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Selecting Need for your companion


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Absolutely. If you Need it, you Need it. It isn't other players' business what your motivations are. You owe them nothing. You're playing the game, and you're cooperating with them to have a shot at gear. You aren't cooperating with them in the distribution of the gear.


This is a good point. Since you need it for whatever reason, select NEED. Everyone has there own opinion on things and this is just one of them. They put the buttons there for a reason. Use them for how ever you like it. You shouldn't get blacklisted just because my views are different then yours.

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Companions are not an extension of your character. If they were, you'd be bringing them with you every time you ran a flashpoint or Warzone.


You can. I have done that many times. When there is a 4 person Heroic, I just have two and our companions or a 2 person Heroic, I go solo.

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I completely agree with your first paragraph and completely disagree with your second. There is no code of conduct that says you cannot roll need for companions. This entire thread is proof enough that there is no social contract implying that, either (and that it is not necessarily even intuitive). You believe that; others don't. You are not right and they are not wrong.


No, this thread shows that this is apparently the first time on the MMO-rollercoaster for a lot of people who don't have the experience yet. They're like foreigners coming into a country and offending the locals. It's okay if they didn't know before, but now that they are made aware they can be held accountable for their actions.

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Absolutely. If you Need it, you Need it. It isn't other players' business what your motivations are. You owe them nothing. You're playing the game, and you're cooperating with them to have a shot at gear. You aren't cooperating with them in the distribution of the gear.


Your definition of "ninja looter" is flawed. You aren't ninjaing loot if you're legitimately rolling Need on it because it's an upgrade. The difference is this game provides additional upgrade needs via companions, the first game of those mentioned above to do so.


These two statements are in contradiction of each other.

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I've been playing MMOs since the days of Meridian 59, on into Ultima Online, Asheron's Call, EverQuest, World of Warcraft, and flirtations with Age of Conan, Warhammer: Age of Reckoning and Rift.


Your definition of "ninja looter" is flawed. You aren't ninjaing loot if you're legitimately rolling Need on it because it's an upgrade. The difference is this game provides additional upgrade needs via companions, the first game of those mentioned above to do so.


Be careful bandying about words you don't understand or making statements you can't back up. Your betters will school you every time, as just happened here.


You should be careful about fully reading a thread before posting. Numerous posters have also said they would "need" if they were selling it for credits. Is that acceptable to you?


Regardless, your companion isn't contributing to the group dynamic of a Flashpoint. If they're not contributing they don't get to roll on loot (or in this case have loot rolled on for them).


Coming from someone that has played MMOs just as long as you have, you would indeed be a ninja looter.

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I've been playing MMOs since the days of Meridian 59, on into Ultima Online, Asheron's Call, EverQuest, World of Warcraft, and flirtations with Age of Conan, Warhammer: Age of Reckoning and Rift.


Your definition of "ninja looter" is flawed. You aren't ninjaing loot if you're legitimately rolling Need on it because it's an upgrade. The difference is this game provides additional upgrade needs via companions, the first game of those mentioned above to do so.


Be careful bandying about words you don't understand or making statements you can't back up. Your betters will school you every time, as just happened here.

And when you get a reputation on the server for doing this, when people are looking for 1 or 2 more people for the 16 man operation, if you have the reputation, you are skipped.


Not every guild in this game will be downing 16 man nightmare mode.


If you truly played other MMO's you would realize getting a bad rep in a game isn't good.


Like I said, if you did it in my group, that's the end of your run in our group.


Do what you want though. Just don't make posts about not being able to find groups or someone rolling need on a piece of gear you wanted a couple months from now.

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No, this thread shows that this is apparently the first time on the MMO-rollercoaster for a lot of people who don't have the experience yet. They're like foreigners coming into a country and offending the locals. It's okay if they didn't know before, but now that they are made aware they can be held accountable for their actions.

No, you are just trying to enforce a social construct on them that you invented and attempting to shame others into following what you believe to be correct. It is impossible for you to prove that there is a right way and a wrong way to roll on loot. The only thing that can be proven is that you can either roll need or greed.


