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What's up with the PvP relics?


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So the first item I received from one of the Champ. bags was one of these unassembled relics. Well when I went to buy one, I realized they're simply a glorified use. They don't have expertise or endurance. So I decided I'd wait, because I like my trinkets far better.


Well what's the second thing I get from a bag? Another relic.


So can we get some endurance or expertise put on them please? If I were to switch out my two current blue relics for the two PvP epic relics, I would lose 84 endurance and 20 power, and only gain an improved use.



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I agree. Given that I often forget to use the active abilities of relics I am seriously pondering to exchange the pvp relic for a weaker one with endurance on it. I can only assume that this is a design flaw that will be fixed :(
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this is one of the reasons why macros shouldnt be implemented

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For any DPS class, the relics are by far the best.


The damage increase is huge, PvP relics and other buffs are usually the reason people complain about 5k+ crits.

In 1v2 or 2v4 fights relics often played a big role in winning those fights, because you can kill at least 1 enemy very quickly with your burst abilities and a relic up.


The game is harder to play without macros (you need more keybinds and to monitor more stuff), but this isn't necessarily a bad thing. It just rewards good players more than the average player.

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I'd gladly sacrifice 80-100 of the on-use stat for like 40 static expertise and endurance. These things really need to be better for pvp than anything from datacrons or light/dark side vendor.


Expertise is needed on them without sacrificing the value of the clicky.

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It just rewards good players more than the average player.


Nonsense, as long as those relics are bound to hotbar buttons anyone with a half decent gaming keyboard or mouse can one button macro the abilities anyway, and you can guarantee any number of folks are already doing this. How are you or anyone else going to know if they use a single button on their hardware to fire off a sequence of key presses, the answer is you will not. Further, it's incredibly hard, if not damn near impossible to prevent this in software, not having a macro function actually gimps those who cannot afford better hardware.


I am not advocating the use of hardware or macro's I hate the damn things and never use them, but they are a reality, and in daily use. Any number of folks use a naga now, heck the official hardware for the game are a naga and a keyboard by razer with programmable macro buttons

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