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A Few Notes to Potential Marauders!


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I never did, he is still in 100% of his default gear. Sure there would be some close fights, particularly the end of the story on Corellia. I only died twice while on the planet and that was because I wasn't paying attention to my health and kept charging new packs of mobs. Never died on the champ guarding Bara's building, Draagh or Baras himself while using Broonmark.


Tanking companions make it easy for Mara. You have them go in first then you go in after like 2-3s. I would pull aggro off him, pop ward and call on the force then camo out. This would put tons of aggro back onto Broon and lower mine significantly allowing me to re-charge the the champ and unload my biggest abilities. Mix in choke and obfuscate and all champs became a joke to take down.



My question. how often did you have to use your big cd's? because when i went annihilation and had quinn healing i rearely had to pop big defensive cooldowns unless im fighting a named elite (like at the end of correlia). I did not use broonmark, but i did try to use pearce but he just died way too quickly, and this was right when i got him.

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im exaggerating to place emphasis.



That said, have you played marauder as your main? have you tried any of the other classes? there is literally very little to no downtime between packs of normal pulls minus regenning your basic resource abilites. Dying is has been few to slight on the rare chance you really mess up.


As I said earlier, Im an annihilation spec marauder, level 48 on Corellia, done everything solo, not used quinn, just used vette.


I downed sel makors avatar at 47 , with vette, solo, on Voss, took me two goes because I wasnt expecting the aoe's to hurt that bad.


I have to channel hatred a little between fights, but given how fast everything dies if you have a properly geared dps companion , I use vette but have no doubt Jaesa would be just as viable, I reckon a chain of five mob groups would still be quicker with my combo than someone with quinn.

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its quite possibly, i have been hearing vette is pretty overpowered. I remember i stopped using her because of an elite quest i had to deal with attempting to solo a 2 + group quest, and found that it was completely idead to have a pocket healer with me. I was also annihilation all the way to 50.
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My question. how often did you have to use your big cd's? because when i went annihilation and had quinn healing i rearely had to pop big defensive cooldowns unless im fighting a named elite (like at the end of correlia). I did not use broonmark, but i did try to use pearce but he just died way too quickly, and this was right when i got him.


On the big story fights I always used saber ward and cloak. I had to use call on the force and ward again for Draagh because of his AoE. For regular quests/champs I would use ward probably 50% of the time overall...but hey, that's why its there right?


I also tried Pierce and he was a disgrace compared to Broonmark.


Don't get me wrong, Quinn definitely makes the leveling experience MUCH easier but I kind of like giving myself a challenge and some fight diversity by using someone other than him.

Edited by JustinxDuff
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its quite possibly, i have been hearing vette is pretty overpowered. I remember i stopped using her because of an elite quest i had to deal with attempting to solo a 2 + group quest, and found that it was completely idead to have a pocket healer with me. I was also annihilation all the way to 50.


I honestly think its all about gear.


I have vette in orange head chest and leg armor , orange guns, all with at level mods, same as my toon, and at level green bracers and waist.


The thing with quinn , is that he heals quite well even if you dont keep his gear up to date, and I think this is where the notion he is far superior comes from - hes also very over geared for his level when you get him, as is Jaesa.


Kitted out as she is, if I get a mob group of two strongs and a couple of trash mobs at my level on corellia , I can send vette against one strong, and she can tank (and three quarter kill) that strong as I take out everything else, and help her finish it off, sometimes she dies towards the end, some she doesnt, but thats down to how shes geared up I think.



As an aside, yes I mentioned in another thread, other classes do as well as we do without jumping through so many hoops, if I have cloak of pain and saber ward on cooldown and no fury to put up berserk, I cant last against anything, very very squishy, we do need all our tools to work well, and thats not necessarily the same with others, especially the ranged classes.


I dont really mind that myself, so i dont see it as an issue, but I would never claim its not the case, because it is.

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well bringing back the original issue at hand, do other classes have this somewhat restriction on companion use like marauders do? i know my friends leveling up different classes mixed and match based on who they felt like using and it really didnt affect their leveling process.



Currently though i have no issues that would make me feel that marauders are Broken for PVE though, just wanted to make sure everyone understands my stance on this before i get thrown under the bus. The only issue i have is our damage output, i know there are no combat log that we have access to and PVP is not a good place to judge raw DPS, From what ive seen playing at a lan center with a group of my friends, mercenary, snipers, and sorcerers all out damage us, by a good margin. this is just watching them do their rotation and seeing their numbers being pumped out, Compared to my own. while im not in a position to really claim im doing everything 100% correct in the proper order and rotation, i do feel i have a good sense of what im doing.


That said, our numbers our low in comparison. I just want fair treatment across the board.

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I'm a lvl 40 Carnage Spec. I've solo'd all class quests with little to no problem and I now use Jaesa exclusively dec'd out in gear that at least matches my own. I haven't had any problems. The boss fights so far... except Nomen Karr and his "if you beat me I will just fill my health bar and gain stronger abilities before you really kill me" trick. I died a few times on that even with Quinn healing me. But every other boss before or since then (I just finished Vengean's Flagship) has been fairly easy.


