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How will the SWTOR financial crisis hurt you and me?


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Economy will now be imbalanced for 5+ years no matter how much credits they manage to remove.


First of all, you will see that your items that you sell on the AH is sold quicker, with better prices.

Second, you will notice that everything will cost more credits.

Moneysinks will be implemented.


In the long run you will be hurt by this, if you are not one of either


1. One of the cheaters who got away with credits

2. Really active on the auctionhouse selling and buying


These 2 playertypes will benefit from this, and be the winners. (As in any financial crisis, you have many loosers and some huge winners)


So in the long run most of the players will have to work harder, play more, earn more credits for the same items that you before got for lesser credits.


Ultimately, its a financial crisis ingame, just worse. Like it or not, we now have a inflation probably above 100% for a long time.


Can Bioware fix this? I doubt it, but know that any solution will hurt you, me and everyone else regardless who cheated.

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Personally I wouldn't mind if they wiped all credits from the game. I've got half a million at level 39 from questing, selling greys/greens to vendors and blue and above at the AH.


At the rate I make money I think I could probably have half a million again within 1-2 days of the credits being wiped.

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If the cheater are caught (and they will be) then they will be punished, we are only less than one month in so the server economy is still in it early day, things will settle down.


Everyone so full of doom and gloom, enjoy the game plus I am sure there more fun to thi game than having millions of credits!


I think it different on each server, On the The Progeneitor yes raw materials cost loads but at the same time grade 2 ship upgrades have fallen to 2.5k. at the end of the day some player will be rich/luck and some will be poor/unlucky but that just how life is.

Edited by Hienrich
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What isn't broken can't be fixed, the prices on the AH(market) are decided by the players, and the players decide if they buy or do not buy it for those prices, what in turn makes the traders and merchants decide to increase or lower their prices.


It is normal that buying and selling on the market is more profitable (in multiple meanings) than just using NPC vendors. Otherwise no one would use it.

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Personally I wouldn't mind if they wiped all credits from the game. I've got half a million at level 39 from questing, selling greys/greens to vendors and blue and above at the AH.


At the rate I make money I think I could probably have half a million again within 1-2 days of the credits being wiped.


This is probably the best solution with a little tweak. My advice is to delete "any credit value above 1 million credits" for level 50 chars, and anything above 200.000 for lvl 25 and lower.

The obvious storagespace for credits is new level 1-6 characters, so any character at level 1-6 with credits above 100.000 should be investigated.

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+1 to topicstarter,


I suggest bringing these kinds of topic to attention as often as possible.


I see that exploiters across these forums already trying to divert the discussion of this issue into unimportant topics,


but in the end, it all should end the same way:


bans (preferably—perma) for exploiters, rerolls—for credits.

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Your economics are off.


Price is a function of demand.


If people are poor - like you claim - prices will not be high.


I never said people were poor. These credits were not stolen from players, they were pumped massively into the game from another source.


Its like suddenly 10 people in your neighboorhood got insanely rich. Will that make you poorer? No, but you will see that these guys can buy everything they want when they want it and this will drive prices of some, not all, items up. Especially the really rare, exclusive items/goods.

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This is probably the best solution with a little tweak. My advice is to delete "any credit value above 1 million credits" for level 50 chars, and anything above 200.000 for lvl 25 and lower.

The obvious storagespace for credits is new level 1-6 characters, so any character at level 1-6 with credits above 100.000 should be investigated.


that however is easily fixed. just spread your money out umong players.. your alts your friends alots.


its the stupidest ideas to wipe money. the best thing for them to do is find who did the cheats ban them. find anyone who they gave money to( easily enough done) and remove the money from them. it may take a while but they can get every ill gotten credit out of the game.


the problem is does BW feel as strongly as some do in the need for this?

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I never said people were poor. These credits were not stolen from players, they were pumped massively into the game from another source.


Its like suddenly 10 people in your neighboorhood got insanely rich. Will that make you poorer? No, but you will see that these guys can buy everything they want when they want it and this will drive prices of some, not all, items up. Especially the really rare, exclusive items/goods.


