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Selecting Need for your companion


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But by your logic (which states that it is nobody's business why you need it as long as you genuinely feel you do), it is perfectly acceptable to do so, so why not do it? Do you not need credits? Or when you do later down the line when there is actually something to spend credits on, will you change your mind and start need rolling for vendor? Or what if some BOE drops and I roll need for my buddy that isn't even there, who actually contributed to the group every bit as much as your companion did? No problem, right? As long as I convince myself that I genuinely need it.


Seriously, just ask in group if any one minds if you take it for a companion. Most of the time everyone will say fine. But to take it upon yourself to elevate your companion over a member of your group is pretty sad.


Happy pugging :)


See that's the core difference in perception here - you interpret it as putting my companion over the group. I don't. I interpret it as being an item I need for my enjoyment of the game. Therefore, I don't need to ask for permission to loot something based on what I plan to do with it, that's my own business.


I don't roll Need just to sell something because I do want my group to get items from the quest as well. However, if someone else rolled need just to sell something, believe me when I say I have much more important things in life to be worried about. I'm not going to get angry. I'm not going to ignore that person. I'm not even going to ask why someone rolled Need for it. I couldn't possibly care less.

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See that's the core difference in perception here - you interpret it as putting my companion over the group. I don't. I interpret it as being an item I need for my enjoyment of the game. Therefore, I don't need to ask for permission to loot something based on what I plan to do with it, that's my own business.


I don't roll Need just to sell something because I do want my group to get items from the quest as well. However, if someone else rolled need just to sell something, believe me when I say I have much more important things in life to be worried about. I'm not going to get angry. I'm not going to ignore that person. I'm not even going to ask why someone rolled Need for it. I couldn't possibly care less.


You may as well just roll need on everything then, because I'm sure you can vendor it all and buy companion gear upgrades with it too.

Edited by Nightfox_
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If you're going to continue to roll Need on companion gear I would at the very least ask the group beforehand. If they all agree, then go ahead. But if you do it without regard to other players opinions be prepared for the backlash.


I'd rather play the nice guy in a flashpoint than be the jerk who just needs on everything. Know what I mean?


But as I've said before, I don't Need on everything. Far, far from it. I'll only Need on something if it's a significant upgrade for myself or a companion, which frankly is pretty rare. I played three flashpoints last night and rollled Need exactly twice for the companion. One time I got it, the other time I didn't. Life goes on.



You may as well just roll need on everything then, because I'm sure you can vendor it all and buy companion gear upgrades with it too.


I could, but as I've said numerous times, I do want my group members to get stuff as well. I'm not a selfish jerk, I just roll Need for a companion on the occasional occurrence that it's actually something I feel I need.


I've never once in game had someone complain about my looting practices. If they did, I'd be more than happy to discuss it with them, and depending on their situation and if they were polite in discussion, I'd very strongly even consider giving the item to them. But if they come off attacking me and "threatening" to ignore me and have all of their friends in the whole wide world ignore me, I'm not going to feel compelled to do them a favor.

Edited by SingleCoilPickup
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See that's the core difference in perception here - you interpret it as putting my companion over the group. I don't. I interpret it as being an item I need for my enjoyment of the game. Therefore, I don't need to ask for permission to loot something based on what I plan to do with it, that's my own business.


I don't roll Need just to sell something because I do want my group to get items from the quest as well. However, if someone else rolled need just to sell something, believe me when I say I have much more important things in life to be worried about. I'm not going to get angry. I'm not going to ignore that person. I'm not even going to ask why someone rolled Need for it. I couldn't possibly care less.


Maybe you should list your server and all of your charters to give people a chance never to run with you. Everyone is entitled to his or her opinion -- and you are entitled to yours. But you must realize that I couldn't care less how skilled you are (flash points aren't don't require much skill anyway) -- if you ninja-loot, I will not run with you. There are plenty of skilled non-ninjas out there that I can run with instead.

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Ignoring someone is not a threat. It doesn't personally affect you in anyway, except your inability to group with me. It's a personal choice. I'm sorry you take that as a threat.


Rolling need on companion gear is in general a bad habit to get into.

