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How to 3-button tank as a Sith Assassin.


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1) Buy a nostromo speedpad (or wait for in game macros lol yea right)


2) Set basic attack, Dark Ward, Thrash, Shock, Recklessnes, Discharge, and Lacerate on hot bar.


3) Create your basic macro:

- Press Dark Ward

- Press Basic Attack

(This will allow you to have darkward up 100% while simply using your basic attack it is not on GCD so you get to ward and attack, that right it is not a CD)


4) Create a priority macro

- Press Recklessness

- Add a 0.05 second dely (Recklessness does not trip GCD but still requires a very small delay it seems)

- Press Shock

- Press Thrash

(This will use recklessnes IF up, then shock IF up, then use thrash. Since shock activates GCD if it up you use it if not trash so you get a 50% chance to refresh shock).


5) Create your priority AoE macro

- Press Discharge

- Press Lacerate.

(Since discharge activates GCD will use that if up else lacerate)



6) When you have lots of force press 2nd macro, if not so much force press first macro, if surrounded press 3rd macro


7) Profit




*Note I do press a couple other button from time to time like my oh crap CD or force lightning oh AND force sprint/dash. Love that, other tanks can keep thier leap I get dash and pull, 2 gap closers!!!*

Edited by WutsInAName
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macrogamer does the same thing but free



Really it comes with ergonomically satisfying button layout, an extra mouse wheel (great for targeting, i just spin wheel to go through enemy targets) and a directional pad that is godly for strafing?


My buddy said the same thing about his lagitech G15 gaming keyboard ... then he seen me use speedpad and next day went and bought one =D

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I've googled nostromo and the thing confuses me. Its way smaller than a normal keyboard.


Never using one


I have no idea how to set up the macros or if its simple enough to buy.

Why isn't there a 1-6 key above the <^> keys?

What does the thumb thing do?


Thats the point ... I NEVER move my hand or have to find a key.


It has 14 button on top, I use 1234567890-= and alt and ctrl


So I can use










That is 48 keys literally AT YOUR FINGERTIPS. I would love to see a keyboard do that. Does not look so small now does it.


Add to that is has a D-pad (or thumb thing as you said) + mouse wheel + a build in oh Crap button (ideally placed apart from the other buttons)

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Is macrogamer against the TOS?

I have a G19 keyboard and razermouse... been tempted...


You can absoltuly use your keyboard and or mouse in ANYWAY you like. BW has NO say over the hardware or periphrials of your machine. The day a software developer can say 'You cannot use this hardware' people would be rioting in the streets. It will never happen.



Besides SWTOR wants you to use Razor products ... I got a 10% discount coupon in my SWTOR retail box for the SWTOR keyboard/mouse!


Now if you start using software or 'spliced' up hardware which allows you to do something you would not normally be allowed to do ie) speedhack. That is a different story completly, I would not indulge or approve of such.

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Hehe, how to 3 button tank as an assassin..


Get your hands on either external programs or a wierd keyboard you have to buy, then write a bunch of Macros that forget to use a shedload of our most important moves. Seriously, no Wither? no FL? no CDs?


Wouldn't it be easier just to not be bad and play the game how it's meant to be played?

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Hehe, how to 3 button tank as an assassin..


Get your hands on either external programs or a wierd keyboard you have to buy, then write a bunch of Macros that forget to use a shedload of our most important moves. Seriously, no Wither? no FL? no CDs?


Wouldn't it be easier just to not be bad and play the game how it's meant to be played?




You can't tank with just three buttons. And besides Lacerate? How many times do I have to say it? Lacerate overall is just a flashy, waste of Force for a tank. Threat to Force cost ratio wise...it sucks. Use Wither. Don't have Wither? Discharge, Mass Mind Control.


Lacerate is ok every now and then, but not for trying to establish aggro. Use it sparingly while tanking groups, after you have aggro to toss extra damage around and add to your already established threat on all targets without having to individually target them (especially if you don't have Wither). Threat wise, Wither is your better choice and doesn't need to be used as often. So you can focus on one target, only changing targets to catch any stragglers.


But Tabbing through your opponents and toss a few Shocks and Thrashes around. And use your single target Mind Control as needed. Overall it costs more Force, but threat wise you'll generate a solid hold quicker and easier, rather than trying to use Lacerate.


