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What is the point of the respawn delay?


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I'm not really an MMO player, I'm just playing this for the story and such. I'm curious... why do I have to sit and wait 30, 120 or even more seconds after dying? Is there an MMO gameplay reason for it?


Seems odd to actively annoy players like that.


So that death carries a penalty. No corpse runs in this game but you still have to pay for failure a bit or people will never learn.

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So that death carries a penalty. No corpse runs in this game but you still have to pay for failure a bit or people will never learn.


Well I don't think making me sit there with my thumb up my rear for 2 or 10 minutes is really accomplishing that, it's just annoying me. In a "normal" game losing some progress would be the penalty, but you're not made to sit there and wait.


It's really aggravating, especially since most of the times I die it's due to a bug or attracting too many enemies on my speeder trying to avoid even more trash mobs.

Edited by StingingVelvet
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It's called a time sink. In mmo's, the way you make money is by monthly payments. The longer you keep playing, the more money the company makes. You add a whole lots of tiny things like this in the game that serve no real purpose other than to slow you down and it adds up in the end.
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Well I don't think making me sit there with my thumb up my rear for 2 or 10 minutes is really accomplishing that, it's just annoying me. In a "normal" game losing some progress would be the penalty, but you're not made to sit there and wait.


It's really aggravating, especially since most of the times I die it's due to a bug of attracting too many enemies on my speeder trying to avoid even more trash mobs.


Use medcenter instead of the medical probe if you don't want to wait. It starts at _30_ seconds and goes from there, you'd have to have died 10+ times an hour to be hitting in place respawns that big. Maybe you might want to consider reviewing how you play so you don't die.

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It's called a time sink. In mmo's, the way you make money is by monthly payments. The longer you keep playing, the more money the company makes. You add a whole lots of tiny things like this in the game that serve no real purpose other than to slow you down and it adds up in the end.


I know they are designed this way and I personally find it insulting. That said I am playing this one anyway because I love the story, IP and developer. I don't plan to make it a habit ;)


Anyway, I don't think the death penalty can really add up that much, can it? I guess it's possible.

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Use medcenter instead of the medical probe if you don't want to wait. It starts at _30_ seconds and goes from there, you'd have to have died 10+ times an hour to be hitting in place respawns that big. Maybe you might want to consider reviewing how you play so you don't die.


Like I said, bugs. Has nothing to do with how I play. Though often you don't know if you can really take on that elite or not until you try, so that can cause deaths as well.


In any case I don't want a lecture on how to solo MMOs, my only question is: why actively annoy the player? Doesn't seem like a good way to keep people playing.

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Well I don't think making me sit there with my thumb up my rear for 2 or 10 minutes is really accomplishing that, it's just annoying me. In a "normal" game losing some progress would be the penalty, but you're not made to sit there and wait.


It's really aggravating, especially since most of the times I die it's due to a bug or attracting too many enemies on my speeder trying to avoid even more trash mobs.


There is no progress in this game so to speak. Story wise anyways. You can't redo stories if you die.


The alternatives could be permadeath or huge exp loss....I'd much rather take the long revive time/med center trip.


And if you keep dying...well there's an issue there. A personal issue.

Edited by Oappo
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Like I said, bugs. Has nothing to do with how I play. Though often you don't know if you can really take on that elite or not until you try, so that can cause deaths as well.


In any case I don't want a lecture on how to solo MMOs, my only question is: why actively annoy the player? Doesn't seem like a good way to keep people playing.


Bugs? Am I a bipedial ******** rabbit or someone who has played this genre since 1999 trying to tell you A -- compared to other games in this genre death here is amazingly forgiving and B -- the entire point of any annoyance in a game as a penalty is to make you a better player?


I mean I don't really care if you spend 10mins dead at a shot, it just disturbs me greatly that you don't learn from your mistakes.

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The alternatives could be permadeath or huge exp loss....I'd much rather take the long revive time/med center trip.


I would much prefer the item damage penalty without the trip to the medcenter. Or a small xp penalty. Making me wait 2 minutes or travel all the way back to the quest zone is just really aggravating to me.

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I would much prefer the item damage penalty without the trip to the medcenter. Or a small xp penalty. Making me wait 2 minutes or travel all the way back to the quest zone is just really aggravating to me.


A small exp penalty would make death pretty much trivial....defeating the point of penalties in the first place.

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Bugs? Am I a bipedial ******** rabbit or someone who has played this genre since 1999 trying to tell you A -- compared to other games in this genre death here is amazingly forgiving and B -- the entire point of any annoyance in a game as a penalty is to make you a better player?


Not really sure what your first sentence is trying to say. Anyway, I hope you're not making this hostile.


I don't come from a "get better" multiplayer place, man. I am a singleplayer gamer. I am playing the game to have fun and experience the story. When a "cannot see target" bug causes me to die repeatedly and then my options are to wait 10 minutes to try again and hope I can attack or warp back to a medcenter, pay 10,000 for repairs and travel all the way back to the quest zone, it makes me want to bash my monitor in with a hammer.

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Well I don't think making me sit there with my thumb up my rear for 2 or 10 minutes is really accomplishing that, it's just annoying me. In a "normal" game losing some progress would be the penalty, but you're not made to sit there and wait.



Did you seriously just say this? :rolleyes:


Firstly... you only have to wait if you die multiple times in a short time period. This is to prevent "Zerging" difficult content.


