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High resolution textures: can we get a clarification on this?


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Well, that thread on the PTS forum shows that they at least know about this one and are reading it. I have faith in Bioware to fix this issue, I'm sure they understand the damage to their credit by removing the medium texture setting and changing it to be called "high" and obviously the cat's out of the bag now. I think in general if they answer the following questions here, most of us will be satisfied -


1. Please clarify the "work around" requested in the first post of this thread, including a clarification of the sentence: If you installed prior to 5:00AM CST on January 4th, 2012, your graphics will display as "Low" even if actual in-game settings are higher due to automatic preference detection. and if reinstalling the game from origin, or any other source will remedy this issue.


2. Please explain the removal of the "medium" texture setting on the PTS and its apparent promotion to being called "high" despite the fact that it still retains all of the characteristics and low quality textures of the current "medium" setting.


3. Please indicate if a fix is being worked on/implemented, and if so, when we may roughly be able to expect it.


Muddy textures are not a game breaker. You can still, as I have, have an enormous amount of fun with this game. I think we jump the gun if we say that bioware is sweeping the problem under the carpet, without an explanation, we wont know for sure if that is the case until 1.1 goes live.


That being said, this is a Triple A title, from a Triple A studio, and a Triple A publisher. We are indeed paying customers who really want noting more than an explanation. I think we all generally understand that this isn't a "snap your fingers" fix, because if it was they would have no reason to hold it back. The frustration from most reasonable people in this thread is one of lack of explanation/communication.


We can split hairs about if the issue is lighting, or if its textures (though the visual proof shows textures http://m.uploadedit.com/bac/1325903803236.gif). And we can say "Why not just settle? Its a good game," But the core of this problem is a simple one - missing high res textures, and the apparent lack of information on a fix.


Say you buy a blender at Wal-Mart, you have really been wanting this blender. You have read previews about it online, you have been watching videos about it, and have been ooggling at pictures of it. One of its prime features, often advertized is the new "Mega Frappe" button. This button helps to differentiate this blender from its competition.


Alas! When you buy the blender and fervently remove it from the box, you find that the Mega Frappe button has been pried out, and the words "Mega Frappe" have been crossed out with a magic marker. Surely you would feel like you have been just been, for lack of a better word, screwed.


Now, replace the words Blender, with SWTOR and Mega Frappe with Hi-Res Textures and I think that you will find that the frustration is indeed well placed.


I have faith in Bioware to fix this issue, but we really do need to be told what is going on.


Agree with each word:D

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I see, if you type something within your posts that's wrong, people are not allowed to respond to that part.


Nice system you have going. Do you work for Homeland Security by chance?


You conveniently take things out of context or ignore other parts of what I typed. The discussion was "Your tv is making the game look worse than what it really is" my response is, the "The game looks like crap on my tv while other games look good, even when they are older." I gave you an example of Rift and LOTRO, both MMOs and you cherry picked the single player game.


e- Im not even saying that its an issue with effects and character models. Textures (as long as you have the vram to render them) dont degrade performance that much. You could easily have this game with better looking textures than Skyrim if you wanted to.

Edited by Caonimah
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Completely untrue.


Name one way that a PC monitor is better than a full array LED television? Color?...nope. Black levels?...nope. Viewing angle?...nope. Size?..nope.


Your statements would have been true a few years ago, but today they are just plain wrong.


you guys dont know what the heck you're talking about:


for any given size, an LCD monitor will have higher resolution than the same size LCD TV. As soon as you get into the 22 to 24 inch size, monitors will usually have 1920 x 1200 wide screen resolution, which is higher than 1080p.


A 30 inch LCD monitor with dual link DVI at 2560 1600 resolution might cost the same as a 42 inch LCD TV with 1080p, but the monitor has twice the number of pixels. You can even get monitors with 3840 2400 resolution.

Edited by Gilbara
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you guys dont know what the heck you're talking about:


for any given size, an LCD monitor will have higher resolution than the same size LCD TV. As soon as you get into the 22 to 24 inch size, monitors will usually have 1920 x 1200 wide screen resolution, which is higher than 1080p.


A 30 inch LCD monitor with dual link DVI at 2560 1600 resolution might cost the same as a 42 inch LCD TV with 1080p, but the monitor has twice the number of pixels. You can even get monitors with 3840 2400 resolution.


