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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

High resolution textures: can we get a clarification on this?


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I think alot of the players came from WoW, so they think anything made in the last 5 years is "high res".

Problem is, WoW has better texture clarity, my gf is playing it 5 feet away right this second.


Ok..so if they turn on high res textures my toon will look a little better all the time while everything else is the same.


This is the heated doomsday argument? Slightly better character textures? Wow..

I think of it as going from "horrible" to "acceptable" - but not all of us have the mighty 5770. Some of us are still stuck with a plain old 6950.

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Reid doesn't post on the forums unless forced, he hangs out on Twitter all day and expects the community to come to him. And he last posted yesterday, Saturday, part of the weekend. But he locks his account when he goes away so tweets to him don't show. Real professional.


Eh to be fair im on salary and I would be damned if I came in or did anything work related on weekends. But still, if you are a community manager, you should probably be available on weekends, to ya know "Deal with the community" when the majority of folks are playing. Crazy right?

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He would look twice as good, so will everyone else in the game. Be them NPCs or actual players. Its a fair amount of characters that get involved.


e- They do have people that work trough the weekend making sure the servers dont blow up, making sure the forums dont descend into utter chaos. The thing is that none of them can make a statement in regards to this. We wont be getting a statement first thing tomorrow either. The community guys first have to go to the devs/marketing whatever and ask them "Hey they are getting pretty restless with this issue. What can I tell them?" And the devs will tell them exactly what to say to us.


Twice as good is your opinion, not mine. I realize it is all character textures in the game whether it is myself, a friend or an NPC. I don't see a big enough difference though, which is probably why they are not fixing it.

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Twice as good is your opinion, not mine. I realize it is all character textures in the game whether it is myself, a friend or an NPC. I don't see a big enough difference though, which is probably why they are not fixing it.


Well you know what they say about folks with low expectations....

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Well you know what they say about folks with low expectations....


Well my experience is 12 years of MMO gaming and 7 years of WoW. Obviously I don't need to mention my experience with other genres as that does not pertain to MMOs.

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Look, this screenshot of mine is a perfect example of the inconsistencies in the graphics. As you can see Khem looks perfectly detailed yet I do not. The surrounding environment is perfect, and my game never lags at all. Yet at a random moment Khem will also become washed out again as will details on flags, walls, etc. at random times. Something is just not stable here.



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Twice as good is your opinion, not mine. I realize it is all character textures in the game whether it is myself, a friend or an NPC. I don't see a big enough difference though, which is probably why they are not fixing it.


No, they will look twice as good. Or sharp, or detailed, whatever word you want to use. The files are being compressed to be half their original size.

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Well you know what they say about folks with low expectations....


If you look back a few pages at one of his early replies, he states he just upgraded after playing games up until now ( and Wow is his main game he was playing, go figure ) on a 10 year old computer.


So to him, anything above Runescape is a "high res" texture now.


It's like a legally blind person having corrective surgery and the first thing they see is a show on an old analog television and they scream "It's beautiful!", not realizing they haven't seen the HDTV in the hall yet.

Edited by Zorvan
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yes lightning can have a drastical impact on how you perceive details.

ignorance blinded you perhaps.


True the lightning can have an impact, and it does. I'm guessing that clicking the holoterminal tells the game to prep for the conversation, which not only changes the lighting but also brings in high res textures. Both things are happening, but the textures out of conversation are definitely not high res. The difference in the textures is staggering and not just a product of a different light source... it's different textures altogether.


Oh, and there is no need to be rude just because you can't see the difference.

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Well my experience is 12 years of MMO gaming and 7 years of WoW. Obviously I don't need to mention my experience with other genres as that does not pertain to MMOs.


SO what would that be? EQ? Youre just a baby to MMOs then my friend.


Experience in playing the game, doesnt mean much when we are talking about knowing bad textures when you see them.

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Beta seemed different. Ive noticed this since I began playing on release. I thought something had changed with my graphics card drivers or maybe my system had some other technical problem. Ive tried quite a few things wondering why it doesnt look the same as it used too.


Thanks for the post, this now confirms it, and perhaps explains why.

Edited by Redorbz
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SO what would that be? EQ? Youre just a baby to MMOs then my friend.


