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Isnt this supposed to be a MASSIVE Multi Player Game?


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After purchasing the game for a release premium price and then spending additional money on upgrading my graphics card this game still runs like poo on my computer. From what I gather I am by no means the only person experiencing this problem.


As this game is supposed to be a Massive Multi-player experience I cannot imagine it succeeding as it is so poorly optimized for your average household rig. In many ways this game reminds me of the good old days of Ulitma Online when half the population was running 56k and the other half who owned everyone was running DSL or Cable. An MMO that can only be played with the latest tech hardware and rigs will ultimately fail.


P.S This is my drunken bitter rant for the evening.



-A Frustrated Gamer

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After purchasing the game for a release premium price and then spending additional money on upgrading my graphics card this game still runs like poo on my computer. From what I gather I am by no means the only person experiencing this problem.


As this game is supposed to be a Massive Multi-player experience I cannot imagine it succeeding as it is so poorly optimized for your average household rig. In many ways this game reminds me of the good old days of Ulitma Online when half the population was running 56k and the other half who owned everyone was running DSL or Cable. An MMO that can only be played with the latest tech hardware and rigs will ultimately fail.


P.S This is my drunken bitter rant for the evening.



-A Frustrated Gamer


Interesting, games used to push computer technology to become better, force you to upgrade. Those games were a success in their day.

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yea, graphics realy need optimization, in some areas it doesnt matter if you use high or low settings you get same fps, whatever I do it is unplayable. I play game at high settings without problem but when I enter civil war warzone cant go higher than 5-10 fps, also many other graphic problems in game
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It's strange...........



People with good rigs complain about bad FPS.



People with average rigs say they are doing fine.


I'm on a two year old quad core with 12 gb ram, and a 9800gtx and as long as i keep shadows off the game is smooth as silk for me. running at 1680x1050

Edited by xhaiquan
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Like most parts of the game, they didn't finish tying up the graphics and optimizing them. Hence no full textures, no AA, glitches and runs like crap.


If you listen to the biodrones this will be all fixed soon after release oh wait it's been 2 weeks. Give them 6 months.. maybe.

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It's strange...........



People with good rigs complain about bad FPS.



People with average rigs say they are doing fine.


I'm on a two year old quad core with 12mb ram, and a 9800gtx and as long as i keep shadows off the game is smooth as silk for me. running at 1680x1050


I have an excellent rig, no issues.


Something is causing the problems and this is one of the main issues with all MMOs. There are always folks that have some kind of hardware/software issue that wakes up the gremlins in the machinery. I have been on both sides of this coin, and it will get fixed.


It's frustrating, to be sure. Sometimes it's combinations of things, sometimes it's a specific memory leak in specific systems.


It's always something, though. They'll fix it.

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Yeah after that last patch my game has been having a slight lag to it and I noticed the chat lagging as well. My tower is amazing and runs the game on full high...i mean it can even run ff14 perfectly fine soo yeah lol.
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Just another note, an "average household rig" isn't made for gaming. Gaming requires better (note: not the best, but definitely better) hardware. Better hardware doesn't just denote upgrading your video card. One has to figure out their bottleneck and upgrade from there. It's not like platforming.
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In before the fanboys tell you that there are no issues and god almighty optimised this himself.






In before a troll..........nevermind. To late.

Point me out a post that anyone said there are no issues.


"There are no issues" and "I'm not having any issues" are two different things.

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Turn off shadows, turn off norton.. firewalls too. That helped me, plus Vsync.

So this is what I am running and I still had lag, so it cant be all machines that are lower on the scale than this.


Intel Core i7-3960X Six Core Extreme, 15MB Cache Overclocked up to 4.2Ghz

16GB Quad Channel DDR3 at 1600MHz

Dual 2GB GDDR5 AMD Radeon HD 6950 - AMD CrossFireX™ Enabled

512GB SSD 6Gb/s MAIN + 1TB 7200RPM Storage


My ping is normally around 30- 50...


So It cannot just be me that had enough noticable ability decrease or lag to actually have to shift their pcs to make the lag lessen?


Also to be fair, I have had to do this on a few games, not just TOR.


<3 TOR.

Edited by Saetet
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Just another note, an "average household rig" isn't made for gaming. Gaming requires better (note: not the best, but definitely better) hardware. Better hardware doesn't just denote upgrading your video card. One has to figure out their bottleneck and upgrade from there. It's not like platforming.


But thats the point and thats why WOW is succesful on an average rig there game looks better and runs smoother than TOR . Your never gonna be the king mmo when it requires a king rig to run it you alienate a HUGE portion of would be subscribers .


Just stating facts , and I love this game .

Edited by ProphetX
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Listen, I love games and I consider myself a dedicated gamer as I like to use my free time gaming as much as possible. That being said, if I have to break out the yard stick and start a Johnson comparing contest to run a game on my computer im going to walk away. I hate WOW and ive hated all the MMOs with the exception of DAOC and UO but WOW at least made the game playable for most people. The only reason console games do better than pc is because of accessibility. How can you possibly make a game marketed as an MMO and only support a small fraction of your consumer base? It doesnt make any business sense on Biowares part. They clearly did put a lot into this game but they missed the main point. Lipstick on a pig.


P.S I run the game well with the exception of Civil War. That being said ive only reached level 18 on any character so I cant imagine doing well later in the game. Im running quad core 4gb ram geforce gt 545 win 7. These specs were above recommended on the box for this game.


Drunken Jedi

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