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3 Nights of Maint in a row?


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Or maybe they could just compensate them with a day or two? Like other mmo's have done?


You are acting as if the servers have been offline for days at a time. I'd somewhat agree with you if that were the case. I played a lot of MMO's in my time, and I wasn't compensated for maintenance time unless the servers were offline for 24 or 48+ hours at a time. Even then not every company did it.


Having the servers down for a patch for a few hours every few days in the first month of launch is normal. In fact this game has been online longer then most any other MMO I have played at launch.

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3 nights of maintenance in a row ...


I hate downtime as much as the next mmo'er. But thank goodness the devs are back from 2 weeks vacation ... keep them patches coming bioware ... the bugs need an enema the size of the Atlantic ocean. let's step it up to 2 patches a day ... one from india during the night and one from U.S during the day.

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What is flawed about expecting compensation for time lost? Here I thought it was the proper thing to do when you make mistakes as a company? I guess people in the software/hardware development have lost the idea of courtesy to their costumers?


Let's investigate that a little. There are approximately 30 days in a month, 24 hours a day. thats 720 hours. 2 hours of extra downtime lat night is 0.2% of the time you paid for with your monthly fee. If you paid $15 dollars a month, those 2 hours are worth $15 * 0.002 = 4 cents.


Are you saying you want 4 cents credited back to your account because there was a 2 hour patch last night? Because honestly, if you are asking for more than that you are being a bit unreasonable.


All I'm saying is that an off schedule 2 hour downtime to apply a patch early in the development of an MMO is a minor inconvenience for me, but entirely normal and to be expected. And i'm not really worried about the theoretical 4 cents it cost me.

Edited by KlintusFang
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Are you really going to flip out over a possible 15-cent credit?


Very close to, yes.


If you figure most player opt for the $14.99/mo price, that works out to roughly $0.50 per day, and around $0.02 an hour. So yes, he is demanding they compensate him around $0.16 for an 8 hour maintenance.

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People complain that theres so many bugs and glitches in the game, but yet they still complain when theres maintenance going on to fix those bugs and glitches...Its still so early. Everything will settle down in a month or two and the game will be running much better with much less thngs to worry about. Just relax and deal with the situation right now.
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You are acting as if the servers have been offline for days at a time. I'd somewhat agree with you if that were the case. I played a lot of MMO's in my time, and I wasn't compensated for maintenance time unless the servers were offline for 24 or 48+ hours at a time. Even then not every company did it.


Having the servers down for a patch for a few hours every few days in the first month of launch is normal. In fact this game has been online longer then most any other MMO I have played at launch.


Your right, its normal to have patches during MMo's and they don't compensate for maint time. What they do compensate for is when those maint times are back to back for 3 days in a row. You are making it sound like its a smaller issue then it is. Yes MMo's have regular patchs, yes they have regular down time. But not back to back they give players a few days to play before smashing the servers again. When this happens it has been common practice to give one to two days compensation. Usually just one.

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Or maybe they could just compensate them with a day or two? Like other mmo's have done?




Yeah your right, but also as stated in other previous posts. Thats just the account I have access to now because I got my own account at that time. Also a few months didn't change a entire lot.... Your reading march like its a entire year later. When its only a few months..


But the several months did change quite a bit. I say you haven't played since the beginning because if you have you would know this. A few months made the difference of not being able to play at all to somewhat bearable but still miserable at times. Your previous post made it sound like Wow didn't have similar need for unexpected server downtimes.


And then you compared their 7 year subscription base to a game that's only a month old.


Do yoy see why your logic is being questioned?

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Your right, its normal to have patches during MMo's and they don't compensate for maint time. What they do compensate for is when those maint times are back to back for 3 days in a row. You are making it sound like its a smaller issue then it is. Yes MMo's have regular patchs, yes they have regular down time. But not back to back they give players a few days to play before smashing the servers again. When this happens it has been common practice to give one to two days compensation. Usually just one.


