Vengeance Juggernaut does not hold true. Not in my case at least.


Edit: upon re-reading your post, it appears to me that you might have stated it's not possible for Vengeance Juggernauts to pull off taking out a champion with more than 80% of their health intact. Regardless, my point as a reaction to the OP still stands!

Edited by -SWA-
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