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Regarding Hood and Robes for Marauders


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There's over a million threads complaining about us getting an unfair share of gear, appearance wise. Personally, I could not agree more. I am a level 50 Marauder at the moment and have decided to roll a sentinel simply because at the moment I find it unmotivational to play a character that will always look un-themed as a marauder. Through beta and previous advertisements Marauders were shown with a completely different theme.


I will still be playing my marauder as a main character but would like to show you what my level 34 Jedi Sentinel currently looks like...




In my personal opinion, this is what a marauder should have looked like.

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Not really sure why you had to make another thread if your talking about the same issue in another thread that's just a few threads below this one...


But anyhow, you were right it saying that marauders were "themed" to have a hoods while others say it was advertised-which it was not. A LOT of the medium armor including the girl dress-leggings look REAL nice. A lot of their helmets look a lot better than Light Armor and Heavy Armor helms.


My Marauder has a hoodie, well only because I have pvp armor, and I don't really care much for it. I think it's just sad for those to reroll another class because they can't have a hoodie. It's not like you get bonus stats lolz.

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I agree, and I was contemplating whether to make a new thread or just reply on another one. The point im trying to make however is for other players that are upset because of this, and me when I take a look at our current raid drops I have no motivation to want to work hard to look like that. In my opinion, they are very poorly designed and are not themed for the medium wearing melee character from star wars. I don't play PVP for instance, so working on hard mode instances to get to wear gear that I can't stand and wasn't MEANT for my characters theme is sad. An alternative option would be to atleast let endgame gear be customizable. I also personally cannot find ONE robe to wear and had to do a couple of instances to get one customizable pair of legs that arent dresses.


Another reason for this thread was to show that my sentinel is actually wearing a fully black robe and looks way more themed as a sith than a jedi easily. a Marauder at the moment can never accomplish a look close to that or even have the option to achieve it.



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My Marauder has a hoodie, well only because I have pvp armor, and I don't really care much for it. I think it's just sad for those to reroll another class because they can't have a hoodie. It's not like you get bonus stats lolz.

Well looks are important, particularly in a story driven MMO full of cinematic showing your character.

Many people do not care, but for the other half, pursuing a good look is one traditional engame activity.

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Well looks are important, particularly in a story driven MMO full of cinematic showing your character.

Many people do not care, but for the other half, pursuing a good look is one traditional engame activity.


nicely said, point made properly.

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Well looks are important, particularly in a story driven MMO full of cinematic showing your character.

Many people do not care, but for the other half, pursuing a good look is one traditional engame activity.


Thing is, it's a cinematic, not gameplay video. A LOT of games have EPIC cinematics but usually gameplay is nowhere near what it looks like (with the exception of BF3 :p).


Well said I know how those other people are. I've gone fore models over gear and such in other MMORPGs, but never have I once thought about rerolling just because I couldn't wear what I thought I could.

Edited by BarcodeX
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Thing is, it's a cinematic, not gameplay video. A LOT of games have EPIC cinematics but usually gameplay is nowhere near what it looks like (with the exception of BF3 :p).


Well said I know how those other people are. I've gone fore models over gear and such in other MMORPGs, but never have I once thought about rerolling just because I couldn't wear what I thought I could.


In this persons defense, a "reroll" would be doing different quests with better looking gear and basically the same exact spells, it wouldn't be too bad an experience. However, the level 50 pvp set for JK's are pretty LOL, the Rocketeer-Last Samurai-Jedi movie extravaganza. I wouldn't be caught dead in that travesty.

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Yeah, PvP gear for Marauder is outright ugly, cept the hoodie which is OK. PvE armor looks badazs IMO


What game are you playing ? Marauder lvl 50 champion gear is hands down the best looking armor ingame. The PvE set were designed by a handicap kid right after they saw Optimus Prime blown up in transformers. Worst armor I've ever seen and I played WOW.

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I agree with op, a more sinister rogue'ish look all over would definately go a long way.

I can overlook not being as overall finished at other classes, since well, i have dual lightsabers and as we all know that does equal twice the fun. :p


Having the PvE endgame gear tho, now that just really puts me off. Honestly, sharreing the looks with juggers? (Who is wearring heavy armor and are supposed to be WAY more bulky/tanky than us agile marauders) The marauders that have seen the set, i'd think is gonna agree with, WTH did they smoke when designing that set. It looks most of all like a cyborg on crack mixed with an ant head.


The marauders PvE set is definately a do-over, and better luck next time.

The main reason why i personally have went along ways to chip out my mods/enhancements from the PvE gear, and put it into orange and WAY more class fitting gear. (Even if it nerfs me alittle bit, i feel it's still worth it - Now if we could get equal armoring parts to Columi and Rakata gear somehow i'd be grateful(If anyone know where please do share)).

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Not really sure why you had to make another thread if your talking about the same issue in another thread that's just a few threads below this one...


