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Most absurd pvp class


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Put money down the OP is a sorc


you lost your money. I have 3 toons. no sorc.


NOWHERE in my post did I use the word OP. I said they were poorly designed. There is a huge difference. OP'ed is a class that can do way too much damage or has too much cc etc. This class has it all. Big dmg, big cc AND can stealth away then come back, stun you and rip you apart. THAT is poor design. One post mentioned that when everyone lvls up they will be taken down fast. You can't kill what you can't see. The battle stealth needs to have a LONG timer on it. Perhaps once in a Warzone but certainly not insta stealth.


To hedge my bet I rolled a smuggler and have been playing that.

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What makes you think an operative should be able to do this?


So you wanna say that operatives should be able to kill easily all classes. That just proves my point :)


This game is not balanced around 1v1. This game is balanced around team vs team. All it takes is ONE aware teammate to completely screw a scoundrel/operative opening on someone out of stealth. Whenever i see a teammate of mine with his face on the floor and a operative standing behind him, i immediately stun and dot and then we go ahead and wreck his ***. When we're not in stealth we lose our main line of protection as well as our burst damage. We are glass cannons and can not stand toe to toe very long especially going against half a team of Sith Sorcerers which seems to be the case most warzones I play in. Yes i can drop some low level scrub shortly after attacking out of stealth, 50's on the other hand are another story. It's very rare to be able to drop someone who is level 50 before he or a teammate has a chance to respond. All it takes is a little awareness.

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you lost your money. I have 3 toons. no sorc.


NOWHERE in my post did I use the word OP. I said they were poorly designed. There is a huge difference. OP'ed is a class that can do way too much damage or has too much cc etc. This class has it all. Big dmg, big cc AND can stealth away then come back, stun you and rip you apart. THAT is poor design. One post mentioned that when everyone lvls up they will be taken down fast. You can't kill what you can't see. The battle stealth needs to have a LONG timer on it. Perhaps once in a Warzone but certainly not insta stealth.


To hedge my bet I rolled a smuggler and have been playing that.


3 Toons eh? I bet not one 50, which explains why Scoundrels are 3 shotting you... maybe you should level to 50 and get pvp gear before flooding the forums with your baddie tears.

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Most of "balance" cries atm are kinda pointless (also i tend to agree with OP nerf call, point still stands ) - the real balance will be seen only when organized teams will match against each other in warzones.


Than and only than it will be seen which class is worth anything, and i predict there will be MUCH more topics about nerfs/buffs at that stage, as it probably will turn out that some combinations work really great, while some classes will become utterly useless in such environments.


It might be the team with 4 OPs will be OP, it might be it will be pointless and no one would take the class in their setups, since say guard, healing and aoe would make them useless. We`ll see.


Most likely, when it comes to this - people will be most active not in calling nerfs, but calling for buffs, realizing that their classes are "not needed" in organized pvp.

Edited by KorwinOfAmber
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3 Toons eh? I bet not one 50, which explains why Scoundrels are 3 shotting you... maybe you should level to 50 and get pvp gear before flooding the forums with your baddie tears.


PLEASE explain how MY lvl has ANYTHING to do with this. If we have 2 smugglers that are leading in dmg AND neither have died does it have ANYTHING to do with my lvl????


I am playing a smuggler now so if they want to leave them like this I'm good and yes I have a 50.


The post was not a qq it is stating fact. They rarely die and almost always lead in dmg.

Edited by Qishari
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As an operative I can say that we do have a LOT of initial burst as concealment spec, but our hidden strike knockdown fills up the resolve bar completely. Nonetheless, this doesn't matter because an operative can usually take down something in less than 6 seconds with a good opener.


However, once you get out of melee range of operatives they are sitting ducks. our snare, sever tendon, has only a 10m range.


My solution: Reduce the initial burst of operatives but give us better gap closers. That will bring our opening DPS to a reasonable level but will not leave operatives too weak once somebody has started kiting somebody. This can be done by increasing the range/reducing the cooldown/ increasing the slow speed of sever tendon or by giving us some kind of combat sprint ability that removes all slows and makes us immune to snares for a short time.

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PLEASE explain how MY lvl has ANYTHING to do with this. If we have 2 smugglers that are leading in dmg AND neither have died does it have ANYTHING to do with my lvl????


I am playing a smuggler now so if they want to leave them like this I'm good and yes I have a 50.


The post was not a qq it is stating fact. They rarely die and almost always lead in dmg.


Simple, if two Smugs are leading in damage and have not died yet, then its Skill+Gear. They are picking their fights correctly and accordingly to their knowledge and ability of their class and spec/level, do to using more abilities given to them. Obviously they have proven to be better then you at that current moment and you are looking to punish them for being better then you until you see fit other wise.


Also level can be taken in two ways here, Class or Skill level, I'm leaning towards skill level for you.

Edited by Qishari
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What about a 15 second cant attack when you pop combat stealth? they can run and hide yes but they cant attack again for awhile.Allowing the other player to heal heal up/run away so on.

The skill would still be useful but at a penalty.

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PLEASE explain how MY lvl has ANYTHING to do with this. If we have 2 smugglers that are leading in dmg AND neither have died does it have ANYTHING to do with my lvl????


I am playing a smuggler now so if they want to leave them like this I'm good and yes I have a 50.


The post was not a qq it is stating fact. They rarely die and almost always lead in dmg.


