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[Current Bug List] Crew Skills


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I've gotten a very irritating bugg lately, whitch does not let me send my companions out on missions (max deployable/credits are not the issue and they all have 3k or above affection).

I have tried relogging and the ctrl+U thing, does not seem to work.

Btw is it right that I have 5 max deployable at lvl49 or is that a bugg aswell? Anyways cant even get one of them out to do something and its frustrating as hell!

Crafting isnt affected it seems, just the missions (Scavanging/Underworld Traiding).

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I'm a biochemist and have RE'd at least 100 level 49 blue grade implants (redoubt) going for veracity (STR/END/Shielding/Acc/Def). Over the last week I've gotten "General", "Exactitude", and "Anti-Armor", but not veracity, the last one (since redoubt doesn't have a 5th option for alacrity, or doesn't seem to).


I Started this process around level 40, and I'm a few bars from 50 now. I tried to be proactive and have them ready, but it seems impossible to get the one I wanted from the start. I've settled on Exactitude and am cool with that but the system overall is very frustrating. I've burned several 100k in resources trying for this one recipe which if i get it may pay off in the loooooong long run but no idea if I'll get it or not. I've gotten the message "You already know this recipe" Several times. Why not at least make it so once you learn 1 recipe you can only learn the others, then if you continue to RE it says "you have already learned all that you can from this item" or something similar.


It's hard enough to get ANY of the recipes, I wouldn't say too hard, but still, it's tough. What makes it too hard is when you can overlap and waste a chance to learn one you may really want.


Also, A lot of the items have useless stats attached to them. I don't know of anyone who actually wants presence since companions can't be used for raids or world bosses or anything end game. I feel some prefixes should be redesigned to eliminate some of the useless stats on the end. why does redoubt have surge (anti-armor)... str/end/def geared people don't really care about surge. Accuracy i understand, shielding is good, why not replace surge with absorption, or presence/alacrity?


Just some thoughts from a crafter...

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Many of the Enhancements in the Artifice crew skill seem to be wrong...


Take for instance (all green/premium versions):

Battle 17:

+12 End

+17 Crit

+11 Surge


Battle 19:

+12 End

+19 Crit

+17 Shield?? (Should be Surge)


Battle 21:

+12 End

+20 Crit

+24 Surge (Back to Surge)



Also some Enhancements have the exact same stats, but with different names... should this be? Do their more advanced versions have different stats (sorry, haven't tested that...)


For instance:

Discipline = Efficient for all levels I've seen.


(This also occurs in some of the PvP gear enhancements... For invigorating assault gear: The Acute Enhancements found on some gear have the same stats as the Intensity Enhancements found on other gear in the set... but I digress slightly off topic)


Consistency among the crafting tiers should be there along with utility among the various crafting items; craftables within a tier shouldn't have the same stats (however pink/blue versions could be equivalent to the greens of higher tiers, etc... but that should be a given...).

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I have cybertech just because i like fire grenades and other engeneering gadgets, its' simply fun, but... guys, 5min cd, are u serious? Damn, it was great dissapointment! If you compare this to epic chems it's completely useless. I really don't want reroll to biochem but i like pvping and cybertech currently give nearly no advantage, it's mush worse than i expected. Give it at least 2 mins cd, so it can be useful like death from above with 1 min cd.
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For mission skills the number of different types of missions is sometimes horribly unbalanced. Ideally there should always be at least 1 mission of each yield type in the list at any given time. Currently people often report that they have to run unwanted missions just to refresh the list before they can get the type of missions they really wanted.


I personally HATE this one.

I'd post a screenshot, but apparently this is not needed as many have verified it as well.

Currently, Im looking at my screen and I see a total of 4 "Color Crystal" Archaeology missions.

So srsly, I have to run 3 of those before a mission that I need; Artifact Fragments for example, actually appears?


Yeah, thats a complete waste of my time.


I agree, there should be at least one of each category, preferably more, or a choice option.

I dont care what kind of mission title is given: "Doom of the inept developer", or "The blind-sighted Creative Director's end", et al.

It would be far more appreciated if we could not only select the level-range of the missions, but the desired "category" as well.


Honestly, this would also alleviate the need for excessive mission count, as there are typically only 4 types of each mission:


1) Base Moderate Yield

2) Abundant Yield

3) Rich Yield

4) Bountiful Yield


So lesee...a simple dropdown box for category would be sufficient, e.g:


Companion Gifts





Artifact Fragments

Color Crystals

Power Crystals




Hell, if you wanted to be really spiffy, you could put in a "remember preference" checkbox so that each time you click on said crew skill, it defaults to whatever you chose the first time for category.