But anyhow, you were right it saying that marauders were "themed" to have a hoods while others say it was advertised-which it was not. A LOT of the medium armor including the girl dress-leggings look REAL nice. A lot of their helmets look a lot better than Light Armor and Heavy Armor helms.


My Marauder has a hoodie, well only because I have pvp armor, and I don't really care much for it. I think it's just sad for those to reroll another class because they can't have a hoodie. It's not like you get bonus stats lolz.


It has NOTHING to do with stats.. it has to do with Star Wars lore and wanting and EXPECTING a class to at least look like it..


the PVP armor is flat fugly.. so is the PVE.. all the L50 stuff in the database at this point makes the class look like a freaking Spiky finned mutant..


in this world LESS is MORE.


how on earth could anyone fight with huge heavy spikes and appendages hanging all over their armor?


can you HONESTLY say in ANY STAR WARS FILM OR BOOK.. you have ever seen or heard someone having a 4 foot fin on their heads.. or 3 foot long spikes or 5 foot long shoulderpads?


I challenge you to find 1..


these armors they have designed belong more in a crappy 1950s scifi than they do in this context..


their art dept is terrible.. if they really think star wars fans think their chars want to look like this...


same goes for ALL the classes with rare exceptions..


Just because Vader got his *** kicked and had to be made into a Cyborg doesn't mean that ALL sents and juggs want that look.. hell why woudl anyone want that look? it wears like a badge of shame.. I got my *** handed to me by a Jedi so they had to rebuild me with Ford parts.. but hey I feel much better now..



Um no..


I'm with the OP I hit 44 last night and I'm ready to reroll Dark Jedi Sent.. at least they have the right looks..

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Yeah, PvP gear for Marauder is outright ugly, cept the hoodie which is OK. PvE armor looks badazs IMO


even the hoodie.. it is NOT iconic and looks like crap.. no acrobatic class could wear all that crap and still fight in a saber fight..


and its the wrong colors.. Sith wear BLACK..


always have.. wear what you want under your cloak but the Sith default is a BLACK hooded cloak over your armor.

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What game are you playing ? Marauder lvl 50 champion gear is hands down the best looking armor ingame. The PvE set were designed by a handicap kid right after they saw Optimus Prime blown up in transformers. Worst armor I've ever seen and I played WOW.


Well, to each his own, of course. But I absolutely *hate* having huge spikes coming off my shoulders. I mean, really? Huge spikes? On my shoulders? Sigh. If my favorite Huttball team scores a goal I'd better not raise my arms in celebration.


That being said, I can see where some other people would like it.


I have yet to see a look I like for the female Marauder. The Furious Assault armor looks pretty cool for male characters but the female version exposes my midriff which is an absolutely ghastly look, IMHO. I'm half tempted to use Light Armor since I can't take a hit anyway and some of the Light gear looks pretty neat.

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This is one area where TOR is TOO MUCH like WoW. The armor. End sets look very derpy, very goofy. Extremely impractical. And the opposite of StarWars, jedi and sith both are very reserved in their outfits, mostly robes. I understand you want to have epic gear later in the game, but these sets are ridiculous.


You look like Sauron!


Thing was, in WoW, shoulder pads were an equipment slot. So it made sense to spend lots of detail on the shoulder pads, they were a full separate item. WoW just needed extra slots, so they came up with it, and in a fantasy setting, especially for dwarf and orc warriors or death knights, wearing huge plate mail was acceptable (even if some of the wow sets look goofy as hell).


But this is STARWARS. People DO NOT WEAR GIANT SHOULDER PADS. AT ALL. Shoulder pads simply shouldn't exist. We have jackets and robes, and we wear them comfortably. There isn't a slot for shoulder pads, so there's no need to show off gigantic shoulder pads. The Republic Trooper is the only class where this would remotely make sense (maybe BH too), but even then shoulder pads should be form fitting plate, not GIANT BLADES.


We should have simple robes at low level, and then the robes with armor underneath in the opening cinematic at high level.


Jedi appear to get this. They start with pajamas and then have robes the rest of the game (although they seem to be ************ about robes, since they don't have an option for robe up / robe down. That option seems nice, but I'd take ANY robes, hood up or down, at this point)


Being forced to wear Darth Vader / Darth Malak armor and a cape and a facemask as a Marauder just feels wrong. Also, a thousand sith with Darth Malak facemasks but no sith with robes? Really? Any complaints about need for variety can be made at other equipment too.

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It has NOTHING to do with stats.. it has to do with Star Wars lore and wanting and EXPECTING a class to at least look like it..


the PVP armor is flat fugly.. so is the PVE.. all the L50 stuff in the database at this point makes the class look like a freaking Spiky finned mutant..


in this world LESS is MORE.


how on earth could anyone fight with huge heavy spikes and appendages hanging all over their armor?


can you HONESTLY say in ANY STAR WARS FILM OR BOOK.. you have ever seen or heard someone having a 4 foot fin on their heads.. or 3 foot long spikes or 5 foot long shoulderpads?