Considering you can't get expertise till level 50 I'd say low level characters with no abilities expertise or talents getting smeared all over the wall in 3 shots has quite a bit to do with Ops/Scoundrels getting an absurd amount of kills. Bursty class is bursty, working as intended. Go to the 500k damage thread and you'll see every class kill alot and die a little, NERF EVERYONE.


The lack of brackets was a necessary evil for the first few weeks of launch so the tryhards could pvp while everyone caught up, unfortunately it has created a tsunami of entitled lowbie QQ

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All the people who say otherwise are midway through leveling theirs and don't want the nerfbat. But yes, it's bloody ridiculous - and they can heal.


The bolded part just confirms that most of the people crying for nerfs are bad. A dmg speced op/scoundrel's heals can easily be out damaged. Seriously, people need to L2p and wait until the game's been out longer than a month to QQ.

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as a sage i find it easy to take them out of stealth. Use aoe, to get them out of stun and cc and use dot so they cant try that same stupid trick. But if they get close, oh boy their damage can be very high but i think they are fine. I hardly see them up at the top on warzones, maybe not on my server anyway.


side question.


Can smugglers hit that hard on the powertechs and juggies? cause ive never played the heavy geared chars yet.

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There is a saying that it is the squeaky wheel that gets the grease. Keep complaining loudly and vociferously enough and perhaps ops/scoundrels will get the nerf you want them to get.


Eh, that's not really applicable to nerf threads.


It's more like.. If you crytit hard enough and **** your diaper, mommy will come along and change you.


Nothing is going to change until they get real metrics on 50v50 PvP. So people can crusade all day long, but it's going to get them nowhere. Meanwhile, they could be on their class forums learning how to play from good players that play their class.

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I play a scoundrel with the wife but i havent pvp-ed with it. Hope it doesnt get nerfed so I cant pve!! Its not a strong class in straight stand up fights, so maybe it needs to be, and a little less out-of-stealth damage. I personally havent witnessed any scoundrels that give me problems on my merc in pvp.
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Can smugglers hit that hard on the powertechs and juggies? cause ive never played the heavy geared chars yet.


Not quite. But we can still hit hard. However, good Powertechs/Vanguards are very tough for an Operative. I try not to engage the good ones, because it will be my undoing.


The ones crying about Operatives here are not the good ones.

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For either side of the argument, here's how the stealth works.


Scoundrels/Operatives get a 3 second immunity skill that can be used before or after vanish. This ability will also remove any damage over time abilities that are ticking on them (see 'avoidance training' for example). If you use an AoE while this immunity is up, it will depend on the damage type as to whether or not it will hit/unstealth them.


Scoundrels/Operatives immunity skill gives them immunity to melee/ranged attacks, and this does not include force attacks. So the baseline AoE consular knockback will unstealth a Scoundrel/Operative even if their immunity skill is up.


Shadows/Assasins immunity skill gives them immunity to force and tech attacks, so you will not unstealth them with the same force knockback, but you will with untargeted ranged/melee cone attacks.


DoTs only stop a lazy stealther from combat stealth. Only some AoE will unstealth a stealther. Keep in mind the immunity skill is on a 1 minute cooldown, so it should always be available for a vanish. This is also assuming that the stealther does not simply stun or mez you before running to vanish.


TLDR: It is difficult to keep a stealther from escaping if they know what they are doing in this game, (even more difficult if you do not know the details).

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Youre a pretty arrogant little tard playing the most OP class in the game. If you read other threads you will see other more reflected operatives/scoundrels actually agreeing that theyre somewhat overtuned, and coming with constructive feedback of what could be done to put them on par with other classes.


Unless you wanna see 90% of the PvP community running around as operatives in 2 months i suggest you do the same.


Dude, this is the oldest game in the book. Pretend you have a toon for the class you want nerfed, so you can add creedance to the QQ.

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Youre a pretty arrogant little tard playing the most OP class in the game. If you read other threads you will see other more reflected operatives/scoundrels actually agreeing that theyre somewhat overtuned, and coming with constructive feedback of what could be done to put them on par with other classes.


Unless you wanna see 90% of the PvP community running around as operatives in 2 months i suggest you do the same.


And you will also see plenty of other classes telling the whiners to "figure it out", they have.

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Remove stealth from the scoundrel/operative class. Case solved. Then their immense damageoutput will actually be somewhat en par with the risk on running up in melee with their medium armor. Cause right now its just ridiculous how they can roflstomp any class in the game with no risk to themselves whatsoever.


LOL removing stealth :rolleyes: what nonsens. The class is based on stealth, without it you cant use the opener.

Edited by BobaFurz
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Simple, if two Smugs are leading in damage and have not died yet, then its Skill+Gear. They are picking their fights correctly and accordingly to their knowledge and ability of their class and spec/level, do to using more abilities given to them. Obviously they have proven to be better then you at that current moment and you are looking to punish them for being better then you until you see fit other wise.


Also level can be taken in two ways here, Class or Skill level, I'm leaning towards skill level for you.


yet again you are making this about me. There are 12+ other people in the instance and they are not killing them either. There is NO question that they are good players the POINT was that a class that can battle stealth becomes very hard to kill. They are playing the class exactly they way they should, stealth attack, take damage, stealth out, circle around, stun and finish them off. MY point was and is that the battle stealth should have some kind of timer on it. You however can continue to make this about me if it makes you feel better.

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