I also don't think this class is underpowered, but keep complaining, because hopefully bioware will listen to you guys and make what I consider a balanced class over powered and that would be a nice trick.


In PvP carnage is awesome because of the extra immobilizes you get from deadly throw and ravage. I mean we don't have alot of stuns for PvP outside of Force Choke, but I can keep certain people from going anywhere and then pound on them while they are stuck.


In the end, I'm having a blast with this class. It was the first class I made - not at all based on knowledge of MMO's or anything I just wanted dual lightsabers lol - and I did have to die a bunch to learn the ropes, but now it's smooth as butter. Still, let me repeat - keep complaining to bioware, if you suceed in getting some love for my main I won't mind.

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I have spec'd rage up till 40 and carnage after that. I have had NO problems leveling and I haven't used Quinn at all since getting him. I have used Vette, Jaesa, and now Broon. Rage buildup is so fast in carnage.


I use all my CDs sparingly, but I do use all of them. If I pull an elite mob of the same level I have to use Obfuscate and Camo almost immediately because of the low CD, then I'll use Predation if it is up along with CoP, then Saber Ward if my companion dies or I pull aggro.


Marauder no problem PVE at all.


Why people say that PVP is no basis for changes to a class is beyond me; I get it that it never ends, but when this class gets face rolled every time by a same level Merc that doesn't break 80% of their health is ridiculous. Not even touching the fact that a stealthed backstab from a lvl 50 operative when I'm lvl 45 takes out 80% of my health.


Either our dodge (defense) rating needs a SERIOUS boost or we need to wear heavy armor (like the change they did to the mercs during beta going from med to heavy armor). Another change that needs to happen is the abiliites Pommel Strike and the Kick. We need to be able to use this on all mobs or not have them in at all because you can't put it in a rotation. One pull you can use it, the other one you can't because it's an elite. Not to mention you can't use it in PVP at all. Moreover, the fact that the Jedi Shadow can use the "Tumult" and the assassin's cannot is ridiculous.


There are a few fixes that need to be made with this class for PVE, but LOTS of things need to be ironed out for PVP.

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Oh you brought up a good point...


Pommel Strike is retarded. It is the second most useless ability in our repitoire. The fact that it can only be used on stunned targets and isn't a single target/high damage CC is ridiculous.


Savage Kick is the most useless. In spite of it's description you cannot use it on slowed or immobilized enemies if they are human players or elites. When I found that out I literally wish I had never even spent the credits to purchase it. Seriously what a dumb ability.


Bioware buffing those 2 abilities, as well as buffing obfuscate so it affects force/tech abilities would be really nice. I mean, conceptually speaking if you are blind how are you able to see where your force lightning is going?


So yeah, I guess there are some things I'd like fixed.


Not to mention that with Carnage, the Ataru Strike really messes up chaining abilities together and the animations for a "Acrobatic" lightsaber form are well... pretty much the same as a non-acrobatic lightsaber form.

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Part of the issue is that certain abilities, like the Op/Smug backstab out of stealth, are tech powers, so they cannot be dodged or parried using Saber Ward (or just Defense gear).


They can, however, be resisted, but Marauders don't really do much on that end.

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The original intent of this thread was not to say that Marauders are perfect. Far from it! I was simply relaying my own experience to the community in case someone thinking of rolling a Marauder saw it.


Yes, Pommel Strike and Kick are useless abilities. The idea of a heal strike that opens up after slaying a foe sounds great to me.


One thing that I must point out is that much of what I hear in terms of Marauders being UP is from people who solo dailies or pvp. My experience is in a pve setting wherein Marauders have great DPS and on-the-fly survivability cooldowns. I apologize for the confusion there.

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My first alt and possible main will be a marauder. I rolled juggernaut first and like that I can tank or be a psuedo-tank/dps hybrid or full on dps.


That said the maruader being a pure dps class IMO has superior dps options and superior defensive cd's vs dps juggernaut.



I have to comment on warrior leveling in general because to me it's been a cakewalk and I've never used Quinn other than after you first get him and only for like 2 minutes and didn't enjoy using him at all.


I'm now level 38 on Hoth and I haven't noticed any huge leaps in mob difficulty. Taris was easy. Quesh was easy. Hoth so far is easy. I'm still waiting for this huge jump in difficulty.


First time stepping on Hoth I killed a 20k gold elite as vengeance jugg without using any defensive cd's and jaesa.


I really think it's an issue of people not knowing how to prioritize damage abilities and when/how to best use offensive cc and defensive cd's.


Just because you can push buttons 1-2-3 on another class and pwn face does not make the warrior class bad.

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This is only my second MMO ever (I've never played World of Chatcraft) and while challenging I'm enjoying playing marauder.


I've learned that with this class the best defense is a good offense. Also, I've been able to quest throughout the game, and as I've learned the ropes I don't die scores of times anymore questing. I haven't really since around lvl 20. Plus I've never taken Quinn out with me once. I usually toggle Vette and Jaesa.

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