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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

commendation vendors ruin economy/crafting


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I just like WoW's model for this when Cata hit. Crafters could make 1 or 2 pieces of BiS or close to it gear and it wasnt bop. This opened a market for it. Mats were hard to come by for it (1 true gold a day, took 8 sorta thing). The rest of thier 'top' end crafting gear was on par with what you obtained easily through questing and so forth. This made it so crafted gear was a foundation to which you got raid gear/pvp gear. You start in mediocre crafted gear, and work your way up. Eventually maybe get those BiS pieces made too.


This game is different. Crafting stops before endgame starts. Its not a gap-bridger. You want gear, go run a few dailies and get upgraded from your Corellia commendation blue mods to your daily commendation purp mods. Or shoot... run a couple weeks of pvp and BAM! Full champion gear, which is even better than Tionese (entry level hmfp gear).


That other game had a good idea. Crafting = bridge to better gear. This game missed it completely. Crafting = huge time/credit sink for gear that isnt even as good as bottom of the barrel 'endgame' stuff, until you are running endgame stuff, and then its still below those drops.

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Disappoining where the Lightsabers and Relics I can build. They are weaker by a lot that the finetuned orange one I carry since Level 10, or the PvP equivalents. Sad, considering that I need three Hard instances and a flexible group ( so in worst case 12 Flashpoint runs ) to get the special ingredients.


I don't know about the lightsabers being weaker, since they seem to be just as moddable as the other ones. I've seen screenshots of crafted ones with augment slots, so they can be more powerful than other custom drops.


My main issue with crafted sabers (or even dropped sabers) is that I have no idea what they look or sound like before equipping them. The preview pane (which is terrible enough as is, with blurry low res textures) doesn't seem to show weapons.


Generally, it is more difficult than necessary for customers to find items, know what they look like, or know what the alternatives look like at this stage of the game. That's pretty critical for the market in custom items to develop.

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Just curious you don't consider crafting to be ez mode? It requires nothing but an investment in time. I'm sorry that people can't make a million credits while afk but hey if you actually play the game you can make a load of credits. Just my opinion.


And daily quests aren't just as easy? Hell I can solo one of the 4 mans on belsavis due to how buggy it is.

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I just like WoW's model for this when Cata hit. Crafters could make 1 or 2 pieces of BiS or close to it gear and it wasnt bop. This opened a market for it. Mats were hard to come by for it (1 true gold a day, took 8 sorta thing). The rest of thier 'top' end crafting gear was on par with what you obtained easily through questing and so forth. This made it so crafted gear was a foundation to which you got raid gear/pvp gear. You start in mediocre crafted gear, and work your way up. Eventually maybe get those BiS pieces made too.


This game is different. Crafting stops before endgame starts. Its not a gap-bridger. You want gear, go run a few dailies and get upgraded from your Corellia commendation blue mods to your daily commendation purp mods. Or shoot... run a couple weeks of pvp and BAM! Full champion gear, which is even better than Tionese (entry level hmfp gear).


That other game had a good idea. Crafting = bridge to better gear. This game missed it completely. Crafting = huge time/credit sink for gear that isnt even as good as bottom of the barrel 'endgame' stuff, until you are running endgame stuff, and then its still below those drops.



You nailed it. Crafting serves no purpose currently.

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The current crafting situation is really 2 different discussions: lvl 1-49, and lvl 50.


1) Lvl 1-49: Crafting during levelling does scale pretty well. As an artificer I was able to make my own Enhancement, Hilt, and color Crystal upgrades for my orange gear - which I use in every available slot I can find. I could not make Mod or Armoring - my best friend IRL and fellow guildmate is a cybertech - he made those for me and we swapped. Also, planet commendations came in handy to fill in slots that either we didnt have a pattern for, or one was outlevelled by the other.


2) Lvl 50: I cannot make anything higher than rank 22 Enhancements, Hilts, or lvl 47 Color Crystals. Daily commendations, of which you could potentially obtain upwards of 24ish per day (I'm at work and trying to remember exactly how many dailies there are so my math may be off!), give you access to not only a higher rank of enhancements and armoring (rank 23), but the ARTIFACT quality version of it! Crafters can't compete with this. 8 commendations are all that are required to obtain 1 of these items, after being 50 for almost 2 weeks, I have these rank 23 artifact mods in almost every slot that I was previously making for myself. I have little incentive to craft rank 22 enhancements when rank 23 artifact quality ones are so readily available from vendors.


just to point out only armor hilts and barrels can be purchased for daily commendations that leaves augments mods enhancements and crystals needed to be created by crafters

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During the levelling process I did not feel this way. As an artificer, I was able to make 3 of the 4 mods that go in my light saber, and 2 of 4 mods that go in all my other gear. Commendations filled in the holes left by my personal crafting.


I am now level 50 and starting Illum dailies.... which grant me access to purple quality rank 23 mods. My crafting mods have topped out at rank 22, and even if I RE them into purple quality, they are still a tier behind what I can purchase.


This is a flaw that has been discussed ad naseum, and I agree with the sentiment that one of two things needs to happen to make crafting more relavent at level 50: Add lvl 50 patterns to crafting trainers, or remove rank 23 purples from commendation vendors (note I did not say remove rank 23 altogether, dropping them to blue or green would give crafters an opportunity to provide something better - a rank 22 purple would be better than a rank 23 green, possible equal to a rank 23 blue).


those holes should have been filled by the other crafters.

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