I challenge you to find 1..


these armors they have designed belong more in a crappy 1950s scifi than they do in this context..


their art dept is terrible.. if they really think star wars fans think their chars want to look like this...


same goes for ALL the classes with rare exceptions..


Just because Vader got his *** kicked and had to be made into a Cyborg doesn't mean that ALL sents and juggs want that look.. hell why woudl anyone want that look? it wears like a badge of shame.. I got my *** handed to me by a Jedi so they had to rebuild me with Ford parts.. but hey I feel much better now..



Um no..


I'm with the OP I hit 44 last night and I'm ready to reroll Dark Jedi Sent.. at least they have the right looks..


You took the words out my mouth.


Originally Posted by miliways

This is one area where TOR is TOO MUCH like WoW. The armor. End sets look very derpy, very goofy. Extremely impractical. And the opposite of StarWars, jedi and sith both are very reserved in their outfits, mostly robes. I understand you want to have epic gear later in the game, but these sets are ridiculous.


You look like Sauron!


Thing was, in WoW, shoulder pads were an equipment slot. So it made sense to spend lots of detail on the shoulder pads, they were a full separate item. WoW just needed extra slots, so they came up with it, and in a fantasy setting, especially for dwarf and orc warriors or death knights, wearing huge plate mail was acceptable (even if some of the wow sets look goofy as hell).


But this is STARWARS. People DO NOT WEAR GIANT SHOULDER PADS. AT ALL. Shoulder pads simply shouldn't exist. We have jackets and robes, and we wear them comfortably. There isn't a slot for shoulder pads, so there's no need to show off gigantic shoulder pads. The Republic Trooper is the only class where this would remotely make sense (maybe BH too), but even then shoulder pads should be form fitting plate, not GIANT BLADES.


We should have simple robes at low level, and then the robes with armor underneath in the opening cinematic at high level.


Jedi appear to get this. They start with pajamas and then have robes the rest of the game (although they seem to be ************ about robes, since they don't have an option for robe up / robe down. That option seems nice, but I'd take ANY robes, hood up or down, at this point)


Being forced to wear Darth Vader / Darth Malak armor and a cape and a facemask as a Marauder just feels wrong. Also, a thousand sith with Darth Malak facemasks but no sith with robes? Really? Any complaints about need for variety can be made at other equipment too.


Couldn't agree more about the shoulder pads. I think that AT LEAST a variety of gear options should be added. Regarding end-game PvE sets, I think saying they were high while designing it is being unfairly nice. It is by far the worst thing I have ever had the pleasure to look at, and I thought WoW gear looked crap but that never mattered because it was WoW I didnt care what I looked like I could'nt care less. I wouldn't even think that gear would make an april fools joke from Bioware, let alone be the actual gear.

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If you watch the video, the mid level robes are nowhere to be found for a Mara, that set is only available to juggernauts. Makes me so mad.


I happen to like the endgame armor in the video, and it was one of the reason's I wanted to roll the class.


I would like to have the option to wear the Robes pictured in the progression video though.

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It's something that we can only hope BioWare looks into. I'm pretty sure it has been said before that somewhere along the beta they changed Marauders from using heavy armor to using medium armor. This is evident by the lack of sith-warrior or strength based high quality medium armor and the fact that the look of the armor has changed as well. Seems to me like they rushed to get some medium armor out the door, they even forgot to put any sith-warrior medium armor on the dark side vendor.


In the meantime, if you want the robes and hood look, especially while leveling, it's not that much of a gimp to your damage reduction to use light armor for your chest piece. I just swapped mine out and the difference (as long as you have an equal level armoring modification) is literally 0.4-0.5% damage reduction.

Edited by Akilae
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I agree with everyone. It's sad to see Heavy Armor for Juggernauts looking way more ****** and robe-like when we get some crappy cyborg armors >_>


I don't know why there even ISN'T any medium armor on the Dark Side vendor as poster above me said :eek:


What a bummer.:mad:

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  • 3 weeks later...
Not really sure why you had to make another thread if your talking about the same issue in another thread that's just a few threads below this one...


But anyhow, you were right it saying that marauders were "themed" to have a hoods while others say it was advertised-which it was not. A LOT of the medium armor including the girl dress-leggings look REAL nice. A lot of their helmets look a lot better than Light Armor and Heavy Armor helms.


My Marauder has a hoodie, well only because I have pvp armor, and I don't really care much for it. I think it's just sad for those to reroll another class because they can't have a hoodie. It's not like you get bonus stats lolz.


It's all about choice, all we want is the Option of using hoods, you'd think there be Some, you'd think there be atleast ONE but no, we get NONE until lvl 50 and the ugly pvp gear, our mirror class gets a ton we get NONE that's the problem.

Edited by LaurentiusX
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