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How much does a light sith accept the jedi?


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As my Inquistor once said, Sith are the ultimate individuals, and there are as many interpretations of the Sith code as there are Sith.


So to answer the original question, it depends entirely on the individual light aligned sith whether they accept the jedi or not

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A light side Sith is steadfastly loyal to the Sith Empire. He believes in order, maintains an open mind, and may even show some measure of mercy and honor. He does this because he believes that these traits best advance the Empire. He is not an insane killer like dark side Sith are. He does not carry that self destructive streak that see the end of so many of his brethren. But make no mistake, he is an enemy of the Republic and believes firmly in the dominion of the Emperor. He will do whatever he has to do to triumph.


A dark side Jedi will do anything to prevail. He sees the Sith Empire as a force of evil and believes that the ideals of the Republic will be its undoing. He is more than willing to out-horrify his enemies by becoming even more brutal and ruthless than they are. He believes that only by beating the Sith with their own methods will they ever be truly defeated and so he walks a much darker path than most of his brethren.


Totally agree here. I play a light side Sith and love it. Seems like there is more common sense and order than just going on a blood raving rampage. Sometimes not killing everything has a much better outcome and benefits you or the Empire in the long run. Kind of reminds me of Revan or the Exile depending on which side you played their character in kotor and kotor II.

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At some point in the game you meet a hologram of an ancient light side Sith now long dead. He was still for the empire but thought the teachings of the Sith were wrong. You can choose to bring his teachings back to the Sith in hopes of changing them to take on a more light side path or destroy the hologram because you see it as blasphemy.


That was Raven's if im not mistaken.

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The thing is with Power comes corruption. Its undenying.



Looking inwards (or alike, outwards) to the world, the power that fuels everything also diminish everything.


Its purelly metaphysical theme but affects reallity and flesh and stone alike.



A powerful being, a Force user who can bend reallity and physical and psychic laws on his will needs act under the Jedi (monkish) philosophy to keep away from destruction.


To harness the power and not destroy you must bow your head to it and keep away from any and all muntain - human emotions.

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I agree that Sith are not raging , homicidal maniacs bent on destroying all in their path (at least not the ones who win an empire), that kind of behavior is counterproductive to running a stable empire, a certain measured amount of fear might be used to gain the desired cooperation of the population, but it is equally important to praise and reward desirable behavior in subordinates.


The bloodthirsty killer who slaughters for no reason seldom achieves any significant amount of power beyond having people run in fear at his approach. Power is the goal of a Sith, not slaughter for the sake of slaughter. Although razing one town that refuses to surrender to the ground will make it easier for you to convince the next town to surrender, but if you raze every town to the ground you will not be obtaining as much power as you could.


I look at the example of Genghis Khan when I imagine how a Sith might manage the conquest of an empire.

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I'm going to be short here. People in the Star Wars universe are braindead morons.


In detail:


You have power and that means you are determined to fall to the Dark Side, unless you become a chaste, emotionless brick of stone. Sure. Makes perfect sense. In Crazyland.


Jedi are uptight idiots who only have pity and condescendence, any other emotion is just mimiced. Not a single Council trial in forever and ever ended in any other way then exile if the one on trial went against the Jedi Code. Jedi judge and hear, but not listen. Which makes them the Galaxy's biggest hypocrats.


In short, Jedi follow their Code. I follow common sense. The Sith are not one margian better either, before you start shouting "Fanboy, fanboy".


Ofcourse! Since this is Crazyland, Lucas' world, the behaviours of these two groups are considered entirely normal. Praise KotOR 2 where the people flipped at anyone wielding a lightsaber, no matter what they called themselves.


Summarized: Jedi and Sith are only different because of codes they follow. I follow common sense. It's the second best thing to either becoming an emotinless rock or succumbing entirely to passion.

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A Sith is passion, and a person can be passionate about many things. A Passionate speaker isn't always channeling rage, and the same goes for a Sith.


