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Three nights in a row I come home to down servers...


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If you live en europe, the matinece is allways durning the hours people can play the game, :(


I live in London and have been pretty much utterly unaffected by downtime, but then again I have a regular 9-5 job.


Dont get me wrong I do sympathise with those affected by downtime but its necessary to fix things, and regreatably they have to shut down to do so, which is fair enough.

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All "server maintenance" is really almost entirely "database maintenance". All production databases face limitations on how much optimization and maintenance can be done while the system is live. Anything else is probably unique maintenance needs of the custom server software (i.e. local temp/index file reorganization/cleanup, applying server side patches/optimizations that don't require a client update, etc).


Funny that you should mention EVE... its server comes down for an hour of maintenance EVERY SINGLE DAY.


EDIT: Since I failed with clarity, the point is that they aren't touching the hardware during maintenance windows. Virtualization would do nothing to prevent the downtime...


Your totally wrong about Eve, it states it will be down for 1 hour to cover unforseen, but rarely goes over 10 minutes. If you are going to quote other games do it from experience not from reading words.


While on the subject of Eve. even if they ever do use the full 1 hour per day it would still equate to 7 hours in a 7 day period spread. not a concentrated 8 hours that EA BW use even if they did manage only 1 maintainance period a week. So use facts to back up your arguments not ignorance.

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Your totally wrong about Eve, it states it will be down for 1 hour to cover unforseen, but rarely goes over 10 minutes. If you are going to quote other games do it from experience not from reading words.


While on the subject of Eve. even if they ever do use the full 1 hour per day it would still equate to 7 hours in a 7 day period spread. not a concentrated 8 hours that EA BW use even if they did manage only 1 maintainance period a week. So use facts to back up your arguments not ignorance.



As a beta - Jan 2012 player of eve I can confirm that downtime is daily and often is between 30 mins and 1 hour.


CCP also have a reputation for extended downtime and utter chaos after patches.. but they are a great company none the less and their downtime and issues have never put me off and it often serves a purpose refreshing the belts for faction and officer spawns :D

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I'm not complaining about maintenance, or even tonights hotfix / exploit fix, I'm adult enough to know that "sometimes **** happens, someone has to deal with it, and who you gonna call?".


where was I? The problem is, the two scheduled ones before that both...primetime for me.


Bioware needs to learn that the world doesn't end at the US E/W coast.


You're right. They should accommodate the several players playing in Japan every once in a while just to make them feel special. Who cares if doing so would inconvenience a much LARGER portion of the playerbase.


I use to play WoW when I lived in Japan. The servers would go down at 9 p.m every Tuesday evening for me. Did I complain? No, because I'm not an idiot and I realized I was playing a NA based game in a foreign country. Why should a company have to bend over backwards to cater to my needs when I'm not part of the majority?

Edited by Naroga
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Funny that you should mention EVE... its server comes down for an hour of maintenance EVERY SINGLE DAY.


You do realize that EVE's system is a bit more complicated than one used in your average MMO? And btw, it's 30 mins every day. Usually server is up after 25 mins.

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You do realize that EVE's system is a bit more complicated than one used in your average MMO? And btw, it's 30 mins every day. Usually server is up after 25 mins.


cant argue with eve having a complex structure it is a rather unique game.


You are basing eves downtime on current outages, it took several years for it to drop below about 10 hours downtime a week after launch, for the first few months outages of up to 3 days were fairly common.. Post patches usually 8 - 9 hours as a minimum, current content patches also usually hit around 12 hours sometimes more than 24 hours, often followed by rollbacks and repatches.


Eve servers report 1 hour downtime a day, yes CURRENTLY (and for the last few years) this often is more like 30 mins, but dont assume thats always been the case.

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cant argue with eve having a complex structure it is a rather unique game.


You are basing eves downtime on current outages, it took several years for it to drop below about 10 hours downtime a week after launch, for the first few months outages of up to 3 days were fairly common.. Post patches usually 8 - 9 hours as a minimum, current content patches also usually hit around 12 hours sometimes more than 24 hours, often followed by rollbacks and repatches.


Eve servers report 1 hour downtime a day, yes CURRENTLY (and for the last few years) this often is more like 30 mins, but dont assume thats always been the case.


No, I'm not basing "eves downtime on current outages". Just wanted to correct misinformation.


Patching takes time. You should now that. It's not just let's put new stuff in there and hope it works. You have to test it first on live server. Tests done on test server don't count, it's different environment. Only 3 day downtime I know was the one when server caught fire.

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I know this may come as a shock to you, but the World isn't flat....it's a sphere.


You serious? Damn.. Maps depict it as flat :-/


In seriousness, I do hope BW have some sort of logging abilities for this kind of stuff, and go permaban on their a'sses!


Also, living in europe is a bit'ch considering maintenance! :mad: Just had to, u know, get that off my chest. :-)

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EVE Online daily downtimes are expected to be 1 hour. In fact non patch downtimes are 30 min top. Downtime for hotfix (small patch like 1.0.1, 1.0.2 in SWTOR) is usually extended to 1.5 hours, but sometimes is less than 1 hour.


Points are:


1. BW screws up big compared to CCP (see above and consider the fact - it was no downtime in SWTOR less then 2 hours as of now)


2. BW screws up big compared to SOE, which does maintenance and applies hotfixes to EU server Splitpaw in early morning (UK time). And guess what? SOE is US based company with HQ in San Diego.


3. BW screws up big compared to Blizzard which has separate maintenance time frames for US, EU and... (surprise!) Russian servers. I'm not sure about Oceania and China.

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