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I think it depends on the group. This is something that should be discussed prior to getting started. Loot rules. There are a lot of different opinions about this and talking about it first and setting a few guidelines for your current group helps.


It won't stop people from trying to ninja items once the rules are in place but at least they can't use the excuse that they didn't know better before you kick and replace them.

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I say roll on whatever you want. You might need money for example the item can bring you. People just feel entitled these days. Used to be Id roll greed but since everyone hits need on everything thats what I do also. I have yet to find anyone who is upset over that they all roll need too.


Easiest way to land on ignore list of all PVE players.

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Easiest way to land on ignore list of all PVE players.



Players who say that they roll Need for companions won't actually indicate which server they play on and what the name of their toon there is, as they know they will blacklisted immediately.

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One should only Need if your main can use the item. If you need it for your companion you should wait until everyone else has selected Greed and then send a tell "Is it ok for me to need for my Comp?" A little common sense and courtesy go a long way.
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See that's the core difference in perception here - you interpret it as putting my companion over the group. I don't. I interpret it as being an item I need for my enjoyment of the game.


But there's the rub. That social contract you seem to hate so much is a stopgap that long-time mmo players try to adhere to and keep douche factor down to a dull roar. You stretch a little, the next guy stretches it a little more and soon we don't even need a greed button and BW won't let you roll on gear out of your spec. Granted, you do seem to have some limit as you described earlier and wanting everyone to benefit from the run. But that mode of thinking leads to the "every man for himself" environment where people are rolling need on everything no matter what.

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But your group mates don't OWE you anything. They don't OWE you the only roll on the loot because you say you need it. This crazy sense of entitlement that you guys think people should just fall on the proverbial sword as far as loot goes is flipping crazy.


Again, if I'm in that group with you, I did just as much work as you did, if not more. That means I have equal rights to the loot. It's of no consequence what my purpose for the loot is, and it's not like I can steal it from you like you guys are acting like. You have an equal chance of getting it if you roll need. I have no obligation to roll over and give you the only roll on the loot just because in your head your needs are more important than mine.


Nice troll!


If you want to go by that logic then all loot that drops in the instance should be split evenly between the 4 members of the group. That way every one gets the same amount of reward for their effort. With the roll system you may not get an equal share of the rewards.


The reason that you should pass on items that benefit another player more than yourself is because you are playing in a group, not as an individual, you are working together to accomplish the encounters, to get that loot, so rather than focusing on your own needs, you should focus on the needs of the group. Having the tank get the tank drops, the dps get the dps drops, the healer get the healing drops strengthens the group, but when someone goes against that and takes an item away from the good of the group it weakens the group as a whole.


Its a real shame that a great deal of people cannot understand the concept of team play and rather focus solely on their own benefit, and then rationalize it out with ((you had the same chance as I on the rolls so its fine that I gimped the group))

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But as I've said before, I don't Need on everything. Far, far from it. I'll only Need on something if it's a significant upgrade for myself or a companion, which frankly is pretty rare. I played three flashpoints last night and rollled Need exactly twice for the companion. One time I got it, the other time I didn't. Life goes on.





I could, but as I've said numerous times, I do want my group members to get stuff as well. I'm not a selfish jerk, I just roll Need for a companion on the occasional occurrence that it's actually something I feel I need.


I've never once in game had someone complain about my looting practices. If they did, I'd be more than happy to discuss it with them, and depending on their situation and if they were polite in discussion, I'd very strongly even consider giving the item to them. But if they come off attacking me and "threatening" to ignore me and have all of their friends in the whole wide world ignore me, I'm not going to feel compelled to do them a favor.


Just sayin, if you want to be well respected in the community you'll take those extra steps to be polite. If you do whatever you want and don't care what anyone else thinks then you will be ostracized. Maybe an MMO isn't your kind of gaming.


Same thing applies in the real world as well, come to think of it. :)

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They really should just add a "Need for Companion" button.


But another option is to just solo a low level Heroic-4 or Flashpoint and grab orange gear from there, and slot it for level appropriate stats.


That's a good idea.