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Minor bug, but when clicking on the inventory button, first time since logging on or zoning, reverse engineering button missing. Starts appearing after pressing 'I', or after talking to vendor.



Thank you Thank you Thank you.


I have been trying to figure this out all week and thus far 5 tickets have been unasnwered. Heck I even delted 2 toons and the same prob. occured.


So happy you posted not only the problem but the work around.!!!!!!



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I have so far Found - That Makeing @ lest 8 upwards of one item - And RE only that -Gives me a Better Chance to RE sometime's on the Second try (so i have 6+ to RE for mats) (or need to make more then i have to get the BP)


But RE something else @ the same time Reduces or (Resets?) the RE chance to get the next Tir Blueprint for the First item, (or so it seems? )


I have noticed this to when trying to go from my greens to blue. Im an armornech/scav/under. If i make 10 of one green all at once and RE it. I 90% of the time get all 3 blues. But if i add in anythibg else its like pulling teeth. I am trying to get all blue/purps for the class, but if i try and do some blue with greens Neither will yeild a schematic.


Also trying to get purps just suck. I have crafted 50 + Critical hardened assualt gauntlets yesterday and got 1 supremacy HAG. really!?! there really should be after every 15 attempts a marked increase chance to get them. Which bring me to the UI.


It is nearly impossible to quickly keep track what I have gotten in blues and purps without an annoying excel spread sheet i have to keep updated. How did some just not think up an indented system as an option for organization? like this


(blue is supposed to be indented once, purp twice i just dont know how to :( )

Hardended Assualt Boots (green)

Critical HAB (blue)

Supremacy HAB (purp)

Overkill HAB (blue)

Supremacy HAB (purp)

Hardened Assualt Belt (green)


i could easily tell oh i need to make HA belt to get blued, instead of selecting belts, blue and seeing i dont have it, which is the quickest way i have found, but have to go thru each body slot then.


etc.. It would make getting all annoyingly hard schematics easier to read which were missong for us ocd about having all it unlocked, along with the increase to chance the more u make and RE something. I mean on a fortified assualt boots i have made well over 200 for just 2 purps and that is not cool.


Sorry for the long post :) just a lil fustrated with the bulky UI, insanely redunant schems, yet i still want to do it haha.


p.s. in regards to underworld i to have gone on countless missions and have only recieved like 4 schems, 3 of which were synth. Do you have to have high affection for better results? im a DS trooper and dorne/aric really dont like me haha

Edited by Necodreus
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Not sure if these are bugs or working as intended but thought I would post them here just in case, I was going to include screen shots of them but I'm not exactly sure how to do that.


For the schematic

Redoubt Optoelectronic Might Package (blue strength implant for level 33)

I noticed that all the green components needed are grade 3, however the blue component needed is grade 4 (The blue grade 4 component listed is Synthetic Blood).





For the Schematic

Overkill Memory Resistance D-Implant (Purple willpower implant for level 29)

I noticed that instead of requiring a purple component to make the item. Instead it calls for the blue component twice in the list, doubling the amount of blue components used and using no purple components that I can see. (The blue component required is Neuro-Stimulator and it requires 8 of these to make the item)





For the Schematics

Experimental Absorb, Efficacy and Triage Adrenal (level 32 adrenals)

The schematic calls for 3 green components 2 are grade 4, and one is grade 3. The blue components is grade 4. (The green grade 3 component listed is Bio-Energy Cell Sample)



Thus far these are the only ones I have noticed that are possibly listing and using the incorrect components. If I happen to notice others I will add them to this post.

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As I said in my original post the alignment requirements for all the crystals I make clearly state Dark Side 1 or Higher Red, Green, or Blue. I understand what you are saying, and if Green and Blue are supposed to be Light Side X or higher, then there is still a bug because the requirements on my character states Dark Side 1 or higher.


As for the level requirements, I'm talking about the lowest level crystals up to the around the 180 which I have noticed are level req 29. I know the level 29 crystals are not usable by me because I'm level 27, but the Dark Side Requirement is still red even though my Dark Side status is at level 2. Any way you look at it there is a bug involved here.


Green and Blue crystals say "Forbidden to Dark Side I and higher" while the Red crystals say "Forbidden to Light Side I and higher". Are you saying your crystals say something else?


Also some Enhancements have the exact same stats, but with different names... should this be? Do their more advanced versions have different stats (sorry, haven't tested that...)


For instance:

Discipline = Efficient for all levels I've seen.