Companies usually only compensate when it is unforseeable issues that causes players to not be able to log in. When they annouce that the servers are down they will never feel the need to compensate you.


I can understand your frustrations due to the fact this is your only time you can play the game, but keep in mind this is for the better good in the long run, and if they were patching a bug that was keeping YOU from playing you would be quite happy with it.


Also, go to bed. Wake up at 4am like I did and play in the morning...

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Is this going to be the norm? I mean Its cool you guys are updating the game and all....but can't you do the normal practice and do it during the regular schedule time frame? Three nights in a row is cutting into the time we paid to play. Or are we being refunded that time?



You arent paying to play anything right now. The 30 days of free time (60 for CE) is to schedule maintenance, fix bugs, add patches and cover downtimes you may experience after launch. Deal with it.

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But the several months did change quite a bit. I say you haven't played since the beginning because if you have you would know this. A few months made the difference of not being able to play at all to somewhat bearable but still miserable at times. Your previous post made it sound like Wow didn't have similar need for unexpected server downtimes.


And then you compared their 7 year subscription base to a game that's only a month old.


Do yoy see why your logic is being questioned?


All that is beside the point, the point is I showed proof that yes... They did compensate time. Against the claims of others saying that no MMo has ever compensated time. When infact... Its common practice to compensate time.. Also the same down times was happening in march as the previous months... (Why do you think they gave me the free time) I obviously remember more clearly then you because that was the first few days on my own actual account making the moment more memorable.

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All that is beside the point, the point is I showed proof that yes... They did compensate time.


They did that due to excessive downtime, not a handful of maintenance hours in the first month of release.


You are talking apples and oranges here.

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You arent paying to play anything right now. The 30 days of free time (60 for CE) is to schedule maintenance, fix bugs, add patches and cover downtimes you may experience after launch. Deal with it.


That game time...is part of the price of the game.. Don't delude yourself into thinking its free game time. Its tacked on to the price of the purchase why do you think they are so expensive? Free month? HA you honestly think EA would do that?

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Or maybe they could just compensate them with a day or two? Like other mmo's have done?


Did WoW compensate people with an extra day per month due to their 8-12 hour downtime every week? *crickets* Thought not. They compensated people with extra time when MASSIVE downtime occured. Like in the first few months, which your list didn't show...



Yeah your right, but also as stated in other previous posts. Thats just the account I have access to now because I got my own account at that time. Also a few months didn't change a entire lot.... Your reading march like its a entire year later. When its only a few months..


I was there at WoW's launch, along with a lot of people here. The servers were absolute garbage. The game would be taken down for 8+ hours every couple days. Sometimes for 12+ hours. Some servers were just flat out DOWN for days at a time (Doomhammer, if I recall, was the poster-child for that -- the server was literally down for like 3 weeks straight).


The fact that TOR has only been taken down for about 6 hours in a single week is pretty good for a new MMO.


But I guess you're part of the "me me me, now now now!" instant-gratification generation.

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Is this going to be the norm? I mean Its cool you guys are updating the game and all....but can't you do the normal practice and do it during the regular schedule time frame? Three nights in a row is cutting into the time we paid to play. Or are we being refunded that time?



ummm so you want refunded time from a free month?


Tell me how that works lol.


theres 30 days in a month most of the time. You pay 15 a month. That means you pay a whooping 50 cents a day to play.... you want them to refund you a nickle for your few lost hours? Because thats about what that lost time amounts to lol.

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Did WoW compensate people with an extra day per month due to their 8-12 hour downtime every week? *crickets* Thought not. They compensated people with extra time when MASSIVE downtime occured. Like in the first few months, which your list didn't show...





I was there at WoW's launch, along with a lot of people here. The servers were absolute garbage. The game would be taken down for 8+ hours every couple days. Sometimes for 12+ hours. Some servers were just flat out DOWN for days at a time (Doomhammer, if I recall, was the poster-child for that -- the server was literally down for like 3 weeks straight).


