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What Customer Service? India?!


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nationalist at best

racist at worse


you do realize that those folks you are talking to on average have higher levels of education than the average person on these boards right? let me guess? red state?


If their accent is thick enough, it doesn't matter how educated they are. We cannot communicate with one another. Not all call centers in India are created equal.


And I doubt these jobs are highly paid or that the employees have any more than a high school diploma equivalent. Why would an entry-level job in the US have higher qualifications in India?


Not that there's anything wrong with that. Everyone should get the amount of education they deem necessary and are able to get. I'm just pointing out the inaccuracy.

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This is correct, the UK almost exclusively uses India tech support, to the point that if they don't, they're so proud they'll tell people that in their commercials.


More US companies are using the Philippines these days. It's becoming the next teleservices hotspot.


Another one, however, is Cork, Ireland. With servers there, I'm a little surprised that EA (as I'm sure made the decision) didn't choose to put the call center there.


Regardless, welcome to the global community. There's no reason to deprive people in other countries jobs when the game is enjoyed by the entire world.


There is when you cant understand each other when i was having problems with BT a while back i had my asian friend speak to the indian customer rep for me and my friend speak punjabi and urdu and he couldnt understand the BT CSR either.

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nationalist at best

racist at worse


you do realize that those folks you are talking to on average have higher levels of education than the average person on these boards right? let me guess? red state?


It isn't nationalist or racist to expect "customer service" to respond articulately and intelligibly in the language used by the customer they are supposed to be helping.


You know what I do when I walk into a business and try to deal with someone who obviously has English as their far second language, inhibiting the ability for them to understand me or I to understand them? I politely ask for someone who speaks proper English, or I take my business elsewhere.


Living in California, I come across this issue somewhat frequently. Especially since instead of requiring employees to fully speak and understand English, they instead hire "bilingual" employees, who in most cases are fluent in Spanish and have rudimentary skills in English that qualify them to call themselves "bilingual".

Edited by Zorvan
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I left British telecom (bt) as my Internet provider because the tech support was in India. It was horribly frustrating. They would go through the list of places with Internet issues (eg Aberdeen and Cardiff) and then ask me if London (where i live) was in either of those places... It beggared belief that they didn't think this was a bad idea, it's not like the uk is all that big, a 'native' would at least know that Cardiff is in Wales and Aberdeen in Scotland!


Add to that the fact that they don't speak English that well, I'll admit it's much better than I speak Hindi, but then I'm not trying to offer tech support to India! It's not racist, I'd have the same issues if tech support was in Germany or Poland or anywhere that's not the uk. I can understand that purchasing this game If I got US tech support, that what you get if you buy a foreign product.

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Sorry if you think I am derailing. I have the same issues with US support as I do with Manila support, with Mumbai support, with wherever support. It isn't the place its the individual on the phone and the training they receive.


I haven't had an issue with support for TOR yet. Had to reach out to them on the credit card issue and was ok with service.


I just get irked when folks rail on offshore support as it is usually a backdoor race/nationality thing vs a support concern.


True but when it comes to certain products like software and especially gaming/MMO I feel publishers and developers are cheapand should be using inhouse people or same supportcompany for all theirproducts with an established relationship and working procedures and policies and efficency. From what I have seen thus far, it is terrible. I don't whine about bugs or lack of features and endgame and so forth.


But I am starting to get VERY annoyed about having a 1 weekopen ticket regarding a problem that would be taken care of and solved by any other MMO within a day by my experience. Yet I cannot even get a response and calling never gets me through their queues.


It is, just, they should be a shamed over the consumer support. I hate rage and whine threadson this game 99% of them need to be deleted, but this is acomplaint I fully stand behind.

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It's not about terrible consumer support - it's about a guy who is afraid to talk to foreigners.


What ?? I'm not afraid to talk to foreigners. I just cannot understand half the **** they say to me. Which wouldn't be bad at all, if it didn't involve customer service!

Trying to talk to someone about a problem and having to go "what?" "I'm sorry?" over and over = not cool.

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Now this is just plain rude. Why have the mods not crucified you for this?


How am I being rude? The guy is railing on India, dropping the 'we speak English' argument and I disagree. I support Bioware's decision to put their call centers (or outsource them more likely) wherever they want. A little patience in talking to someone for a different country goes a long way.

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While we appreciate that you have concerns regarding the game, we’re going to close this thread as it does not have a topic for constructive discussion. We encourage you to post your specific concerns in a relevant thread, and we value your constructive feedback - especially in areas you’d like to see the game improve. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation!


As far as your question, our Customer Service team is located at Bioware Ireland.

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