I have an Artificer myself, and I have to agree that this is very annoying. I'll put it in the bug list. What I think they meant to do was have the first version have higher endurance, the second version have higher primary stats and the third version have higher secondary stats. Instead the second and third version turned out the exact same.

Edited by Rhaphael
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This is rather minor, but nevertheless:


Sometimes, if you send your current companion on a crew skill mission, you can not summon another companion, because the summoning button in the crew window is greyed out. Pressing CTRL + u twice resolves the issue.

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Harvesting is too part of crew skills. So its very annoying still see bugged scavenging, archeology and slicing nodes all over zones. No idea, maybe other harvesting skills nodes too, but i can confirm those 3.

Its supposed to be "fixed" 2 wees ago, but i still see loads of bugged nodes few days after server restart.

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Diplomacy seems to be worthless compared to solo'ing low-level Flashpoints, skipping all the mobs, and simply choosing whatever story-line alignment choices that are desired.


Esseles/Talon for example offer 200 points per completion, and almost 99% of the mobs can be completely skipped.


With Alignment options like that, why waste hours upon hours of companion missions when you can easily go from Neutral to Tier5 Lightside/Darkside within a few hours?


Seems utterly worthless to me.

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Diplomacy seems to be worthless compared to solo'ing low-level Flashpoints, skipping all the mobs, and simply choosing whatever story-line alignment choices that are desired.


Esseles/Talon for example offer 200 points per completion, and almost 99% of the mobs can be completely skipped.


With Alignment options like that, why waste hours upon hours of companion missions when you can easily go from Neutral to Tier5 Lightside/Darkside within a few hours?


Seems utterly worthless to me.


To do it purely for the LS/DS alignment points, sure it's expensive and time consuming. But it is still needed for medical supplies for biochem.

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Are you sure it's really completely gone? Because Biometric Crystal Alloys currently also have a bug that they don't show up in the crafting window, you can still press craft and your companion will start crafting that particular item whether the Alloy is detected correctly or not.


It's not just not displaying as far as i can tell i havnt gotten any in a week of running Abundant grade 6 gemstone missions, have none left whatsoever and the prioce for them on the GTN keeps rising steadily. Best i get are Lorrdian Gemstones. So either i'm SoL or it's bugged.

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Synthweaving seems to be missing some heavy schematics, there are light and medium orange schematics at levels 11 and 15 but the first heavy schematics don't appear until level 19 as far as I can see. I have checked databases on different sites incase it just that I haven't found them but as far as I have been able to determine they don't exist. From level 19 onwards all armour classes get orange schematics at the same time, its just 11 and 15 that are missing.


Also this one is not so much a bug but a complaint but I will include it since it is similar to the complaint in the OP about the craftable speeders just being recoloured versions of purchasable speeders. After hitting 400 synthweaver I was more than a little disappointed to find that the level 50 Fortified Electrum orange set was just a recoloured version of the Peacekeeper Elite set that I could craft at level 43 (and a look that could be obtained through flashpoint loot even earlier). And the light and medium level 50 sets also seem to be recoloured versions of level 43 schematics. Crafters should be able to make some orange items with unique appearances, especially the 400 schematics where we are supposed to be at our peak. Its more than a little annoying to reach 400 synthweaver to find that the look I want for my guardian is only available as drops.

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Hey, first of all: thanks so much for this list, I truly hope Bioware takes notice.


Also, there is a good chance that this has been addressed somewhere in this conversation but I did not have the mental fortitude to read through the entire thread, but does the issue with Reverse Engineering not showing up sometimes until you talk to a merchant or a bank count as a glitch? I am many times frustrated that just after I've crafted a blue item that I cannot reverse engineer it right away because in my inventory there is no button where reverse engineering usually is. It consistently reappears whenever I talk to a merchant, but this adds an unnecessary step and is quite frustrating.


Thanks again!

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Another thing I'd really like to see is a crafting tree. Similiar to our Knowledge Trees.

It would have every learnable schem on it, but you only unlock viewing it by completing a certain schem or objective.


Example 1: You learn the schem to craft Hawt Pants. In the schem tree it shows that there are 3 types of advanced Hawt Pants: Redoubt Hawt Pants, Critical Hawt Pants, and Overkill Hawt Pants.


Overkill Hawt Pants are made and that reveals the other types of Hawt Pants: Overkill Commander Hawt Pants, Overkill Hawkeye Hawt Pants, etc.


Example 2: You take down a world boss who drops a rare schem. No schem drops, but in the tree, it is now lighted so you can see what it is even though it is grey'd out. (I can't help but think of Minecraft's achievement list)

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