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If you stop wandering around alone then 1v1 toons will stop crushing you.


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It is simple as that. 1v1 is their 'roll' in this game.


Mercs/Trooper's are REALLY GOOD at AoEs. You'll probably hear all sorts of whining about that once Objective PvP starts to mean something.


BW isn't going to nerf Ops/Scoundrels again (already nerfed their damage by 15% before launch) so stop whining about the fact that there's something out there that can kill you.


Start to work together! If an Op/Scoundrel has invested enough points for that out of stealth 2 second stun then they REALLY don't have much invested in keeping themselves alive.


Like it or not this is a team game. The classes were designed around cooperation. Just because one of 8 AC's is good at soloing doesn't mean they're the best class.

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This is not a logical excuse for the relative power of one class over another.


In a 1v1 situation, the fight should come down to the player at that time, not the class they picked at character select. Every other game has recognized this, and it's always amazing in a new game to watch players of "that" class try and justify what they do like it's something new, and this time perfectly reasonable.

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This is not a logical excuse for the relative power of one class over another.


In a 1v1 situation, the fight should come down to the player at that time, not the class they picked at character select. Every other game has recognized this, and it's always amazing in a new game to watch players of "that" class try and justify what they do like it's something new, and this time perfectly reasonable.


Just doesn't work like this in a team-based pvp game...

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This isnt battlefield 3 your class choice should make a difference in different situations. A low dps melee tank shouldn't be able to solo a ranged kiting toon. Aoe focused classes shouldn't be able to kill single target dps solo. It would defeat the whole point of classes and rolls.
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This is not a logical excuse for the relative power of one class over another.


In a 1v1 situation, the fight should come down to the player at that time, not the class they picked at character select. Every other game has recognized this, and it's always amazing in a new game to watch players of "that" class try and justify what they do like it's something new, and this time perfectly reasonable.


I think a lot of times it does - and the players at the time don't want to admit that they haven't figured out how to counter the person's strategy, so then they spread the idea that a class is unbalanced because that class killed them.


I don't play either class, and have been killed by both - but I've also killed them. Most of what's getting thrown around here is conjecture, and without brackets (they're coming) is so unscientific that even screenshots and proof don't help much.


There are way too many variables to decide that a class is overpowered because of anything done in a warzone. Some teams/players are just better and people are too proud to say so, it has to be a class problem.


The only people who can make a remotely accurate judgment are the ones who created the game and have the ability to mine the data.


It's absurd to think they would be biased toward a faction or class for fun. I'm pretty sure any BioWare employee encouraging the mass tear-shedding that goes on in these forums would get shot in the head by a forum mod upon learning they were purposely contributing to class imbalance.


Patience is a virtue. And PVP is going to evolve a lot in this game in a short time even with the small list of changes they've announced. Wait for it, take a deep breath, and look at it when you have more data than a handful or even a couple dozen deaths at the hand of a certain class to act like the game is broken.

Edited by AstralProjection
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This is not a logical excuse for the relative power of one class over another.


In a 1v1 situation, the fight should come down to the player at that time, not the class they picked at character select. Every other game has recognized this, and it's always amazing in a new game to watch players of "that" class try and justify what they do like it's something new, and this time perfectly reasonable.


FINALLY someone who isn't blind.


+1 for factual truth

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If you want 'player skill' to factor into your class's chance at winning a fight then consider NOT WANDERING AROUND ALONE SO A CLASS THAT HAS STEALTH CAN'T AMBUSH YOU.


If you let this happen then player skill is a factor and you mad 'cuz u bad.

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