The fact that TOR has only been taken down for about 6 hours in a single week is pretty good for a new MMO.


But I guess you're part of the "me me me, now now now!" instant-gratification generation.



Go back, re-read this thread. I posted conclusive proof that you are wrong about WoW not compensating. it also showed -one day free time- over a year later. Thank you come again.

Edited by Xukuth
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Is this going to be the norm? I mean Its cool you guys are updating the game and all....but can't you do the normal practice and do it during the regular schedule time frame? Three nights in a row is cutting into the time we paid to play. Or are we being refunded that time?


Look, it's BioWare. They release buggy games. People pretend they aren't buggy. When another game is released by, oh, Bethesda or some other studio, and is half as broken, they're ripped... But BioWare, until they entered MMO land, got a lot of slack...


My advice is to just be happy they're fixing the bugs. Maybe someday you'll be able to complete the male Jedi Knight romance option... Or all those graphics bugs from the fualty emitters will be handled... Or the spells and attributes will actually do what they say they'll do instead of (a) nothing or (b) too much...


Or my 'favorite bug' will get fixed. Where you are automatically assigned those stupid bonus quests that show up in your quest list, that you don't finish because you're not interested in them, will be deleteable and you'll be able to take on new quests... Well, you know what happens when don't finish those that are instanced? You can't ever go back and finish them.


Which means you get a list full of dead bonus quests and you lose the ability, eventually, to take new quests. Great fun, eh! An MMO where you cannot take quests... A problem that has gone unfixed since it was reported in Beta...


Or another peeve of mine. They constantly re-use icons. Is creative thought at such a premium at BioWare they can't make unique icons for every class skill? All other MMOs I've played have... I dream of the day they make some new icons instead of resuing the same icon for different sub-classes... So when you see the icon you'll not be making mistakes and wondering why you knock-back isn't working... Oh yeah, that was the COUNSELOR that had the knock-back with that icone. The Jedi uses the same friggin' icon to 'freeze feet' or whatever it is... Great... Just great....


Or maybe they'll balance crafting (a torturous money sink providing little value or long-term utility in the game) with slicing which, while recently nerfed, is still the most massively profitable/over-opowered skill in the game and a virtual "I WIN BUTTON" for the AH and gearing up...


How about some decent guild-management menus. Or just a decent UI... And how about the settings, which you have to fix (re-apply) on every log-in and area-change STAY THE SAME...


No, I'm happy for the patches. In a few months it'll finally be out of open-beta and we'll be getting our monies worth...


Unless, of course, they don't have a ton of new content available... Because right now the game is playing like just another 40-hour BioWare tunnel-RPG with a cheesy, lame-romance...


And without reasonable MMO features, like a solid end-game raiding system and good crafting system... There's as much reason to keep playing this as to constantly re-play Mass Effect... Which is to say "once and done."

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Noone ever refunded the time, 'free' month or not. Don't kid yourself.


That said, I wouldn't be complaining if it werent DAYS in a row instead of nights as it is to US folks... bring back maintenance time rotations pleeeease