Experience in playing the game, doesnt mean much when we are talking about knowing bad textures when you see them.


My MMO experience includes more than 10 different games in the genre. Please do not make silly assumptions like that. It will never hold up my friend ^^

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You have no idea why I said that or what I meant. Your purpose of quoting me and your point is not valid.

You're are not so inscrutable, and this happened like ten minutes ago - you were talking about an in-game screen comparison - quoting this post:


Ignore the lighting, its the texture on the paper doll. One is fuzzy and blurred whilst the other is crisp and defined.


Pay close attention to the detail of the vest lining and the two round decorations, if you are capable of this then you should have no trouble observing the other detail discrepancies.




i5 2500k @ 4.5 Ghz

8000 MB ram @1600 MHz

HD 6950 @ 880/1330


EDIT: Here is one JUST for you Aisar with the same lighting condition



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You're are not so inscrutable, and this happened like ten minutes ago - you were talking about an in-game screen comparison - quoting this post:


If I try to accumulate every statement or opnion I have made today in this thread I would summarize it like this..


In a nuteshell, if you have a system capable of running the game with the CURRENT graphics capabilities of the game, it looks great. The "movie quality cutscene character models" (yeah I made that up) are not much better IMO to what it looks like 24/7. More customers for BW.


There ya go.

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My MMO experience includes more than 10 different games in the genre. Please do not make silly assumptions like that. It will never hold up my friend ^^


Oh wow, TEN you say? Thats just crazy. /sarcasm


Just off the top of my head...


(Lots of MUDS)

Merid 59

Neverwinter Nights(Original)







City of H/V

Auto Assault

Fallen Earth











And thats just the ones I remember..


My point being your "MMO Experience" means nothing, good luck putting that on a resume. I'm sure the hiring manager will be impressed.

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Lol Oddzball - you have too much time on your hands :) But seriously folks, it doesn't really matter how many MMOs (and ESPECIALLY Muds) you have played when it comes to judging texture quality. At the very least, it's clear that both WoW and Lotro have better textures right this second, and that the "high" texture detail setting on SWTOR results in washed out character textures all over the place.


It should be noted that some textures degrade worse than others - Jedi robes, with the frilly detailwork look especially bad.

Edited by eskachig
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Oh wow, TEN you say? Thats just crazy. /sarcasm


Just off the top of my head...


(Lots of MUDS)

Merid 59

Neverwinter Nights(Original)







City of H/V

Auto Assault

Fallen Earth











And thats just the ones I remember..


My point being your "MMO Experience" means nothing, good luck putting that on a resume. I'm sure the hiring manager will be impressed.


First of all I will never work another day in my life and I will live comfortably until the end of my days. Secondly I have played every one of those except, well the ones that were probably so bad i have never even heard of them. what is earthrise or..heck some of those I would probably not play.


Here is a real list,


Dark Age of Camelot

Anarchy Online

Asheron's Call

Asheron's Call 2


Everquest 2

City of Heroes


Lord of the Rings Online

World of Warcraft

Warhammer Online



Final Fantasy XI

Ragnarok Online


And Im sure I missed one. Measuring this kind of stuff is silly, I would rather not be reminded about how much time I spend gaming ^^

Edited by Aisar
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Lol Oddzball - you have too much time on your hands :) But seriously folks, it doesn't really matter how many MMOs (and ESPECIALLY Muds) you have played when it comes to judging texture quality. At the very least, it's clear that both WoW and Lotro have better textures right this second, and that the "high" texture detail setting on SWTOR results in washed out character textures all over the place.


It should be noted that some textures degrade worse than others - Jedi robes, with the frilly detailwork look especially bad.


I have an addiciton.


You know how AVGN plays ****** games?


I play ****** MMOs, well all MMOs really.


I cant help it.

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Oh wow, TEN you say? Thats just crazy. /sarcasm


Just off the top of my head...


(Lots of MUDS)

Merid 59

Neverwinter Nights(Original)







City of H/V

Auto Assault

Fallen Earth











And thats just the ones I remember..


My point being your "MMO Experience" means nothing, good luck putting that on a resume. I'm sure the hiring manager will be impressed.



.........how in the world can you still play MMO's. Half your life will be wasted away pressing buttons on a keyboard looking at a monitor screen. You don't get that time back. :-(

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