On topic: Not even gonna lie I'd be angry also

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Unless your companion is actually needed to complete the zone, you shouldn't NEED for them. I usually 4 man with my family/friends but does that mean I can NEED for them if I'm in a random pick up group? If so then everyone should just click need on everything now since chances are atleast ONE person in the group is going to think their companion is greater than real players. Just remember, chances are you wouldn't have killed the boss that dropped that loot anyways without real players...
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Not sure if maybe some part of the game population is too young to understand the concept, but the value of professional networking, as you learn from your working life, is greater than the value of instant greed.


Networking opens you up to more opportunities in the future, while instant greed might result in you being hated and loses opportunities for more money.


You'll find that a lot of successful professionals and businessman goes by this concept.


Same goes for in MMO. If not just for common courtesy, there is a certain amount of goodwill that you can build up by deferring things that your toon don't need, and asking people before you need for companion or mods only.


Gears is easy to get. Reputation, however, is not. Bad reputation carries with you for as long as you use your name (toon's name).

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Just sayin, if you want to be well respected in the community you'll take those extra steps to be polite. If you do whatever you want and don't care what anyone else thinks then you will be ostracized. Maybe an MMO isn't your kind of gaming.


Same thing applies in the real world as well, come to think of it. :)


I played Galaxies for years co-led a guild of over 200 and had a player city on Dantooine. My general attitudes and perceptions in this game are no different than there were there, so I'm pretty sure the likelihood of being "ostracized" is approximately 0.


To the flip side of your point, maybe this just isn't the MMO for you guys. This game was made to attract Star Wars fans and a lot of casual gamers. It's not your typical grind-fest MMO, so you have to understand that as far as the "long-established social rules" go - they're out the window.


Further, you can't even call this "ninja looting." Everyone has an equal roll at the dice. I have no more opportunity to get anything than you can. If you're calling it ninja looting it's just because you're butthurt you didn't get something you wanted.

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I played Galaxies for years co-led a guild of over 200 and had a player city on Dantooine. My general attitudes and perceptions in this game are no different than there were there, so I'm pretty sure the likelihood of being "ostracized" is approximately 0.


To the flip side of your point, maybe this just isn't the MMO for you guys. This game was made to attract Star Wars fans and a lot of casual gamers. It's not your typical grind-fest MMO, so you have to understand that as far as the "long-established social rules" go - they're out the window.


Further, you can't even call this "ninja looting." Everyone has an equal roll at the dice. I have no more opportunity to get anything than you can. If you're calling it ninja looting it's just because you're butthurt you didn't get something you wanted.

So what server do you play on, what classes are you playing, and what are their names? Care to see how many people agree with your attitude towards loot?

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Further, you can't even call this "ninja looting." Everyone has an equal roll at the dice. I have no more opportunity to get anything than you can. If you're calling it ninja looting it's just because you're butthurt you didn't get something you wanted.


Ehh.... by that definition there is no such thing as a ninja since you can always beat the ninja with your dice.


Also, don't try to justify your ninjaing by previous merits. At least I'm not making any assumption about your age, or what your other MMOs might have been, I just know that I will not group with people who find it acceptable to need for companions over mains -- or even need for off-spec over main-spec.


For me this is just common sense.

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Ehh.... by that definition there is no such thing as a ninja since you can always beat the ninja with your dice.


Also, don't try to justify your ninjaing by previous merits. At least I'm not making any assumption about your age, or what your other MMOs might have been, I just know that I will not group with people who find it acceptable to need for companions over mains -- or even need for off-spec over main-spec.


For me this is just common sense.


Common sense - by your opinion.


And you don't want to group with me? Sure, fine, I'll group with one of the other hundreds of thousands of players. Not an issue.


So what server do you play on, what classes are you playing, and what are their names? Care to see how many people agree with your attitude towards loot?


I don't need to share that and get trolled by the forum zealots. I'll leave it at this - not once have I ever gotten a complaint in game. Not. One. Time.


I have a fairly extensive friends list, I support my groups, and I only roll Need when it's something I need. I don't mindlessly click Need to everything. I buff people out in the world not in my group. I give stuff away frequently rather than sell it. Point being, the fact that I occasionally choose Need for my companion in no one means I'm a selfish jerk. If you guys can't understand that, then I really, truly feel sorry for you.


