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Bioware implent a HUTT class for all these people


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That way they can just sit on a platform and complain and moan and demand that everyone does everything for them.


PvP for them will consist of bartering with other Hutt's and communicating via holocron because we wouldn't want them to move or click any type of skill, just a simple one button press of a incoming message via holocron. Once they do that, the conversations are based off of random rolls that the AI DOES FOR THEM. At a certain valor level, they will then be able to spectate pvp warzone, where all they will have to do is click a laugh or point emote to generate commendations and trophies.


Their codex will fill automatically. As soon as someone finds a new codex entry that said Hutt doesn't have, it will link to a random Hutt that also didn't have said codex entry and just fill it in for them.


Datacrons will be delivered via AI generated smugglers every hour on the hour and every 2 days a smuggler will deliver an assembly station where all the Hutt has to do it click a color coded button of which datacron they want crafted, which will then automatically go up for auction. If said auction doesn't sell within 2 min of it being processed, the AI will automatically buy the auction for a set amount of credits, which of course will be at the very least 2 mill credits per auction just in case they roll an alt that isn't a Hutt...because..well because **** is just too damn expensive in a galaxy far far away.


There would be no need for a new language or RP rule set because their spelling equals that of a hutt and you can't understand 99% of what they type anyhow so they can easily RP Hutt without having to study anything or watch a movie.


Companions would be nothing more than a few dancers that receive tips per min. Those tips can then be turned into better outfits, which will then AUTOMATICALLY recruit more dancer and in turn generate more tips per min, hands free and will continue while they log off, because the 3 button press system that is currently in place is just to damn difficult and frustrating.


This will be perfect for all the whiny self-absorbant instant gratification ******s that have apparently flocked to this game and should be implemented yesterday.


Oh forgot to mention, they will also receive VIP access to their own forums over at http://www.S-T-F-U.com

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Y'know, I know this thread was made as a "shut up haters". But I can't help but realize that your class idea actually sounds quite ******. To be able to play a Hutt who just sits on his throne ruling his empire, talking with other Hutts as we determine who gets what. It's like a mob boss class. I, for one, support this idea since it'd be awesome. Maybe as some guild-related thing. Guild leaders can roll Hutt alts.
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Yup. That's exactly what people mean when they recommend improvements. You nailed it.




Again. Stuff like this is what makes this the worse MMO forum community I have ever seen.


and woooooooosh. That's the sound of the point of this going over your head at Mach 40.


I've seen maybe...MAYBE...10 threads of people recommending improvements in a realistic, constructive manner, out of what....1,000's. The rest are nothing more than people ************ about every little gd aspect, from datacrons being too hard to get...to having to many skills...to crafting being to frustrating even though you click 3 buttons so on and so forth. I can only imagine what their real lives must be like if they have to make toast every morning.

Edited by Nidien
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Yup. That's exactly what people mean when they recommend improvements. You nailed it.




Again. Stuff like this is what makes this the worse MMO forum community I have ever seen.


You must not have ever seen the WoW general forums.

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You must not have ever seen the WoW general forums.


These are far worse. Sure you have the ignorant trolls on WOW. What makes this forum worse is the venom with which folks are subjected to for pointing out flaws or suggesting improvements. The game won't kill this game, but the forum community sure might.

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These are far worse. Sure you have the ignorant trolls on WOW. What makes this forum worse is the venom with which folks are subjected to for pointing out flaws or suggesting improvements. The game won't kill this game, but the forum community sure might.


edited the first post. We must have two complete opposite outlooks on what suggesting improvements and pointing flaws out is. Are we even reading the same forums? we have to be, but are we?

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edited the first post. We must have two complete opposite outlooks on what suggesting improvements and pointing flaws out is. Are we even reading the same forums? we have to be, but are we?


I guess we just see things differently. Even when folks list out flaws in a rational, non-hyberbole ridden manner they are attacked. There are plenty of morons bashing for no reason yes, but there are more than just a few posts here that contain legitimate requests and point out real flaws. Doesn't matter though they are all treated the same.


The game is not perfect. It's ok that it has flaws. It's also healthy to point those flaws out and to suggest improvements. People can react in basically four ways:


a) Ignore them

b) Reply with agreement

c) Reply with how your experience is different

d) Attack


All I am saying is option D seems to be the most common and that doesn't bode well for the long term health of the game.

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I guess we just see things differently. Even when folks list out flaws in a rational, non-hyberbole ridden manner they are attacked. There are plenty of morons bashing for no reason yes, but there are more than just a few posts here that contain legitimate requests and point out real flaws. Doesn't matter though they are all treated the same.


The game is not perfect. It's ok that it has flaws. It's also healthy to point those flaws out and to suggest improvements. People can react in basically four ways:


a) Ignore them

b) Reply with agreement

c) Reply with how your experience is different

d) Attack


All I am saying is option D seems to be the most common and that doesn't bode well for the long term health of the game.


or E, Lulz and move on.

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It's too bad that because of the way the game is put forth, there will never be any additional classes, at comparable to what they have currently... Or will they? THey could also just skin a human and say it is a Hutt... but that would be a bad idea.
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and woooooooosh. That's the sound of the point of this going over your head at Mach 40.


