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Macros. When?


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Well, in some MMO games, external peripherals and macro software outside of the game are considered an exploit, and an actionable offense.


Besides, that requires the ability to afford (or the inclination to buy) a specialized gaming peripheral like that keyboard - something that almost certainly could be construed as an unfair advantaged compared to a native macro system that is available to anyone playing the game.

I would love to know how any game would take action against software that interacts with a computers peripheral. heh.


Anyway, people who cant afford a gaming mouse/keyboard/nostromo can download AutoHotkey. There are enough sample scripts on the internet and these forums to get you started. :)

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Yes, and also the automated gearbox for the car removed all skill from driving. People who own cars with automated gearboxes are just bad drivers, amirite ?


This isnt a car, its a game. You drive your car with a keyboard?


FYI, you can drive a stick shift faster than an automatic, so Im not understanding this comment at all.

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I would love to know how any game would take action against software that interacts with a computers peripheral. heh.


Anyway, people who cant afford a gaming mouse/keyboard/nostromo can download AutoHotkey. There are enough sample scripts on the internet and these forums to get you started. :)


Granted, I haven't played in about a year (and this is even further back than that), but I'm about 99% certain that this was the case in WoW. The Warden program was able to scan to see what was running in the background. People who used gaming keyboards or macro programs and the like were subject to account action, warnings, etc. It was definitely an issue that came up on the forums.

Edited by TrifKaylon
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Hell, I use macros in all single player games I play.


They're not supported in those games, either. Doesn't stop me. Learn to use your computer.


I do draw the line, though, at adding delays to keystrokes. I think that's cheating because it may as well be a bot at that point. Reading graphics off the screen... that's iffy, too. Depends, but usually cheating.


For example, maybe I want an audio cue when a certain buff is up? I can make it happen by reading graphics directly from the screen, at no real performance penalty. Maybe in my mind, the game should have already had an audio cue. Not saying I did this, just that I could, and it's a good example.


I am sure Bioware worries more about people reading and modifying client memory directly (and reading/modifying net packets), than people running some (comparatively primitive) 3rd party macro tools that comes with their gaming mouse/keyboard or downloaded from a reputable site (you know what I'm talking about).


What are they going to do? Start scanning processes for setpoint.exe running in the background? That's part of logitech's mouse drivers. Or autohotkey.exe? What if I just rename those files and hexedit the description strings to something else? Besides, they're legitimate programs with legitimate uses.


Bans for API hooks/injection? Anyone using D3DOverrider? RadeonPro? Rivatuner? ATI Tray Tools? Thought so... Probably 30% of gamers use those programs.


They'd have to have a list of exactly what they're scanning for first, and release it so people would know what not to run while playing the game and make it part of their EULA. Otherwise, they'll see funds removed as credit card holders dispute their charges for failure to deliver service.


TL;DR: As someone else already said, players who really want macros in their game have been using them since launch.

Edited by Daemonjax
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Really though, this just goes to show that the lack of a macro system IS producing an uneven playing field. If people can get macros working on a peripheral like a keyboard, then the people who don't own or can't afford those are in a position of disadvantage.


Adding a macro system would "level the playing field."

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Granted, I haven't played in about a year (and this is even further back than that), but I'm about 99% certain that this was the case in WoW. The Warden program was able to scan to see what was running in the background. People who used gaming keyboards or macro programs and the like were subject to account action, warnings, etc. It was definitely an issue that came up on the forums.


I could be wrong but I think this might have just been FUD, or possibly a misstate by Warden that saw an application sending in Win32 API calls to push keys thinking it was a bot. Although most MMO Terms of Service are written in a way that they could probably take action against your account for using a 3rd party program/system to interact with the game client, chances are they probably wouldn't unless it was a mistake. I've used a G15 and G19 in the past with WoW and never had issue.

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Dang, this isn't promising news.


I wouldn't put much credit into what good ole Stevey is saying. He's a messenger boy, nothing else. He says what he's told to say, nothing more, nothing less.


If subs start dropping because there is no macroing in this game, the suits will tell him to say it's coming in the next patch (or whenever).


I suspect that we'll start to see subs shedding once people get tired of waiting for Bioware to deliver on anything they say they are going to.

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So what do you bind your stuff to?


I use the following binds




Shift-S F W R T G B V 2 3 4 Space




Forward and back are E and D


Target next enemy is A


Strafes are the two buttons on the side of my mouse


So I've got 28 comfy binds but I'm running out lol. and i'm only level 25 :(


Operative btw

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