That's the last I'll say on this. Go enjoy the game now instead of getting angry and foaming at the mouth in some forums.

Edited by SingleCoilPickup
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It is one thing to need here or there on something for your companion. And completely different to do it all the time.


Agreed asking your team would help alot, and besides, if someone clicked need and it was for their companion. how would I know that. or anyone for that matter, yes it could be obvious that the gear is not something they would use. Most of the time I will only hit need for my companion if i know its not for someone else. Like the other day my friends and I did a flash point, and the boss dropped a double bladed saber. Well my companion uses those so I hit need because nobody else used a double bladed saber. Although my friend who was a sage didnt realize that it was a double he clicked need also lol.


So there is some small room for error. Granted I dont think something like that would happen all the time but still there is potential for that to happen. And maybe Swtor is different, but the last mmo I played in, unless it was your friends or guild members, other people could care less about what you need. they could have top gear and roll for loot just so they could sell.


It would be really nice if people did consider other people playing and thinking. oh maybe they need that. Ofc I will never need for something I do not have a use for. I am not gonna need for something just to sell it.


Most of the time a flash point is gonna have to be done a few times for people to get something they want. My friends and I have done some and gotten nothing that is of use to us. That wont always happen but looking at it like that, if the argument is that someone needs it for them and they would have to wait to do it again, well same goes for everyone and their companions. If there is a really nice piece of gear and its OBVIOUS that its really nice and high lvl quality. No I probably would not need for my companion. Heck there has been plenty of times where I dont even roll greed for an item just to make sure the other person gets it. I try to keep my companion's gear up as much as possible. I cant always do that. But there maybe times where there are not 4 people in the group. You could have 3 and no healer. and guess what I have a healer. Well I would sure want some decent gear on my healer companion so she can stay alive and heal.


Both sides have augments sure. If people are rude and greedy about getting every piece of gear that could go on their companion than yeah thats rude. But if its only 1 part or something. there is no reason to get pissed about it. Its a game.

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I played Galaxies for years co-led a guild of over 200 and had a player city on Dantooine. My general attitudes and perceptions in this game are no different than there were there, so I'm pretty sure the likelihood of being "ostracized" is approximately 0.


Nice try.


You don't get ostracized is because you don't really raid for anything in SWG. Pre-exodus SWG is manfacturing based economy. There are no BoP items. Everyone that is getting things are all manfacturers. So it is totally different.


Try being a seller of inferior goods or scammer in SWG and see how fast your reputation goes down. Lol.

Edited by aRtFuL
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I don't need to share that and get trolled by the forum zealots. I'll leave it at this - not once have I ever gotten a complaint in game. Not. One. Time.

Until you provide actual proof of this, I'm going to say that this is pure HS.


I have a fairly extensive friends list, I support my groups, and I only roll Need when it's something I need. I don't mindlessly click Need to everything. I buff people out in the world not in my group. I give stuff away frequently rather than sell it. Point being, the fact that I occasionally choose Need for my companion in no one means I'm a selfish jerk. If you guys can't understand that, then I really, truly feel sorry for you.

The fact that you came up with all of these qualifiers/excuses is proof of how utterly weak your position is.


That's the last I'll say on this. Go enjoy the game now instead of getting angry and foaming at the mouth in some forums.

And now you vanish into the darkness. Great.

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Until you provide actual proof of this, I'm going to say that this is pure HS.



The fact that you came up with all of these qualifiers/excuses is proof of how utterly weak your position is.



And now you vanish into the darkness. Great.


No, I'm just not arguing the point anymore. I've said what there is to say on the matter. The "qualifiers/excuses" as you call them are just me pointing out that I fully understand the value of other players and socialization.


As far as proof, what do you think I do? Record every minute of every group I'm in to crazy forum people just in case I need to prove a particular thing did or didn't happen? Not going to happen. If you don't believe that I've never had a complaint in game, that's cool. I don't really care what you choose to believe or not believe. I've offered my account of events and you've chosen to reject them because they don't fit with your perceptions. That's fine. You're wrong, but please do feel free to continue to believe whatever you choose.

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