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Warning: don't buy Grade 4 Ship Armor!


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I just "upgraded" from Grade 2 to Grade 4, and the net result was:


Armor -350 (down from 3100 to 2750)

Blaster +1 (up from 51 to 52)


And I paid 8k credits for this?


Maybe someone can explain how losing all of that armor is worth a 1.9% increase in blaster power, but I doubt it.

Edited by ColonelFlag
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..you take hull damage in space combat?


Enough hull damage for a few hundred points to matter?


I think the point is, if you upgrade your armour, you expect the armour value to increase, not your blasters, and most certainly don't expect the armour value to go down!

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I haven't gotten that low yet, but why pay 8k to lower my armor by 11% just to get a 1.9% increase in blaster power? How is that an upgrade?


Will I notice a 1.9% increase in blaster power?


I will be a lot more careful buying ship "upgrades" in the future.

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I think the point is, if you upgrade your armour, you expect the armour value to increase, not your blasters, and most certainly don't expect the armour value to go down!




I didn't pay attention when I paid for the armor. I assumed Grade 4 was much better than Grade 2, but I was totally wrong. If I had not already bound it to myself, I would sell it. It doesn't do much of anything except make my ship weaker.

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Did you upgrade from a 'blue' item to a 'green' item? I know with hilts that a 'blue' 4 is better than a green 5, and I think even a 6.


I'm cybertech and i never saw a grade 4 green schematic yet. Actually, I havne't seen 1 green ship parts schematic yet.

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1, 3. &5 are the best ship upgrades, 2and 4 are slight upgrades in osme stats and drops in others, you should have looked at the stats you had equipped before wasting your 8k on soemthing your going to complain about buying wihtout even checking up on it.


also just to let you know 8k really isnt that much its like 1 quest? including mob kills to get the quest done. i doubt it would even take that much considering you need like lvl 35+ to equip lvl 4 gear i think.

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Did you upgrade from a 'blue' item to a 'green' item? I know with hilts that a 'blue' 4 is better than a green 5, and I think even a 6.


Good question.


Both items are blue.


And I looked them up online, and the stats are what they're supposed to be.


When it comes to ship upgrades: Caveat emptor.

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I suppose the usefulness of the item depends on whether or not you value +8 damage (you're firing multiple shots per second, remember) and your ability to kill things faster over your ability to take a couple more hits because you don't have sweet Star Fox skills and actually lose your shields or something.


I currently have Grade 4 armor (Grade 2 shields!) and I can do Impossible Sector without taking hull damage. It shouldn't be too hard for a non-space ace to get through all that stuff with a 2650 armor buffer.

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1, 3. &5 are the best ship upgrades, 2and 4 are slight upgrades in osme stats and drops in others, you should have looked at the stats you had equipped before wasting your 8k on soemthing your going to complain about buying wihtout even checking up on it.


also just to let you know 8k really isnt that much its like 1 quest? including mob kills to get the quest done. i doubt it would even take that much considering you need like lvl 35+ to equip lvl 4 gear i think.


I just hit 32, so 8k isn't one quest. It takes hours of questing for me to get that.


But Ilearned a lesson. Ship "upgrades" are a misnomer. You upgrade your body armor from a blue level 18 to a blue level 32, and you hardly have to look at the armor stat. It's higher. Not so with ship items, and that's just odd.

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Are you questing on Tython? I can get 8k by simply blinking in the mid-20s.


Edit: Not to say that this "upgrade" makes any sense, it's baffling to me as well, and I'm glad you pointed it out before I get to a level where I can use Armor 4. But I think you're exaggerating the worth of 8k.

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1, 3. &5 are the best ship upgrades, 2and 4 are slight upgrades in osme stats and drops in others, you should have looked at the stats you had equipped before wasting your 8k on soemthing your going to complain about buying wihtout even checking up on it.


also just to let you know 8k really isnt that much its like 1 quest? including mob kills to get the quest done. i doubt it would even take that much considering you need like lvl 35+ to equip lvl 4 gear i think.


You're not really getting it. As it is right now, the blue grade 2 armor has the same armor value, and more blaster damage, then the grade 5 vendor bought armor. It's bugged, and it's not just the tooltip, i've tested it.

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Hours of questing to get 8k at 32?


Do you kill a mob every ten minutes or something? Or are you questing on Coruscant / Dromund Kaas?


I quested on Tatooine today for about two hours. I did at least half a dozen quests, and they gave about 1500 credits each. The drops weren't great. So, I made about 12k credits.


I think the problem is that Tatooine is low for me, but I wanted to finish the quests. But that's a side issue.


It's just bizarre to discover that an "armor upgrade" (from level 18 to 32) actually lowers your armor. Granted it raises the blasters slightly. By the way, my blasters shoot 6 bolts per second and not 8, but that's also beside the point because the upgrade is 1.9% blaster power. If you multiply the old value by 6 and the new value by 6, it's still a 1.9% upgrade.

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Welp, theres your problem.




Thanks, professor.


You know, I did pay attention to the title "Grade 4" and "level 32", and I foolishly assumed that was higher armor than "Grade 2" and "level 28".


I'm sure there's a perfectly logical explanation for this, and as soon as the guy who wrote this part of the game sobers up, maybe he'll splain.

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You're not really getting it. As it is right now, the blue grade 2 armor has the same armor value, and more blaster damage, then the grade 5 vendor bought armor. It's bugged, and it's not just the tooltip, i've tested it.


Yeah, that's doesn't sound right.


And if it's a bug, it sounds like an easy one to fix.

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So you made a bad choice after reviewing some tool tips and to make yourself feel better your gonna come to the forums and blow brown chunks through the screen to be "cute".




The forums are for players to sound off about things like this and get feedback.

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