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BH Jetpack Outrage


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Can I just use my jet pack as a mount? That would rock face.


All seriousness aside, a jet escape for a merc would be nice.... Just giving us a little time to get some distance, maybe only usable at low health or something, but yeah. Work kinda like a Warcraft hunters "disengage".


We can dream cant we ?:D

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Why did they change it so if you have a rocket pack on your gear all the abilities that use a rocket pack have the animation coming out of the boots? I understand if there's not a rocket pack on the gear there's gotta be some kind of boost from somewhere. Last week my rocket pack was working now it's not? Who's idea was that? I mean, this isn't a big deal, it doesn't affect game play, but it definitely affects the overall feel of my character. Idk, maybe this is just a bunch of QQ but I'd be happy if this was reversed.
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Agree. One of the bigger oversights on the BH class. I understand they may not want a target "jump where ever you want" ability, as that could lead to exploiting but -something-. Perhaps a jetboost backwards 15-30 yards. Would help Mercenaries in particular for some of their inadequacies in PvP.
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Why powertech can have an ability to put the enemy into its best position to attack (grapple melee) and merc doesn't have any to put enemy in range? Jet boost isn't enough you know, it's a joke, it is useful only in huttball or on bridges...


p.s. so a merc in 1vs1 melee can survive to all classes: did you never meet an operative/smuggler? You are lucky :D

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Powertechs have an interrupt, an AOE stun, an ability that makes them immune to push + increases movement speed by 15%, and a grapple.

Mercenaries have ONE ability -- ONE: a shizzy push. Unless they spec arsenal, in which case they have TWO shizzy pushes. Whoopdee-freakin-doo.


Scenario: Huttball. Enemy is on the top ramps, you're on the lower ramp. Everyone else either leaps or grapples to close the gap. Mercenaries jump up and down while desperately trying to get an incend. missile, a thermal detonator and a railshot in.

It's ridiculous.

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how about every bounty hunter (pt + merc) gets 1 min cd jet charge. shield tech has a talent that reduces cd by 45 sec.


nothing changes for shieldtech and everyone gets a 1 min jet charge. 1 min is long enough not to be op but still, you have the option to fly around once in a while.

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I'd like to meet the beta testers of the merc and ask something about them, probably we had the good guy who thinks high dps had to have some disadvatanges (instead the beta testers of other classes were smarter having all)
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how about every bounty hunter (pt + merc) gets 1 min cd jet charge. shield tech has a talent that reduces cd by 45 sec.


nothing changes for shieldtech and everyone gets a 1 min jet charge. 1 min is long enough not to be op but still, you have the option to fly around once in a while.


Thats a great idea, hell even if it was a 2m cooldown and shieldtech can reduce it 1m 45s. Just the ability to have it for an emergency oh sh*t moment and be able to jet up a cliff or onto a platform like almost any BH fan always dreamed of doing would be so worth it.


Maybe add to the afterburner talent and have it make jet boost also a safe fall? That seems like a real easy fix that could add some jet pack functionality.

Edited by Relair
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On an RP or Lore level I COMPLETELY agree with the OP


However, I gather that the OP is unaware of how something like that would be game breaking.


IMO BHs should be able to pay to have a "travel upgrade" added to their jetpacks instead of getting a speeder. They could travel via "low flying" jet packing with all the same rules as a mount. That would be really cool.


That is a great idea, and maybe something we can see with an expansion, class specific mounts. BH would be an upgraded jet pack that lets you fly around, sith could get a sithbeast, jedi could some goody-goody animal, etc.

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OK how about this, Bounty Hunters have recharge and reload that can't be used while in combat. Why not just have an A to B jump that works the same way. That way people can't complain that they’re giving the BH too much power in battles. It won't work in Huttball or other warzones because you are almost always being attacked by someone. They can create similar abilities for the other users as well. I think it would make exploring worlds a lot more fun.
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We do have it, Powertech, shield tech tree.


What he said. If you can't live without it, go shield tech tree spec. Also, mercs specialize in long distance attack. Mercs are squishy upclose, so it doesn't make sense that a merc would use this ability that brings them toe-to-toe with their opponents.

Edited by GKIOI
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How about every force user gets stealth,force leap,force pull and all force stuff since they're *force users*?


If you want jet charge - go PT tank. If you don't want to play a PT tank - you won't get a charge - deal with it.

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How about every force user gets stealth,force leap,force pull and all force stuff since they're *force users*?


If you want jet charge - go PT tank. If you don't want to play a PT tank - you won't get a charge - deal with it.


Your just a troll. BH have a jet pack they should be allowed to use it inately. Go flame elsewhere fool.

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I think there should be an ability to jump from your location to another, not as a jump but more of a fast-hover sort of jump and the ability can allow you to jump at least 30m.


Or, with the right armor, Bounty Hunters could use their Jetpacks as a mount! Now that would be awesome.

Edited by Darth_Precursor
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Yeah I don't think it's a good idea, it would just make one of the most OP classes even more OP...


Sith Warriors have force charge, yeah. That's our thing that's what we do. BH has all stuns.. ranged combat, internal damage etc... Yeah.


Yeah, good argument.


"One of the most OP classes"


One of the most implies that it is a top contender. Not including sub-classes, since Bounty Hunter encompasses both Merc and PT, "one of the most OP classes" is right up there with Inquisitor and Agent I guess. So 3/4 of the classes are OP, makes sense. Everyone argues that every class is OP for a different reason, some like the Operative combo which is getting nerfed make sense, pretty much everything else does not. And even though Mercs are arguably "skill-less" because of their one button spam, neither Mercs nor PTs are close to overpowered.


I'm indifferent on whether they decide to do something with jetpacks, but that was just an absurdly dumb comment.

Edited by Mikeydecoy
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Yeah, good argument.


"One of the most OP classes"


One of the most implies that it is a top contender. Not including sub-classes, since Bounty Hunter encompasses both Merc and PT, "one of the most OP classes" is right up there with Inquisitor and Agent I guess. So 3/4 of the classes are OP, makes sense. Everyone argues that every class is OP for a different reason, some like the Operative combo which is getting nerfed make sense, pretty much everything else does not. And even though Mercs are arguably "skill-less" because of their one button spam, neither Mercs nor PTs are close to overpowered.


I'm indifferent on whether they decide to do something with jetpacks, but that was just an absurdly dumb comment.


Aw so cute when people try to defend their own class, I'm guessing you are a BH, otherwise you wouldn't feel the need to comment back like that... Surely? Like I said, BH has it's little things, it doesn't need any more. I'm not going argue that it is or isn't OP, but from my observation it is.

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I have to ask again, why didn't the devs designed the Bounty Hunter class in general to make a little extra use of the Jet Pack for combat utility?


Yeah simply giving Jet charge (or some variation) to bounty hunters in general right now is probably not going to work out balance wise, but honestly the classes should have been designed originally with the jet pack being used for more utility from the beginning.

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