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Fahros I - Lightning Sorcerer PvP


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Nice video but I'm not entirely satisfied with it. You are definitely aware of your surroundings, as in when you noticed Xgen taking the expertise buff in stealth before killing him on Alderan, and you are good at what you do. However, with that being said, I am slightly disappointed. As someone who is hoping to try out Lightning in PvP, the fact that you mainly only fought low levels, aside from (Xgen), doesn't make me think this spec matches up as well as the others. If you make a new video where you actually fight geared 50s I'd be very likely to subscribe and even inquire as to how you went about putting your spec together, but as of right now, it appears as though you just picked on undergeared and underleveled players.


Raggok in the post prior to mine put what I'd be a lot more interested in watching, amongst other people that watch a lot of pvp videos, very nicely.

Edited by Abraxxes
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Man, you guys, I'm sorry if I let some of you down with my debut video...but:


I think you're all going to be really hard pressed to find what you're looking for in a video, this early in to the game. I know it would be ideal to have a video of all 1vX's vs max level players, like in other MMOs that you've all undoubtedly came from, but SWtoR isn't other MMOs. The PvP is simply different in this game, and I think that warrants a different kind of video than you're all so used to. This level gap doesn't even give as much of a disadvantage as a gear gap from a fresh max level to a fully geared max level in other games.


To be honest, I think you're all being far too critical. You're going to be really hard pressed to find a PvP video out in this game, that uses warzone footage, that has no teamates in it and all level 50 opponents and still does 1vX's. I know that's what you want, and that's what would be ideal and make the MOST exciting video, but that's very difficult to do at this stage of the game. Hence...there's next to no videos out there doing it. (No full length videos anyway, which is what I wanted to deliver.)


But I'm not here to make excuses. This video was meant to be entertaining, and if it wasn't entertaining to you, I have failed you and wasted your time, and I apologize for that. I will however keep making videos, and keep gearing, and I hope to bring you something of a far higher quality next time.


Thanks for the feedback guys.

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From my experience PvP'ing I don't belive this to be too critical at all. Just about all the Republic are geared, at least the few that bother PvP'ing. I'm almost always guranteed to go up against a Premade group of Thirsty, Arc, Aphotic (My own legion), or some other group of 50s with half champion set if not more. There are already multiple people (maybe 10) with 60 valor or higher. A more noticeable person on my server, Ceilingcarpet, operative, crits for nearly 6k with his main skill and 3k regularly on auto attacks, lots of the other geared players, as in juggernauts, marauders, etc. don't crit nearly as high but they do hit for upwards of 5k consistantly. I face these players on a rather regular basis, as in at least 10 matches a day against them, so I find it extremely hard to believe that I'm being too critical when I say to make a video of something other than people sub 50 or in bad gear.
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Man, you guys, I'm sorry if I let some of you down with my debut video...but:


I think you're all going to be really hard pressed to find what you're looking for in a video, this early in to the game. I know it would be ideal to have a video of all 1vX's vs max level players, like in other MMOs that you've all undoubtedly came from, but SWtoR isn't other MMOs. The PvP is simply different in this game, and I think that warrants a different kind of video than you're all so used to. This level gap doesn't even give as much of a disadvantage as a gear gap from a fresh max level to a fully geared max level in other games.


To be honest, I think you're all being far too critical. You're going to be really hard pressed to find a PvP video out in this game, that uses warzone footage, that has no teamates in it and all level 50 opponents and still does 1vX's. I know that's what you want, and that's what would be ideal and make the MOST exciting video, but that's very difficult to do at this stage of the game. Hence...there's next to no videos out there doing it. (No full length videos anyway, which is what I wanted to deliver.)


But I'm not here to make excuses. This video was meant to be entertaining, and if it wasn't entertaining to you, I have failed you and wasted your time, and I apologize for that. I will however keep making videos, and keep gearing, and I hope to bring you something of a far higher quality next time.


Thanks for the feedback guys.


You have nothing to apologize for atm, so please keep making vids and with time you will finely tune your craft.


Your dealing with professional critics that that think they are some Movie director from some blockbuster company geting paid hand over fist in big bucks.


But then again feedback good or bad is a good thing, so don't take things to heart and look forward for more vids in future from ya.

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I'm not just a critic, I've been making PvP movies as a hobby for well over 5 years (since vanilla WoW). The suggestions I made are things I've learned over time.


You should be able to find plenty of meaningful 1v1s. As far as 1vNs, they aren't difficult to find but they are more difficult to win in this game when compared to other games (unless you are a 50 carrying a significant gear advantage).


Don't take what I'm saying too harshly. I think the entertainment and presentation value of your movie was quite good. But, it's going to need better content if you want to take it to that next level. And to get that kind of footage you have to go out and actively seek it as it typically won't happen during normal gameplay. :)

Edited by Raggok
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You could try doing a mini-series like swifty did where you duel against different class/specs. E.g Fahros vs Sith marauder. Talk through the duel, say what you did to win. And if you lose then go on to say how to modified your strategy in order to beat the other person. If you did it against other 50's with similar gear then I guess there'd be less complaints from the "harcore" PvPers.
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You could try doing a mini-series like swifty did where you duel against different class/specs. E.g Fahros vs Sith marauder. Talk through the duel, say what you did to win. And if you lose then go on to say how to modified your strategy in order to beat the other person. If you did it against other 50's with similar gear then I guess there'd be less complaints from the "harcore" PvPers.


Yeah that's something I had considered doing in the future actually. I love doing commentaries, in fact, 90% of my channel is commentaries. The only reason this video wasn't commentated is because I've always wanted to make a legit PvP video with music and editing, heh.


Right now just focusing on gearing up so I can pull off the 1vX's on 50's, because thus far I've had no gear advantage what so ever. During the video I had next to no Champ's gear, it wasn't even like I was a real '50'. Not that people would give a ****, lol. Going to keep putting out warzone commentary on my channel in the mean time though, so those who like the content won't miss out!

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