A light sided Sith is still the bad guy, but he's efficient and he wastes no time on causing collateral damage. If you must fight, you'll just kill your opponent instead of torturing. When you attack a Republic base you kill the soldiers, the officers, but you don't intentionally cause non-combatants harm. Being lightsided doesn't mean being an idiot either; you don't suddenly trust everyone and you don't lose your personal ambition.

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As with all things, it comes down to the individual.


My Light Sith respects the Jedi for serving the Republic in much the same way as he serves the Empire, as a champion of their respective governemnts' ideals. He doesn't, however, believe in channeling the Force through serenity, and finds the Republic to be a pretty messy, inefficient place that is in desperate need of conquering.

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Many Sith light side choices probably fall outside the realm of the Jedi still... When the SW is sent to kill another lord's son on DK... watch what the Light Side choice leads to. Needless to say, it's not Jedi.


I've found that *in this game* a Light Sided Sith = a calculating Sith. They are passionate about power and putting people in their pocket in one way or the other. A DS Sith is passionate about power and putting people in the ground if they get in the way. Neither of these would lead my SW to respecting or accepting a Jedi. Jedi limit themselves by avoiding power instead of reaching for it.

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Why shouldn't Jedi be able to be dark and Sith light? Are there not many many examples of these in the EU and movies?


Also, your trainers on Korriban and Tython respectively wouldn't be able to sense wether you were light or dark. It's supposed to be incredibly rare for a force wielder to have the power of sensing someones true morality (although, I know the Mirakula or however it's spelled have a racial ability that totally invalidates this). That's why in the SW storyline it's so important to track down the Jedi padawan who has this ability. Her power is incredibly rare and she is a very big threat to the Sith who have operatives hidden within the Jedi order.



Also, as someone said before, this is a war. There are good and evil people on every side of every conflict. Just because you were born force sensitive in an Empire system and sent to train on Korriban, it doesn't mean you're innately evil. Just like being a Jedi doesn't make you good, ignoring your emotions can lead people to great evil and "the road to hell is paved with good intentions".

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Here's the thing that most people don't seem to get...


Passion does not equal Hate and Anger. Sure hate and anger can be passionate emotions, but so can love and loyalty.


The Sith code is about Passion, not Hate. The dark side is about channeling hate and anger because those are powerful emotions. The Sith code and the Dark side do naturally fit together, since Hate is a very passionate emotion, but there's other ways to follow the code.

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There is no emotion, there is peace.


There is no ignorance, there is knowledge.


There is no passion, there is serenity.


There is no death, there is the Force.



I follow the Jedi code and this is how interpret it:


There is no emotion, there is peace.

This doesn't mean Jedi does not feel emotion, rather that you should put emotion aside. Emotions can lead to feelings that make you act irrational, this is why you must understand your emotions first. You must confront your thoughts and feelings to achieve peace.


There is no ignorance, there is knowledge.

A Jedi should use his rational- and intuitive mind to understand the world that is surrounding him.


There is no passion, there is serenity.

A Jedi may encounter a stressful situation in which he may act so strong/foolishly that he loses focus on the main goal. This is why a Jedi should act with peace in his mind and not with unbridled passion.


There is no death, there is the Force.

Being a Jedi warrior means that you face death everyday, but you do not fear it because death is a normal part of the life cycle. Death is mearly a new stage in your journey with the force.

When a Jedi accepts his fate and the knowledge that weather he dies or lives the force will remain with him, he can put aside his fear and focus on the matter of hand.

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LS SW is often just not completely sociopathic - it's more practical/logical decisions rather than just psychotic arbitrary executions. IE you capture someone to interrogate instead of just killing them - that's hardly jedi behaviour (well, maybe it is if you consider listening to jedi torture!), it's just being practical.


A lot of the LS options in the shared quests though are straight up high treason/stupidity and I tended to usually pick dark for those.

Edited by depth_mil
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