Its hardly the 1% that sets the price....so who cares if they can buy all they want?


You will hardly be affected

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that however is easily fixed. just spread your money out umong players.. your alts your friends alots.


its the stupidest ideas to wipe money. the best thing for them to do is find who did the cheats ban them. find anyone who they gave money to( easily enough done) and remove the money from them. it may take a while but they can get every ill gotten credit out of the game.


the problem is does BW feel as strongly as some do in the need for this?


No because they will launder the money as well. How to do this you ask?


Have a friend put up a silly item on the AH for a silly amount of money. Go buy this item.


Suddenly you have moved a ton of money and in the same time laundered it.

Do this a few times, and you wil quickly see that you need a money laundering expert to track down these guys.


Do you really think bioware has the money, people and skills to do this?

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the problem i have with the though that rich people drive the rare and expensive items up more is that....they dont




rich people and poor people buy completely different items. the cost of bread. milk. video games, cheese. tvs and the like are not finanically dependant on how much money the rich people have..



proof ( the price of HD tvs have LOWERED in the last couple of years.. not gone up) and thats on decent brands like sony and what not.


your theory would state that they would go up becuase rich people are buying them


hell even when rich people buy expensive cars the price of THEM does not go up. the price of NEXT years model is more expensive.. why.. becuase it has better features.



the riches purchasing power does not affect the poor in any way except that the poor people see all the pretty nice things rich people have and want them then bust their bank accounts trying to have them...



and the rich people can hardly be blamed for that..


however the rich people that cheat ( like in sw) should be punished. and they will by the galactic policemen that are BW.

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I don't get why people struggle to earn money in game


Over the last 4 days I've managed to legitimately earn myself 1.2million credits by playing the Auction House, sending companions out to slice and running pointless quests which I'm too high level for experience but still get the credit rewards

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No because they will launder the money as well. How to do this you ask?


Have a friend put up a silly item on the AH for a silly amount of money. Go buy this item.


Suddenly you have moved a ton of money and in the same time laundered it.

Do this a few times, and you wil quickly see that you need a money laundering expert to track down these guys.


Do you really think bioware has the money, people and skills to do this?


do you think bioware cant not flag and track ANY transaction that an account makes. you are sure to **** they can.. does it take a long time? hell no. sifting through the crap might take a while, but ya. to please the general populace yes they will do it


it is a hell of alot better than deleting everyones cash and making them start over.. that will start a wave of deletes larger than the tsunami that hit japan....(to soon? )

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Personally I wouldn't mind if they wiped all credits from the game. I've got half a million at level 39 from questing, selling greys/greens to vendors and blue and above at the AH.


At the rate I make money I think I could probably have half a million again within 1-2 days of the credits being wiped.


Sounds more like you were exploiting to me.

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Permabans for IPs that exploited = simple solution. Destroys the main account and any alts they made to help hide/launder their creds.


If a person claims that they didn't exploit but have a shared IP with someone that did, Bioware can then parse the logs for the account and verify.

Edited by Cootie
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I don't get why people struggle to earn money in game


Over the last 4 days I've managed to legitimately earn myself 1.2million credits by playing the Auction House, sending companions out to slice and running pointless quests which I'm too high level for experience but still get the credit rewards


At that rate it would take around 1500 days for you to earn the same amount that some of the cheating players have. Now do you see the problem? They literally have hundreds of millions credits.

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At that rate it would take around 1500 days for you to earn the same amount that some of the cheating players have. Now do you see the problem? They literally have hundreds of millions credits.


i take it since you know they have litterally hundreds of millions of credits you know some people who were exploiting?



i think it is a bad problem but seriously that bad? i highly doubt it.. besides if they have THAT much money they would be easy for BW to find and ban.

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Personally I don't care. I may be a minority but it doesn't affect my gaming experience at all.


If they are tracked down and punished by BW then fine but I wont lose sleep over some other players exploiting the game and being filthy rich.

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