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these patches are out of control


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As the saying goes, stupid people be stupid yo.


No matter WHEN they take down the servers it's going to be during someones peak times, but because it's during YOUR peak time..that's different...amiright or amiright?


As the saying goes, stupid people be stupid yo.

Edited by Nidien
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this is really substandard quality control on bio-ware's part but since they are a division of EA its to be expected.


if would be one thing if I could play the game but I cant this is what the game looks like to me



And you reckon they're gonna fix those bugs by....not patchin'?

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this is really substandard quality control on bio-ware's part but since they are a division of EA its to be expected.


if would be one thing if I could play the game but I cant this is what the game looks like to me



What am I watching...is that someone playing SW:TOR on a Tandy1000? I didn't think they even made those anymore...


Tell me...is there enough room for a 6970 in that thing, or did you have to mod the case?

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As the saying goes, stupid people be stupid yo.


No matter WHEN they take down the servers it's going to be during someones peak times, but because it's during YOUR peak time..that's different...amiright or amiright?


As the saying goes, stupid people be stupid yo.


Thats right. So spread it around a little. Maybe put a nice long one during your peak play time.

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i understand we're less than a month into launch, but seriously? servers are going down AGAIN tonight? i've patched 6 times in the past 48 hours.


my free first month might be the extent of my gametime if this **** keeps up


Yet you same people complain about the bugs not being fixed... My god you people cry more then my kids do. if your so unhappy then please cancel your sub, uninstall and LEAVE.



Either way stop the constent *********** whining!

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Thats right. So spread it around a little. Maybe put a nice long one during your peak play time.


You seem the think that BioWare has singled YOU out. They pick these times to try and accommodate as many people as possible and try to lessen the effect on the whole population. So, because you can't play for a couple times in a row when you get off work or whatever it is you do, you have to flip your lid.


I'll sacrifice one to save many, thank you.

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You seem the think that BioWare has singled YOU out. They pick these times to try and accommodate as many people as possible and try to lessen the effect on the whole population. So, because you can't play for a couple times in a row when you get off work or whatever it is you do, you have to flip your lid.


I'll sacrifice one to save many, thank you.


Of course you will when its not your time being effected but someone else's.

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Thats right. So spread it around a little. Maybe put a nice long one during your peak play time.


Matter a fact, this is my peak time since I work second shift. It doesn't bother me..I have plenty of other things to do, like...


1) check these forums and watch people like you cry

2) edit and upload youtube videos for that YOUTUBE MONAYYYYY

3) play with *******...yes I know...******* aren't just a myth they are in fact real, just an FYI

4) re-check these forums and watch people cry and realize..hey my life isn't that damn bad

5) did I mention play with *******?


lol, I love these forums. It's been awhile, since...the WoW vanilla days that I've had this much fun on a forum..and it's been a LONG while since I've seen this many people that make the majority of the youtube community not look pathetic.

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i understand we're less than a month into launch, but seriously? servers are going down AGAIN tonight? i've patched 6 times in the past 48 hours.


my free first month might be the extent of my gametime if this **** keeps up


Love how the OP claims to understand something, then in the next few words, proves he does not.

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Of course you will when its not your time being effected but someone else's.


How would you possibly know it's not my time also being affected? I'm on right now actually, and this patch will more than likely kick me off. But it's for the good of the whole. Stop being selfish.

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Love how the OP claims to understand something, then in the next few words, proves he does not.


He doesn't seem to understand that downloading and installing doesn't count as 2 patches.

Edited by Nidien
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*Sigh* You really can't win as a game developer.


No patches for a few days? People cry.


Patches for 3 days in a row? People cry.


Don't fix bugs as fast as they demand? People cry.


Fix bugs on a daily basis? People cry.

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Maybe if all of you guys would stop ************ and play the game for what it is, which is a story-driven MMO there wouldn't be so many patches.


It's a good thing this "story driven" idea works out so well... I don't think they ever thought about what would happen when people "finished" the "stories".

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It's a good thing this "story driven" idea works out so well... I don't think they ever thought about what would happen when people "finished" the "stories".


Probably the same thing that happened when people finished the "story that never was" when we got done leveling to 50 in WoW upon release...run the same dungeon 456,000 times for a loot drop, ***** about it, then run it another 456,000 times until they un****ed their first raid and made it at least half itemized, or open world pvp'd in Tarren Mill for hours on end without a pvp system implemented and then when they did implement it, implement the worst pvp system created.


OR, the same thing we all did in DAOC. Leveled to cap...open world pvp'd in a pvp based game that hadn't implement their pvp system yet, took over keeps and farmed and farmed and farmed.


Or, the same thing we all did in ..insert MMO here for the first few months or years it was released.


Is this your first MMO? and if not, when is the last time you bought a MMO...we'll say less than a year after it's been out? and if you did buy an MMO within a year of release, did you play it even semi-sober to remember your experience? and if you were sober, do you over exaggerate everything in your life?


Here's a simple tip you can carry throughout the rest of your life, and pass on to your children, and their children. If your not having fun doing something, the stop *********** doing it and do something you will have fun doing. Simple isn't it?

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so, it's smarter to release a new patch every 6 hours than to wait a week and post a 100mb patch? i HIGHLY doubt anything getting patched tonight is too crucial to wait another 3 days.


sounds like someone is mad they are fixing the exploits...

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*** are you serious?




How the hell do people come up with some of these threads.



Patch the game 6 times a day if you can bioware. The quicker you fix the problems the more sucessful the game will be.

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i understand we're less than a month into launch, but seriously? servers are going down AGAIN tonight? i've patched 6 times in the past 48 hours.


my free first month might be the extent of my gametime if this **** keeps up


Your complaining is out of control. I'm embarrassed for you.

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