5/14/08 $14.99 USD One Month Recurring


2/24/08 $14.99 USD One Month Recurring


8/10/07 $14.99 USD One Month Recurring


6/18/07 $14.99 USD One Month Recurring


5/17/07 $14.99 USD One Month Recurring


2/4/07 $14.99 USD One Month Recurring


1/3/07 $14.99 USD One Month Recurring


1/1/07 N/A One Day Credit


12/1/06 $14.99 USD One Month Recurring


11/1/06 $14.99 USD One Month Recurring


10/1/06 $14.99 USD One Month Recurring


9/7/06 N/A One Day Credit


9/4/06 N/A One Day Credit


8/4/06 $14.99 USD One Month Recurring


8/2/06 N/A One Day Credit


8/1/06 N/A One Day Credit


7/1/06 $14.99 USD One Month Recurring


5/30/06 $14.99 USD One Month Recurring


5/28/06 N/A One Day Credit


4/28/06 $14.99 USD One Month Recurring


3/27/06 $14.99 USD One Month Recurring


3/6/06 N/A Three Day Credit


2/26/06 N/A One Day Credit


1/26/06 $14.99 USD One Month Recurring


11/25/05 $29.95 USD 60 Day GameCard


11/24/05 N/A One Day Credit


9/25/05 $29.95 USD 60 Day GameCard


8/25/05 $14.99 USD One Month Recurring


6/10/05 $14.99 USD One Month Recurring


5/9/05 $14.99 USD One Month Recurring


5/4/05 N/A One Day Credit


5/1/05 N/A Three Day Credit


4/1/05 N/A Free Month


3/22/05 N/A Ten Day Guest Pass



(Above is not spoiler just marked as spoiler to stop spam)


No free credit free month or not? Hello Foot let me introduce you to mouth.

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Go back, re-read this thread. I posted conclusive proof that you are wrong about WoW not compensating. it also showed -one day free time- over a year later. Thank you come again.


I've read this train-wreck of a thread. And kindly point out where I said WoW "never compensated people with extra time?" Don't worry, I'll wait.


But since you're obviously not going to bother, I'll just state it again: they offered free time to people due to massive outages and the like. Not for little bits here and there. They gave everyone like 3 or 4 free days after the massive debacle of the first month.


WoW regularly took down all the servers for 8-12 hours every tuesday, for the first couple years. Did they give everyone a free day every month, since that's 40-48 hours of downtime per month? I'll give you a hint: no, they didn't.


When they found an exploit, they'd often take the servers down with 5-10m warning, and it would stay down for several hours. Sometimes 8+. And almost never gave people free time for that.


So saying "see, see, WoW did give people free time!" is technically correct, yes. I never disputed that. However, they didn't give people free time just because they took the servers down for an hour or two. Or even 8-12 hours.

Edited by LyriaFrost
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Unless, of course, they don't have a ton of new content available... Because right now the game is playing like just another 40-hour BioWare tunnel-RPG with a cheesy, lame-romance...


And without reasonable MMO features, like a solid end-game raiding system and good crafting system... There's as much reason to keep playing this as to constantly re-play Mass Effect... Which is to say "once and done."


I got an honest question: if you have such opinion on BW games in general why are you here?


And if you never saw a reason to replay Mass Effect (or KOTOR1/2) then well.. I have nothing more to say.


pretty poor troll, 2/10

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I've read this train-wreck of a thread. And kindly point out where I said WoW "never compensated people with extra time?" Don't worry, I'll wait.


But since you're obviously not going to bother, I'll just state it again: they offered free time to people due to massive outages and the like. Not for little bits here and there. They gave everyone like 3 or 4 free days after the massive debacle of the first month.


WoW regularly took down all the servers for 8-12 hours every tuesday, for the first couple years. Did they give everyone a free day every month, since that's 40-48 hours of downtime per month? I'll give you a hint: no, they didn't.


When they found an exploit, they'd often take the servers down with 5-10m warning, and it would stay down for several hours. Sometimes 8+. And almost never gave people free time for that.


So saying "see, see, WoW did give people free time!" is technically correct, yes. I never disputed that. However, they didn't give people free time just because they took the servers down for an hour or two. Or even 8-12 hours.


And thats why they was still giving regular free days credit during 07 and 06. Long after the start when it was due to massive outages and such?

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Only bug I've encountered so far in the 2 weeks I've been playing was the non-harvestable resource bug. So it is surprising for me that they do maintenance to fix only a couple of "minor" bugs. And right in my prime time of course.

I'm crossing fingers they hold off on unimportant updates outside of regular maintenance next week, so I can actually play more than 3 hours a week unlike this week.


As a side note, update all you want tomorrow, I can't play at all.

Thank you Bioware

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