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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

3 Nights of Maint in a row?


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Is this going to be the norm? I mean Its cool you guys are updating the game and all....but can't you do the normal practice and do it during the regular schedule time frame? Three nights in a row is cutting into the time we paid to play. Or are we being refunded that time?


no it will not be the norm,


it is only the norm right after a mmo launch to fix bugs/exploits etc, as soon as the big issues are taken care of the maintenance will only be weekly unless there is an unforseen emergency

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Except you've been notified ahead of time that there was going to be a fairly heavy patching process for the next couple of weeks (http://www.swtor.com/blog/word-bugs-james-ohlen).


Once again, you don't think commendation duping was a meaningful enough bug to fix?


That a random injection of 1.3T (hyperbole, but it was pretty bad) credits to the SWTOR economy is a perfectly legit thing to allow happen?


I repeat, its something that could of been fixed in the previous patch....but ohwait that patch caused the problem... So you mean the patch wasn't tested good enough? Hmmm that sounds like a mistake to me.



BTW your link says they will be fixing bugs once a week... not 3 nights in a row of downtime.

Edited by Xukuth
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I repeat, its something that could of been fixed in the previous patch....but ohwait that patch caused the problem... So you mean the patch wasn't tested good enough? Hmmm that sounds like a mistake to me.


So you're demanding that software development as an entire process shift to fit your needs.


Look, there was a problem, it needed to be fixed. Sure, the fix may have caused a new problem, but that was unforeseen. Hindsight is 20/20, all that.


To demand that they suddenly wait to fix a serious issue is just crazy.

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Did I complain about the bug fix's? No, your being stupid. They can do what every other MMo did when they was fixing bugs.... Fix them on that one set day a week the servers are going to be down anyways.


You are never allowed to comment on someone's intelligence in this manner.


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So you're demanding that software development as an entire process shift to fit your needs.


Look, there was a problem, it needed to be fixed. Sure, the fix may have caused a new problem, but that was unforeseen. Hindsight is 20/20, all that.


To demand that they suddenly wait to fix a serious issue is just crazy.


Right, but they can provide compensation for it. I don't see why you so objected to that matter. Does Bioware pay you to be so defensive? Or are you just that brainwashed?

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I repeat, its something that could of been fixed in the previous patch....but ohwait that patch caused the problem... So you mean the patch wasn't tested good enough? Hmmm that sounds like a mistake to me.


You can't test every contingent. It's impossible. But the fact that they are pro-active about hotfixes to get these crashes and exploits fixed immediately is more than appreciable.


Plus thankfully I'm on the East Coast, and usually am in bed around the time servers go down for these hot fixes so I'm not affected.

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Right, but they can provide compensation for it. I don't see why you so objected to that matter. Does Bioware pay you to be so defensive? Or are you just that brainwashed?


Ah, ad hominem, my old friend, its good to see you again.


Anyway, once again, its part of the ToS you agreed to. If it was unforeseen or unreasonable, I would say yes, compensation would be proper.


In this particular instance though, you have been properly notified of the ongoing stabilization work going on, and therefore, it is neither unforeseen nor is it unreasonable.


Not to be rude, but perhaps you're not being objective because it directly affects you?

Edited by KommissarK
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I can't believe the OP is complaining about the extra maint. It's not easy for Bioware either. They have people there at 2am trying to make builds to fix the bugs for us. I'm not a BW fangirl but I appreciate the fact that they are quickly acting to resolve major bugs even though it cuts into my playing time.
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I can't believe the OP is complaining about the extra maint. It's not easy for Bioware either. They have people there at 2am trying to make builds to fix the bugs for us. I'm not a BW fangirl but I appreciate the fact that they are quickly acting to resolve major bugs even though it cuts into my playing time.


Haste makes Waste, the last patches proved that. The turtle beat the hare and all. Patches are good, rushed patches are bad and often cause more problems then they fix. I'm not opposed to patches, I'm opposed to consecutive down time that could of been avoided with some quality testing. Would you rather have three shiny new toys that will break tomorrow? OR one really good one that will last for years?

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In this particular instance though, you have been properly notified of the ongoing stabilization work going on, and therefore, it is neither unforeseen or unreasonable.


As with most people I don't expect compensation for time when they are patching the game. However, as someone who gets off work at 11 PM PST and for who advance notice doesn't help because those are the only hours I have available to play it has been rather frustrating not being able to play for the last few days. Would vastly prefer they limit patching to twice a week, and not back to back ideally....

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They fixed 1 or 2 bugs in each patch. It was down for essentially the entire time I can play (at night, after work). 3 nights in a row without being able to play. I know for certain that all those defending this junk were not similarly effected. The most vehement defenders of this would be the most up in arms if it was impacting THEIR gameplay, you better believe it. But it's easier for them to mock and disparage when it essentially has no impact on them.
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Haste makes Waste, the last patches proved that. The turtle beat the hare and all. Patches are good, rushed patches are bad and often cause more problems then they fix. I'm not opposed to patches, I'm opposed to consecutive down time that could of been avoided with some quality testing. Would you rather have three shiny new toys that will break tomorrow? OR one really good one that will last for years?


For crying out loud, fix your grammar at least if you want to be taken seriously. A few typos here and there is one thing, but consistently not understanding how to use words properly is another.




And Read the TOS as another poster has mentioned. It falls in line with what BW has the right to do, and you agreed to it.