You could run this game at double those resolutions, the textures would still look like junk because they are being compressed :rolleyes:

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Well, that thread on the PTS forum shows that they at least know about this one and are reading it. I have faith in Bioware to fix this issue, I'm sure they understand the damage to their credit by removing the medium texture setting and changing it to be called "high" and obviously the cat's out of the bag now. I think in general if they answer the following questions here, most of us will be satisfied -


1. Please clarify the "work around" requested in the first post of this thread, including a clarification of the sentence: If you installed prior to 5:00AM CST on January 4th, 2012, your graphics will display as "Low" even if actual in-game settings are higher due to automatic preference detection. and if reinstalling the game from origin, or any other source will remedy this issue.


2. Please explain the removal of the "medium" texture setting on the PTS and its apparent promotion to being called "high" despite the fact that it still retains all of the characteristics and low quality textures of the current "medium" setting.


3. Please indicate if a fix is being worked on/implemented, and if so, when we may roughly be able to expect it.


Muddy textures are not a game breaker. You can still, as I have, have an enormous amount of fun with this game. I think we jump the gun if we say that bioware is sweeping the problem under the carpet, without an explanation, we wont know for sure if that is the case until 1.1 goes live.


That being said, this is a Triple A title, from a Triple A studio, and a Triple A publisher. We are indeed paying customers who really want noting more than an explanation. I think we all generally understand that this isn't a "snap your fingers" fix, because if it was they would have no reason to hold it back. The frustration from most reasonable people in this thread is one of lack of explanation/communication.


We can split hairs about if the issue is lighting, or if its textures (though the visual proof shows textures http://m.uploadedit.com/bac/1325903803236.gif). And we can say "Why not just settle? Its a good game," But the core of this problem is a simple one - missing high res textures, and the apparent lack of information on a fix.


Say you buy a blender at Wal-Mart, you have really been wanting this blender. You have read previews about it online, you have been watching videos about it, and have been ooggling at pictures of it. One of its prime features, often advertized is the new "Mega Frappe" button. This button helps to differentiate this blender from its competition.


Alas! When you buy the blender and fervently remove it from the box, you find that the Mega Frappe button has been pried out, and the words "Mega Frappe" have been crossed out with a magic marker. Surely you would feel like you have been just been, for lack of a better word, screwed.


Now, replace the words Blender, with SWTOR and Mega Frappe with Hi-Res Textures and I think that you will find that the frustration is indeed well placed.


I have faith in Bioware to fix this issue, but we really do need to be told what is going on.



I approve this message , bump for victory!!!!

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Silly rafter, don't you know that trolls are always right? :rolleyes:


Yeah, I should know better. I just hate when people learn something that was true in 2000 and keep parroting the same thing 10 years later like technology doesn't change.



Anyways, enough off topic. Add high rez textures please, my SLI'd 580's are sad.

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Well, that thread on the PTS forum shows that they at least know about this one and are reading it. I have faith in Bioware to fix this issue, I'm sure they understand the damage to their credit by removing the medium texture setting and changing it to be called "high" and obviously the cat's out of the bag now. I think in general if they answer the following questions here, most of us will be satisfied -


1. Please clarify the "work around" requested in the first post of this thread, including a clarification of the sentence: If you installed prior to 5:00AM CST on January 4th, 2012, your graphics will display as "Low" even if actual in-game settings are higher due to automatic preference detection. and if reinstalling the game from origin, or any other source will remedy this issue.


2. Please explain the removal of the "medium" texture setting on the PTS and its apparent promotion to being called "high" despite the fact that it still retains all of the characteristics and low quality textures of the current "medium" setting.


3. Please indicate if a fix is being worked on/implemented, and if so, when we may roughly be able to expect it.


Muddy textures are not a game breaker. You can still, as I have, have an enormous amount of fun with this game. I think we jump the gun if we say that bioware is sweeping the problem under the carpet, without an explanation, we wont know for sure if that is the case until 1.1 goes live.


That being said, this is a Triple A title, from a Triple A studio, and a Triple A publisher. We are indeed paying customers who really want noting more than an explanation. I think we all generally understand that this isn't a "snap your fingers" fix, because if it was they would have no reason to hold it back. The frustration from most reasonable people in this thread is one of lack of explanation/communication.


We can split hairs about if the issue is lighting, or if its textures (though the visual proof shows textures http://m.uploadedit.com/bac/1325903803236.gif). And we can say "Why not just settle? Its a good game," But the core of this problem is a simple one - missing high res textures, and the apparent lack of information on a fix.


Say you buy a blender at Wal-Mart, you have really been wanting this blender. You have read previews about it online, you have been watching videos about it, and have been ooggling at pictures of it. One of its prime features, often advertized is the new "Mega Frappe" button. This button helps to differentiate this blender from its competition.


Alas! When you buy the blender and fervently remove it from the box, you find that the Mega Frappe button has been pried out, and the words "Mega Frappe" have been crossed out with a magic marker. Surely you would feel like you have been just been, for lack of a better word, screwed.