I've seen maybe...MAYBE...10 threads of people recommending improvements in a realistic, constructive manner, out of what....1,000's. The rest are nothing more than people ************ about every little gd aspect, from datacrons being too hard to get...to having to many skills...to crafting being to frustrating even though you click 3 buttons so on and so forth. I can only imagine what their real lives must be like if they have to make toast every morning.




The UI is borked. It's kind of important to be able to see your party's actual health in your frames.


Just a little bit.


This is just one of many very legitimate complaints from people who want to see this game succeed, but are afraid it won't.


You mention datacrons. Seems like a petty complaint, right? But, actually, the "mega" datacron, at least for the Empire side, requires the player to do things that aren't challenging - but bugged and broken. It's frustrating to spend an hour doing something only to fail because of the game's fault - not yours. That would make me pretty sour. Luckily I read about the problem and am just avoiding it.


But things like that almost make it seem like BioWare is "trolling" its own customers.



Look, negativity is generally a bad thing. I get it. And maybe there is too much negativity in this forum. But what are you doing to help alleviate that in any way?

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The UI is borked. It's kind of important to be able to see your party's actual health in your frames.


Just a little bit.


This is just one of many very legitimate complaints from people who want to see this game succeed, but are afraid it won't.


You mention datacrons. Seems like a petty complaint, right? But, actually, the "mega" datacron, at least for the Empire side, requires the player to do things that aren't challenging - but bugged and broken. It's frustrating to spend an hour doing something only to fail because of the game's fault - not yours. That would make me pretty sour. Luckily I read about the problem and am just avoiding it.


But things like that almost make it seem like BioWare is "trolling" its own customers.



Look, negativity is generally a bad thing. I get it. And maybe there is too much negativity in this forum. But what are you doing to help alleviate that in any way?


I'm having fun that's what I'm doing. There is no way to "alleviate" the negativity..well there is and that comes in roughly 15 days.


I find a bug I report it, then I report it in the CORRECT forum, not the gd general discussion area where everyone *****es and cries. Earlier it was bugs, now its because they are patching, *********** ironic eh?


I am fully aware of the issues and what needs to be dearly fixed asap and what is a minor annoyance at best, and what I am addressing is the fact that 90+% of the posts in this forum are nothing more than people jumping on a bug train that they haven't even experienced themselves..for one...and whining about literally every little minor thing that they can because they are "entitled" to do so, just like they are entitled to make themselves look like idiots not just on a daily basis but on a per minute basis, and there is NOTHING constructive about their posts.


and yes, there are bugged issues with certain datacrons, and YES people are ************ because datacrons are too hard to get and too time consuming and not worth it. We should get a holiday mount not a stat boost, because THEN and ONLY THEN would they be worth it.


This game is too much like WoW, please implement these 20 things from WoW or I quit.


This game has too many bugs, I've only seen 5 out of the 300 I'm ************ about and copy and pasted from another thread I found 7 pages back, but someone says they are there so they must be there, and I better not run into them. BTW I am a programmer and could fix all these bugs in less than 4.334 min, *** BW YOU SUCK, PATCH NOOOOOOWWW.


*** YOU ARE PATCHING NOW, this is MY PRIMETIME you ******es, seriously? I never said it was ok to patch on MY primetime. I'm emailing you my sleep schedule, my work schedule, my doctors appts, my pets vet appts, and the days and times I have to give my mom her car back so you know damn well when and when not to patch, FFS DO I HAVE TO DO EVERYTHING FOR YOU?????????


THIS GAME SUCKS, logs out of forums, and logs into SW:TOR.

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OP is an example of a straw-man logical fallacy.


Enlighten yourself: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=137768


lol, I can tell you 1,001 ways to shove some philosophical psychological bs up your ***. Straw-man logical fallacy...lol


So here, enlighten yourself:


No, what it is...is someone that is sick of the bs and is going to have some fun and play with some trolls, on this lovely Thursday night, Friday morning.


I know damn well there are bugs in the game, I know damn well some are critical and need to be fixed ASAP. I know there are certain features that need to be implement ASAP, for example a /roll system. The fact that there isn't a /roll system in this game is mind blowing, hello-kitty probably has a gd roll system, and the list goes on. I'm WELL aware of the issues. I'm also well aware that I'm having fun in the game, an I'm also well aware that bioware is working on issues and I'm well aware of my stance on said issues, so now YOUR well aware that I don't give a **** about your straw-man logical fallacy of bs.


Are you aware that while your sitting there drinking a cup of warm tea with your pinky in the air and adjusting your glasses while making sure your posture is absolutely perfect..that the stick up your *** is starting to grow mold?


No one can have a bit of fun anymore. You can label me, the OP however you want..If reciting your books makes you feel better than all the more power to you. Maybe you'll have better luck "trying to reach" someone else. I have a Jahova couple that won't leave me the **** alone...can I give them your number so you guys can share your views and reach each other instead of bugging me? Please?


P.S. have a great day.

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