Use Force Pull, rather than run after stragglers if need be. You should have less stragglers by Tabbing through your opponents anyways or using Wither. Or actually, combing the two sometimes works the best in some cases, especially when initiating a fight.


But three button tank....yeah don't think so.

Edited by sleepingferret
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I agree with the last post.


In addition:


If I'm reading this correctly you're using Dark Ward as soon as it's off CD, no matter how many charges of it you have left.


This is an incredible waste of force. Dark Ward should only be activated when you have either 1 charge left OR less than 2 seconds on the duration. Every time you activate Dark Ward while you have more than 1 charge you're draining force that could be used on other abilities.


Shock use should be reserved for when you have the energize buff.


Recklessness gives the most benefit when used in conjunction with FL while 3 charges of Harnessed Darkness are active.

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is it just me or would you be a rubbish tank following the OP's guide.


Isnt the whole point of shocks to get the buffs upto 3 or at least 2 before using lightning?.


I havent found lacerate much use either as a tank , maybe its just me but it doesnt seem worth the force points.

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Depending on how you spec, the point of Shock is either to get 3 procs of Harnessed Darkness up as soon as possible - in which case, I tend to open with it, then Thrash once or twice and either Shock off of Energize proc or Saber Strike until CD. Basically, only Shocking while Energize is up is subordinate to being able to Shock once it's off CD and getting those Harnessed Darkness stacks. If you go into Madness right away rather than going for Harnessed Darkness, then yeah, it's more efficient to only Shock whenever Energize is up.


Also, the OP's spec would have me spitting nails at you when you hit your AOE and the Discharge (10m range) hits a CC-ed target that Lacerate (4m) would have missed. If I've learned one thing while running group content it's that AOE management and communication before the pull is paramount, and this 'setup' does not really allow for any leeway in implementation.


EDIT: Also, yeah, rubbish tank since using just those three buttons? Totally ignores taunts, interrupts, and stuns. And those are literally things we live and die by in combat.

Edited by Rieverre
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I dunno, I think this is pretty cool.


I probably won't do it as I've been using my logitech 5 button for the past 5 years, from RO to WoW to SWToR, so I'm used to the buttons and layout and would not trade it for a fancier one.


There are software programs that also emulate input; what the author is proposing is neat I think, though it would be more awesome if we could make that an even simpler 1 button tanking rotation.


Maybe I can write a script for it, I dunno if programs like AutoIT are allowed or whatever for the sole purposes of input.


However this gets into automating decisions for the player, something which every mmo has banned. So my 1 button "fall asleep with a pecking bird thingy pressing the button" rotation probably is illegal lol.

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You can absoltuly use your keyboard and or mouse in ANYWAY you like. BW has NO say over the hardware or periphrials of your machine. The day a software developer can say 'You cannot use this hardware' people would be rioting in the streets. It will never happen.


They can ban you for using 3rd party botting software, which is what your macro are since they make the choices instead of you. The hardware you're mashing the buttons on is irrelevant.

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Not only is it illegal, it will never actually _work_ other than in exactly the circumstances you had in mind when you wrote it.


Nevermind being effective compared to a non-macro'd tank.



Not at all. Swtor ea is hocking razor get in box sales. Does not do anything abnormal or bypass anything such as timers. If it was speed hacking our some such you would be right but only does what anYone can.


To the naysayers.

Only Lvl 36 no wither yet

Dark ward is 15 do fp. With we 130 Regen yes you can hit it regardless of the charges left. It its only 8 bcc of all the multi mob fights. On a single tag you never use all 8. I have not.

Shock should be used every time it up period. Wait fir energize? Lol energize REFRESHES it duh.


If you don't like it don't use fir everyone else wanting to improve and ease button burden your welcome

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Shock uh, is awful without energize.


It does the same damage as thrash, and costs double the force.


Refreshing dark ward needlessly amounts to a 10 force drain over 7.5 seconds as opposed to the best case 10 force every 15 seconds, which is 10 wasted force every 15 seconds, which is about 0.6 force/s waste.


That is equivalent to about 7.5% force regen. You might as well drop a point from blood of sith if you want to do that.

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Shock is your main attack regardless of energize, if you are thaashing(or using anything else) when shock is already up you gimping your dmg/threat output.



Again if you don't like it don't use. I Played several different games using these kind of techniques and for me they work. If you would rather fumble with 20-30 keys thats your call, but not or me :)


Though I do appreciate the free troll bumps. Thanks.

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