Now, replace the words Blender, with SWTOR and Mega Frappe with Hi-Res Textures and I think that you will find that the frustration is indeed well placed.


I have faith in Bioware to fix this issue, but we really do need to be told what is going on.

Nicely summarised.

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If I've learned one thing in my many years of playing MMO's, nothing makes a community rage more than being ignored.

A simple, Yes, we are aware of the issue and it will be fixed would be good enough.

Edited by Venares
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If I've learned one thing in my many years of playing MMO's, nothing makes a community rage more than being ignored.

A simple, Yes, we are aware of the issue and it will be fixed would be good enough.


Yeah aknowledgement is important.

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If I've learned one thing in my many years of playing MMO's, nothing makes a community rage more than being ignored.

A simple, Yes, we are aware of the issue and it will be fixed would be good enough.


Maybe it will NOT be fixed..




We're doomed

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Ok so I have applied all of the best INI fixes to this game which I agree, make the entire game and environments look awesome, but they do NOTHING to improve player textures.


Here is another demonstration WITH all INI fixes applied of the holocom trick, and this is with the dancer's outfit. For anyone who still feels like this is just lighting....I really question your intelligence. Yes the lighting changes, but the detail increase is obvious.


BEFORE http://imageshack.us/f/15/screenshot2012010712202.jpg/


AFTER http://imageshack.us/f/705/screenshot2012010712220.jpg/

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Even if thats the case we deserve an official statement about it.


Unfortunatly its been my experiance that the big companys more often than not simpily dont give a crap and have THE worst CS in the industry (Blizzard, EA, Activision Im looking at you).

Look at it this way, instead of just simpily locking that other thread and giving a copy/paste they could have spent the same amount of time actualy giving us a responce.


Bioware/EA you need to learn that the majority of your customers are infact more often than not (especialy on PC platform) very well informed and generaly inteligent people.

Treating them/us like idiots does one thing.



Edited by Venares
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Guys... This thread is not even a day old. Give Bioware some time, this is a valid issue that needs addressed, but for people who are quitting over graphics (which is in the first place shallow, though it is your right) you need to learn the important life skill known as patience. People were whining left and right "Need 50 PvP brackets" coming in next patch. 'Ilum PvP isn't worth it!" coming in next patch. "Ability delay is game-breaking (horrible misuse of the term)" it's now being addressed.


I hope everyone can see that -- even though this game has a lot of problems -- Bioware is getting on top of things pretty quickly. You're not going to get an answer one day after a thread is made, that's just not how it works. Just wait a couple days, give it some time, I'm optimistic (going on what they've done in the past) that they'll at least talk about this issue soon.

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Guys... This thread is not even a day old. Give Bioware some time, this is a valid issue that needs addressed, but for people who are quitting over graphics (which is in the first place shallow, though it is your right) you need to learn the important life skill known as patience. People were whining left and right "Need 50 PvP brackets" coming in next patch. 'Ilum PvP isn't worth it!" coming in next patch. "Ability delay is game-breaking (horrible misuse of the term)" it's now being addressed.


I hope everyone can see that -- even though this game has a lot of problems -- Bioware is getting on top of things pretty quickly. You're not going to get an answer one day after a thread is made, that's just not how it works. Just wait a couple days, give it some time, I'm optimistic (going on what they've done in the past) that they'll at least talk about this issue soon.


this thread might be a day old , but there have been a lot of other threads about the same issue with no sensible response and the last one in the ptr forums got locked down with a copy paste excuse that doesn't address the issue.

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this thread might be a day old , but there have been a lot of other threads about the same issue with no sensible response and the last one in the ptr forums got locked down with a copy paste excuse that doesn't address the issue.


They're probably talking about what do about this issue as we speak. They don't just magically flip a switch to make all their choices. People talk, they weigh the options and the investigate the issue. They may want to make sure they have a solution to whatever error they have BEFORE they comment, which is only wise. Though we don't know for sure, I still believe that patience if the best choice in this matter.

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They're probably talking about what do about this issue as we speak. They don't just magically flip a switch to make all their choices. People talk, they weigh the options and the investigate the issue. They may want to make sure they have a solution to whatever error they have BEFORE they comment, which is only wise. Though we don't know for sure, I still believe that patience if the best choice in this matter.


Ok, if they'are talking about this issue right now, why they don't just calm everyone down with official responce? Or they just ashamed of it:)?

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I still believe that patience if the best choice in this matter.


Lets not make this a non-issue. As far as I can tell so far nobody over there gives a damn.


I'm not asking to fix it by tomorrow, but at least acknowledge it like the Ability Delay thingy



rebel rebel rebel

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