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  • Location
    Middletown, Ohio
  • Interests
    MMO's of course
  • Occupation
    Basement dweller
  1. What cool looking gear can u get from ops? The gear I vendor every week? Ever vended any CM gear? I doubt it cause I sure haven't. I can't think of a single item actually worth getting by playing the game. Their is no" oh I hope that cool looking head piece drops in the op this week. No world wide rare item drops either.
  2. Alright Darth ding dong. We all know the CM is here to stay. What I'm not understanding is why you people don't want in game exclusive items. The THORN rep gear for instance. Have you seen it? Or do you just sit on the fleet buying packs all day. The gear is crap compared to CM shiny gear. Look at the pleasure speeder. Pretty crappy grind with a reskin reward. Sorry to get away from the pvp topic. I just wanted to start expressing my opinion in hope of some small changes around here.
  3. Hello new era of the gaming world. Most of you suck. I agree with you OP. Reskining hard earned mounts it's BS. You weird people who don't care how many reskins they do to a mount are just helping the cartel market in ruining the game. The more they reskin something the more no one cares about it. Everyone just looks at you and says" oh more cool looking cartel market items" we need cool stuff in game that you have to work for and then show it off with pride. Everything from rep vendors is crap. Can the people that grind have something cool please?
  4. To the OP. I solo almost every heroic 2 and 2 man most heroic 4's. You can do this with any class. This is another reason why its near impossible to get a full group. If these heroics are nerfed well uh, everyone will just solo everything. That would just eleminate group missions. Bad idea OP
  5. I would love to see guild chat/ group chat during loading screens and also during space missions. Seeing fleet chat while on your ship would be nice too. Cheers! P.S When do we get chat bubbles?
  6. This isnt a car, its a game. You drive your car with a keyboard? FYI, you can drive a stick shift faster than an automatic, so Im not understanding this comment at all.
  7. We shouldnt have to sit and do research on macros so we can compete, and some keyboards dont even recognize certain macros. Chat macros, yes Combat macros, no I use keybinds and Im loving the no macros system, I get to kill people again.
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