It's interesting from a sociological perspective, though, to watch people attempt to enforce social constructs on others in a video game medium. Because they have no physical recourse, threats and bullying are used to attempt to get others to adhere to their socially contrived "norm."

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Perhaps the need/greed system is no longer a viable option....at least, maybe not for TOR. Maybe the game should just random out the rewards based on class. If you can't use it, you're not put in the roll. Companions would not be part of it. The only options would be greed or pass. That sounds pretty fair to me.
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There is not even a strong consensus here in the forums so, expect that there won't be one out on the servers. If you want to avoid annoyance over this issue, settle it among your group in advance and don't join people who will pick loot for their companions or prevent you from doing so if it is important to you. I people lie about their intention in that discussion, at least you base your anger on a real offense.
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I realize that there are many players coming here having never played a MMO before. So many of the "unspoken" loot rules might baffle some people, as well it should. But if you DID, however come from a MMO background, and are aware of said loot rules already established, rolling need on items your specific character can't use (meaning not your companion) will only lead to your eventual branding as a "ninja".


Currently, since we don't have a cross-server LFD and no server transfers, it would be wise to not soil your name. Sure it might take a while, and sure you'll still get groups at first, but every time you ninja gear, people take notice, keep doing it and eventually nobody groups with you. Menial tasks that take at least 2 players to accomplish will take you much longer, nobody buys your GTN items, sometimes people will go out of their way to make life miserable for you. And all that was most likely for gear you'll replace or money you could have earned differently. Do you really think it's worth a few credits to eventually get your endgame almost completely shut out?

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You can. I have done that many times. When there is a 4 person Heroic, I just have two and our companions or a 2 person Heroic, I go solo.

Those aren't flashpoints or operations. Those are just grouped quests. If an orange/purple/blue dropped and you rolled need for your companion, i would roll need then too if we were grouped.


try 2 manning Eternity Vault with your companions.

Edited by RycheMykola
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No, you are just trying to enforce a social construct on them that you invented and attempting to shame others into following what you believe to be correct. It is impossible for you to prove that there is a right way and a wrong way to roll on loot. The only thing that can be proven is that you can either roll need or greed.


It's interesting from a sociological perspective, though, to watch people attempt to enforce social constructs on others in a video game medium. Because they have no physical recourse, threats and bullying are used to attempt to get others to adhere to their socially contrived "norm."


Isn't that how it works in real life, too? Obviously TOR is not real life, but ostracizing someone for not adhering to community standards is hardly "bullying." If I don't like the way you play, then you aren't going to be playing with me, and as an act of community service to those who hold themselves to the same standards, I feel it is a courtesy to let them know how you play. It just so happens that there are more of us than than you.

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Perhaps the need/greed system is no longer a viable option....at least, maybe not for TOR. Maybe the game should just random out the rewards based on class. If you can't use it, you're not put in the roll. Companions would not be part of it. The only options would be greed or pass. That sounds pretty fair to me.


No longer viable? Just talk about it with your groupmates. If you don't agree find other participants who will. How hard is that?

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Even if I need it, in a PUG I always ask before I need on something unless someone else already needed on it. In a guild group we know proper ettequette and use it.


Usually people are pretty good if you ask but just needing on something for your ccompanion is a no no. There is no harm in asking.

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There is not even a strong consensus here in the forums so, expect that there won't be one out on the servers. If you want to avoid annoyance over this issue, settle it among your group in advance and don't join people who will pick loot for their companions or prevent you from doing so if it is important to you.

This has been said about a jillion times in this thread, and it's the only right answer.

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Perhaps the need/greed system is no longer a viable option....at least, maybe not for TOR. Maybe the game should just random out the rewards based on class. If you can't use it, you're not put in the roll. Companions would not be part of it. The only options would be greed or pass. That sounds pretty fair to me.


Well, it's only fair for one side of the argument - the people who don't believe companions should be involved.

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if you need it for yourself press need, if you dont need and want to gear up your companion press greed (they are all BoP items so you cant sell them), otherwise just press X and pass. Pressing need for a companion while there is playing character who might need that item is so luxury and selfish
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I've been playing MMOs since the days of Meridian 59, on into Ultima Online, Asheron's Call, EverQuest, World of Warcraft, and flirtations with Age of Conan, Warhammer: Age of Reckoning and Rift.