Second, losing progress (XP) "makes you wait" more than just a couple minutes... it's even worse. TOR has probably the least punishing death mechanic in any MMO in existence.

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Did you seriously just say this? :rolleyes:


Firstly... you only have to wait if you die multiple times in a short time period. This is to prevent "Zerging" difficult content.


Second, losing progress (XP) "makes you wait" more than just a couple minutes... it's even worse. TOR has probably the least punishing death mechanic in any MMO in existence.


I would much rather play more of the game to make back my progress than sit there watching a timer for 10 minutes thinking about how a glitch caused me to die in the first place.

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I don't come from a "get better" multiplayer place, man. I am a singleplayer gamer.


So when that goomba in Super Mario Bros. walked into you and you died, did you walk back into it? When you played Zelda and died to the dragon at the end of Dungeon 1 did you just keep trying the same thing or did you figure out how to kill it?


When you played Doom back in 1994, and when you died you restarted the level with a pistol and 50 bullets, what then?


ANY game is about getting better, or they'd just be shiny buttons called "I win!"

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I would much rather play more of the game to make back my progress than sit there watching a timer for 10 minutes thinking about how a glitch caused me to die in the first place.


If you have a timer for 10 minutes you must've died a couple times.


Wouldn't you just go to med center after the first death?

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I would much rather play more of the game to make back my progress than sit there watching a timer for 10 minutes thinking about how a glitch caused me to die in the first place.


Bug death or not the probe is a convenience for when you get the TOR equivalent of a human booster shot from a guy named Molly.


If waiting 10 minutes is that annoying, use the second button.


The reason for the delay has been explained. A few times from what I have seen. Let it go.

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Basically it's like this. In single player games if you die you have to load the game from an earlier point. In an MMO you can't save and re-load. In SWTOR you get the option to revive at Med Center. That is equivalent to re-loading from an earlier point. You also get an option to revive on the spot you died at. That gives you the chance to re-think your strategy so that you can defeat the enemy. Now if you die multiple times you obviously are doing something wrong, e.g. You are too low level for the encounter, so that's why it would be better in that case to return to Med Center and go a different path. In SWTOR the Death Penalty is pretty minimal compared to other games and compared to Single Player games it gives you more options as to how to revive yourself.
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Well I don't think making me sit there with my thumb up my rear for 2 or 10 minutes is really accomplishing that, it's just annoying me. In a "normal" game losing some progress would be the penalty, but you're not made to sit there and wait.


It's really aggravating, especially since most of the times I die it's due to a bug or attracting too many enemies on my speeder trying to avoid even more trash mobs.


I sense much anger in you...


You must meditate on this... like every time after you die ;)

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Really, sitting there with your thumb up your rear is not an efficient use of your time. Experienced MMO players will use the time effectively. The swtor system is way better than, for example, corpse running wherein you have to actively participate (i.e. run) to respawn. If it's just a timer, you can do any number of things depending on the length of the timer.


Things to do while waiting for medical probe to be ready:


Consider how to alter spell rotation in response to specific discovered mob abilities.


Browse inventory for consumables that could tip the balance of your previous death.


Check equipment condition, check for nearby mob/resource respawns.


Review surrounding terrain for possible kiting / line-of-sight advantages.


Passive-aggressively get guildies to care about your struggle by posting intentionally vague comments about your fight in guild chat.


'Bio break'


Top up on Caffeine/Nicotine as appropriate.




Focus eyes on distant objects to relieve eyestrain.


Check Social Networks.


Phone/Chat to friends and family.




Feed cat.


Feed self.

Edited by Txangki
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Not really sure what your first sentence is trying to say. Anyway, I hope you're not making this hostile.


I don't come from a "get better" multiplayer place, man. I am a singleplayer gamer. I am playing the game to have fun and experience the story. When a "cannot see target" bug causes me to die repeatedly and then my options are to wait 10 minutes to try again and hope I can attack or warp back to a medcenter, pay 10,000 for repairs and travel all the way back to the quest zone, it makes me want to bash my monitor in with a hammer.

What he meant was that back in the days the death penalty in mmo's used to be horrible compared to this. I remember losing weeks of grinding worth of exp just from dying once in this mmo I used to play, even if it was death by another player, i.e pvp. Not only that but you lost everything you carried and some random pieces of equipment as well. Trust us when we say this, TOR is very forgiving when it comes to dying.

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Basically it's like this. In single player games if you die you have to load the game from an earlier point. In an MMO you can't save and re-load. In SWTOR you get the option to revive at Med Center. That is equivalent to re-loading from an earlier point. You also get an option to revive on the spot you died at. That gives you the chance to re-think your strategy so that you can defeat the enemy. Now if you die multiple times you obviously are doing something wrong, e.g. You are too low level for the encounter, so that's why it would be better in that case to return to Med Center and go a different path. In SWTOR the Death Penalty is pretty minimal compared to other games and compared to Single Player games it gives you more options as to how to revive yourself.


I'm talking about bugs, as I have mentioned several times. Bugs and pulling a second group by accident are the only times I die, the game is very easy honestly.


As for the rest, I play CRPGs normally, which allow you to save anywhere. There really is no death penalty what-so-ever. I don't see the point of a death penalty, I am playing games for fun.

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