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Dual Wielding?


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Basically it adds bonus damage to whichever skill causes you to attack with two weapons, such as Assault. Generally, these are skills that have "Attacks with both weapons if dual-wielding" or "Requires two sabers" in their description.
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It would be tough to do so since there is a range in damage if you're checking against a mob. With both LS equipped, I'm at 616-764. When I un-equip my off-hand LS my damage is at 586-737.


But Ardim pretty much hit the main point aboud dual LS. If you're comparing us to Juggy, I think we DO more DPS than them, but not by that much. I think I read somewhere that Bioware tried to make opposing adv. classes within 5% damage. Not sure if it's true but it makes sense.

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Dual wielding in its current implementation is pretty much a design failure, and your second sword is nothing but a stat stick. The descriptions in the tool tip make you think that it would increase your damage a lot when it actually is a very meager bonus that both sucks and does not even scale with your equipment. Also, force attacks (like force scream, the main damage dealer in our dual wielding tree) do not get anything from your offhand as well.


The only thing your offhand ever does is strike with base weapon damage not modified by your stats or anything, and it also does not proc effects of any kind. This means that it basically scales *worse* then single saber attacks (or anything else in the game) would, because it does not take power or strength from all of you other slots into account.

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Dual wielding in its current implementation is pretty much a design failure, and your second sword is nothing but a stat stick. The descriptions in the tool tip make you think that it would increase your damage a lot when it actually is a very meager bonus that both sucks and does not even scale with your equipment. Also, force attacks (like force scream, the main damage dealer in our dual wielding tree) do not get anything from your offhand as well.


The only thing your offhand ever does is strike with base weapon damage not modified by your stats or anything, and it also does not proc effects of any kind. This means that it basically scales *worse* then single saber attacks (or anything else in the game) would, because it does not take power or strength from all of you other slots into account.


not a design flaw, but I think it's intended - it's because bioware wanted to keep all classes on pretty much the same level in terms of damage, so making our offhand hit harder means a dps jugg isn't viable compared to a marauder. So yes it is a stat stick with minor damage increase - this means that all classes have a similar dps values, meaning you choose playstyle over which class has best damage overall


And saying one class does better damage then others is pointless till we have dps meters, as some may have better burst - meaning they "appear" better (- just wanted to mention if anyone does)

Edited by Majinr
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So...if that is the case, shouldn't we be within 5% of damage mitigation from Juggs, and 5% of healing from other classes?


Since ALL we do is damage, how can anyone say it is fair that other classes that can tank and heal far better than we can, but should also do nearly as much damage?


I hope Bio reconsiders that stance.

Edited by Avigatorx
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