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High resolution textures: can we get a clarification on this?


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The textures are the same, they have a hidden call in a .dll that compresses textures to half their intended size outside of cutscenes. So to "fix" this problem bioware just needs to give us an option to turn this thing off. The problem is that they wont because its a really simple solution and they would have done it if that was the only issue.


The client probably cant handle a lot of players on screen at the same time with larger armor textures. So theres a good chance that they'll never "fix" this problem, because its not a problem. Its a design decision by the developers trying to keep their clients from blowing up. (because they cant properly code things without huge memory leaks)


I think this is 100% true. I don't think the Hero Engine handles loading of player character textures well and this is their solution. The poor loading of player textures is why you see such a fps drop in pvp where many players are on screen at the same time.


What is infuriating is that they think they can just ignore the issue and it will go away. Players, myself included, want high res character texures. An mmo is typically about building a character through stats and upgrades such as armor. Who wants that character to look like a washed out blob of colors.


The deception and avoidance of issues that persist in the game has to stop. It is bad policy. I know that i have cancelled my subscription, not just for this reason alone, but i know i won't even consider renewing in the future until EA/Bioware put the high res textures back in and stops treating their customers like chumps.

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There's no reason for this as you can see that the high rez textures are in the game or your ship, etc. like someone said. Only assume they are nerfing this for early performance issues or some strange other reason. Please don't wait long though, some very mediocre games have very detailed armors and run fine.



I don't want to look like a blob, I want to look like this:




We are paying for this Bioware so please respond.

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There's no reason for this as you can see that the high rez textures are in the game or your ship, etc. like someone said. Only assume they are nerfing this for early performance issues or some strange other reason. Please don't wait long though, some very mediocre games have very detailed armors and run fine.



I don't want to look like a blob, I want to look like this:




We are paying for this Bioware so please respond.


The game looks that good or better for me. Try upgrading your computer to one that can handle the graphics.

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Why? You really think Bioware is not going to fix the hi-rez textures? Otherwise why worry that they might make medium the new high. It's not going to happen because they already said they are working on a fix for this.


Yeah, they said they were working on a fix.


Then suddenly we all see the "fix" of renaming "Medium" to "High" on Public Test.


Is it really that hard for you to comprehend, or should we put it in bedtime storybook form for you?

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Really dude? How about to read the first page of this thread before spewing nonsense.


Actually since I just upgraded my processor, my motherboard, my power supply, my memory and my doubled my cooling capacity, the game is BEAUTIFUL!


I was using a dual-core with a very outdated motherboard/processor but a HD Radeon 5770.


Now im using a "suped" up system and the game went from looking like a 10 year old painted the textures on to what it should be


I know exactly what im talking about, obviously you do not ^^

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Actually since I just upgraded my processor, my motherboard, my power supply, my memory and my doubled my cooling capacity, the game is BEAUTIFUL!


I was using a dual-core with a very outdated motherboard/processor but a HD Radeon 5770.


Now im using a "suped" up system and the game went from looking like a 10 year old painted the textures on to what it should be


I know exactly what im talking about, obviously you do not ^^


Oh I get it, Bioware made High res textures for you and nobody else, because you're special right? Come on dude give me a break :rolleyes:

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The game looks that good or better for me. Try upgrading your computer to one that can handle the graphics.



Then post proof away from holocom and not in a cut scene that it looks that good. Others have said the same yet NONE of them have ever provided a single screenie of proof.

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Actually since I just upgraded my processor, my motherboard, my power supply, my memory and my doubled my cooling capacity, the game is BEAUTIFUL!


I was using a dual-core with a very outdated motherboard/processor but a HD Radeon 5770.


Now im using a "suped" up system and the game went from looking like a 10 year old painted the textures on to what it should be


I know exactly what im talking about, obviously you do not ^^


Screenshot please :eek:

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Oh I get it, Bioware made High res textures for you and nobody else, because you're special right? Come on dude give me a break :rolleyes:


I never once said anything about high-res textures. I know for a fact they are not in the game >.>


What I said was the game was BEAUTIFUL!

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Actually since I just upgraded my processor, my motherboard, my power supply, my memory and my doubled my cooling capacity, the game is BEAUTIFUL!


I was using a dual-core with a very outdated motherboard/processor but a HD Radeon 5770.


Now im using a "suped" up system and the game went from looking like a 10 year old painted the textures on to what it should be


I know exactly what im talking about, obviously you do not ^^


Congrats, so now you can run medium settings compared to the low you had to run before and think it's wonderful.


The rest of us have been running these medium settings ( that are marked as high ) the whole time, and have seen the high textures ingame to compare them to, so we're not as easily impressed.

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I was one of the loudest people when it came to these high-res textures. I did not even know my processor did not fully support my graphics card until my dad happened tp chime in about it.


I made the mistake there, and have since stopped complaining about textures. I do not know how to host a screenshot or else I would lol

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If you enjoy playing a game with worse textures then games released 10 years ago rofl.






also what this is coming down to is false advertising as those textures we should have are posted on this very site in their own screenshots section as well as on the back of the game box.


I love the game, I just don't want to look like I jumped out of Goldeneye when I know there is no reason for it.

Edited by CarverX
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