Edited by Lazorous
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I don't mind the patching but the start time was really irritating. If this mornings patch was scheduled to last for 7-8 hours then I could understand but it wasn't. It was a 2 hours long patch so why didn't they postpone the start time a few hours so it wouldn't impact the PST players as much without hurting the other time zones? I know a lot of Texans dislike Californians but geez, no need to get so vengeful.



Yes exactly. 3 nights in a row at the same time is not right. If they have to do that they should make it impact some other time zone on the other nights during the same week. I'm lucky if I get a few hours of play time after work but with the servers going down at midnight 3 nights in a row i didn't get much time to play at all.

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Right, but they can provide compensation for it. I don't see why you so objected to that matter. Does Bioware pay you to be so defensive? Or are you just that brainwashed?


So if Mcdonald's messes up your order and you complain, should they give every customer in the world a free hamburger for your inconvenience? Hate to break it to you Xuluth, but they just give you a free big mac to shut you up and get you out of the store. They don't care about you.


In the same manner, EA/Bioware are not your local family diner. They are global companies. Lets compare the cost of a cheeseburger to a 500k subscribers at $15/month...


Bottomline is- read TOS's before you purchase, your compensation is them providing a great game with fewer bugs.

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Hmm, I guess i'm happy that its during a FREE month that they are pulling the servers down and patching them so much. I mean, I think they should compensate me by giving me all the money I spent on that time back...wait....what's that? The cost of free is zero? well they should give me zero dollars back then to compensate.
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For crying out loud, fix your grammar at least if you want to be taken seriously. A few typos here and there is one thing, but consistently not understanding how to use words properly is another.




Resorting to bashing my grammar/spelling? So now you show your true colors. Can't come up with a proper defense so you resort to a childish outlash. Good game my friend good game but I'm afraid you lose.

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They fixed 1 or 2 bugs in each patch. It was down for essentially the entire time I can play (at night, after work). 3 nights in a row without being able to play. I know for certain that all those defending this junk were not similarly effected. The most vehement defenders of this would be the most up in arms if it was impacting THEIR gameplay, you better believe it. But it's easier for them to mock and disparage when it essentially has no impact on them.


Again, can't please everyone. They picked a time where it affected the "least" amount of players. By pleasing you, they piss off the majority of other people.


Sorry that you are the minority, but that's the way the world works, and many of the minority can understand this. Can you?

Edited by Lazorous
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Again, can't please everyone. They picked a time where it affected the "least" amount of players. By pleasing you, they piss off the majority of other people.


Sorry that you are the minority, but that's the way the world works, and many of the minority can understand this. Can you?


Yep your right, there used to be a time period where it was socially acceptable to treat the minority like trash and make them ride in the back of the bus. But in today's day and age that is considered rather rude and in fact for most of the world its no longer legal.

Edited by Xukuth
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I know for certain that all those defending this junk were not similarly effected. The most vehement defenders of this would be the most up in arms if it was impacting THEIR gameplay, you better believe it.




Still, it would be a mark of a better person to simply deal with the fact that life is not fair, and that some time frames are going to be shafted.


To ask for a delay in patching would of meant that more players would of used the /getdown or commendation duping exploit. While yes, this is generally unseen by the vast majority of players, it is a direct assault against the integrity of the game, and should be fixed immediately. Waiting to fix either of those issues would of resulted in a need for further bannings. It is a mercy to us that they patched it as quickly as they did.

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Resorting to bashing my grammar/spelling? So now you show your true colors. Can't come up with a proper defense so you resort to a childish outlash. Good game my friend good game but I'm afraid you lose.


There's nothing childish about it. As an educated person, it's very difficult to read something from an uneducated person (you).


You want people to take you seriously? At least show you have knowledge. You have demonstrated very little knowledge in many areas, and not just grammar.


By correcting these obvious grammar mistakes, it will actually help you in Real Life. I've just helped you to not continue making a fool of yourself in the future, should you ever have to write a serious paper on anything career related. Your Welcome.


And again, as a few people have mentioned, read the TOS as it covers BW's policy and how you agreed to it when you signed up for the game. Why are you ignoring a valid rebuttal to your argument?


The true children ignores constructive criticism because they can't take the thought of being wrong. Which means they never learn from their mistakes.


Good bye, child.

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Did I complain about the bug fix's? No, your being stupid. They can do what every other MMo did when they was fixing bugs.... Fix them on that one set day a week the servers are going to be down anyways.



If the fixes weren't critical, they would. They're game breaking bugs they're fixing, like the mail exploit.

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There's nothing childish about it. As an educated person, it's very difficult to read something from an uneducated person (you).


You want people to take you seriously? At least show you have knowledge. You have demonstrated very little knowledge in many areas, and not just grammar.


By correcting these obvious grammar mistakes, it will actually help you in Real Life. I've just helped you to not continue making a fool of yourself in the future, should you ever have to write a serious paper on anything career related. Your Welcome.


And again, as a few people have mentioned, read the TOS as it covers BW's policy and how you agreed to it when you signed up for the game. Why are you ignoring a valid rebuttal to your argument?


The true children ignores constructive criticism because they can't take the thought of being wrong. Which means they never learn from their mistakes.


Good bye, child.


Continue to bash me I really don't care I'll just flag you. I seem to recall the moderators here are very forgiving in nature for such actions. Hope you don't have too many warnings cause you better read the ToS your forums affect your game account too. Good game.

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Is this going to be the norm? I mean Its cool you guys are updating the game and all....but can't you do the normal practice and do it during the regular schedule time frame? Three nights in a row is cutting into the time we paid to play. Or are we being refunded that time?


I shall refer you to this for all of your answers regarding bug fixes.

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