Your definition of "ninja looter" is flawed. You aren't ninjaing loot if you're legitimately rolling Need on it because it's an upgrade. The difference is this game provides additional upgrade needs via companions, the first game of those mentioned above to do so.


Be careful bandying about words you don't understand or making statements you can't back up. Your betters will school you every time, as just happened here.


Pfft... you gave the worst response when I said to need on everything because you can sell it and make a profit... that's ninja looting in it's purest form w/out the specific desire to grief.


It's not an upgrade for you. It's an upgrade for your companion. Your companion is farther removed from your main than a Hunter's Pet is in WoW as your companion didn't even help with said flashpoint. If you're going to argue that your companion helps you level, then please reply to how that is different from taking an item:

1) and giving it to a guildie over someone that was in the FP group

2) that was designed for a role you weren't playin during the FP (i.e. taking a healing item while you were dps'ing)

3) and selling it for credits so that you can buy better gear for yourself.


Yeah... all 3 of those 3 apply to your statement you made earlier... in fact you were responding to #3 specifically:


So if I need roll to vendor the item to buy better gear for my companion, this is ok then to.




Absolutely. If you Need it, you Need it. It isn't other players' business what your motivations are. You owe them nothing. You're playing the game, and you're cooperating with them to have a shot at gear. You aren't cooperating with them in the distribution of the gear.


I specifically called you a ninja looter because you said it's okay to loot an item you have no intention of using to vendor it to get gear.


Wow... really... you're going to say that isn't ninja looting... okay bro.


Try this: http://www.wowwiki.com/Loot_ninja


Right there it says:

"The term seems to have a few different meanings depending on whom you ask, including:


* A player who, when in a group, rolls "Need" on everything regardless of if he or she can use it. "


One, you cannot use an item, your companion can. That's not you.


Even if you want to see your companion is you... the fact that you said it's okay to need an item to vendor it shows that you're rolling need on something you cannot use... that's a ninja looter.


Congrats, you just proved my point.

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No, you are just trying to enforce a social construct on them that you invented and attempting to shame others into following what you believe to be correct. It is impossible for you to prove that there is a right way and a wrong way to roll on loot. The only thing that can be proven is that you can either roll need or greed.


It's interesting from a sociological perspective, though, to watch people attempt to enforce social constructs on others in a video game medium. Because they have no physical recourse, threats and bullying are used to attempt to get others to adhere to their socially contrived "norm."

Of course social constructs are enforced in video games.


If you gave someone, lets say 500k credits of material to craft something for you and said thanks and left, you would say this is fine then?


If you need roll on everything, need roll for your companion, etc...............You WILL get a reputation in the game. There are always repurcusions.


Personally, I would rather get a good rep in the game so when a group needs 1 more for an operation, they would remember me and pick me over someone else.


If you don't care about your reputation in the game, that just says how you are in real life too.

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Isn't that how it works in real life, too? Obviously TOR is not real life, but ostracizing someone for not adhering to community standards is hardly "bullying." If I don't like the way you play, then you aren't going to be playing with me, and as an act of community service to those who hold themselves to the same standards, I feel it is a courtesy to let them know how you play. It just so happens that there are more of us than than you.

It's equally interesting that somehow I am now personally involved in this: a "side" was assigned to me, even though I've stated no preference (and repeatedly have said "check with the group before rolling"), and now social pressure is attempted to be applied to me to correct my opinion (that I don't have). (Unless you meant "you" as in "someone" - in which case, nevermind.)


And for the record, ostracizing someone for not adhering to a standard you believe in is not quite the definition of bullying, but it's certainly within its purview. :) And I sincerely doubt you can prove anything along the lines of a claim that your social construct is more popular than another one.

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You shouldn't get blacklisted just because my views are different then yours.


Yes. You really should. That's how society works. The majority decides the social rules. Break the social rules, suffer the social consequences. You don't have to agree with societies rules. You can always go look for another society. If people in your groups don't want you to roll need for companions when they need the loot for their actual characters, don't play in those groups.

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