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My Problem With Early Release


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My problem with early release is not that I didn't get in, it's that BioWare is making many people including me waste their time checking to see if they got in. If I got an email telling me my ETA time was on December 18, all bearing the servers handled the stress well, I'd be a happy camper. This no ETA bs makes me rage. Atleast provide somewhat of a timeline.
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My problem with early release is not that I didn't get in, it's that BioWare is making many people including me waste their time checking to see if they got in. If I got an email telling me my ETA time was on December 18, all bearing the servers handled the stress well, I'd be a happy camper. This no ETA bs makes me rage. Atleast provide somewhat of a timeline.


Bioware doesnt owe you anything. If you dont want to F5 your email all day, then dont. Login on the 20th.

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Bioware doesnt owe you anything. If you dont want to F5 your email all day, then dont. Login on the 20th.


Are you working for Bioware??


Because if not I'm sure his post was not meant for you and that your opinion means absolutely nothing to anyone.

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Im ready to play, checking my e-mail, servers all on light, but cant play.

Yea it stings but i can understand, nothing else to do then wait abit more.

Think the probleme whit youre idea is that it will only slow things down, sinds they need to have a lot of manpower to send these mails whit dates when you can get in.

I just wait and check my mail. Time for a new coffee. :eek:

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My high horse? lol I F5ed all day today just like 99% of the people here.


i did not hit f5 all day i went my merry way carrying on and let me smart phone track emails and send me a message on every email . i be the smart one for once heheheh

Edited by Yesterland
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Yes bioware owes you a video game, on the 19th. They only promised you EGA up to 5 days. Not you definitely get 5 days. Until you actually pay for the game you aren't technically a customer. Stop crying for what's owed to you, nothing is. Oh no they won't give me an eta, who cares up until a week ago nobody thought they'd get in till thursday, but now ppl are in and it's not you so it's not fair. I mean come in bioware just let all 2mil ppl in all at once that's what a staggered release means. Plus with how many servers you'll have to open and how leggy and crashy it would be everyone would get sooooo much play time. Plus then you could ***** in 4 months that they made too many servers and they are too dead and now they owe you the right to have the merged. I mean am I right?
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Yes bioware owes you a video game, on the 19th. They only promised you EGA up to 5 days. Not you definitely get 5 days. Until you actually pay for the game you aren't technically a customer. Stop crying for what's owed to you, nothing is. Oh no they won't give me an eta, who cares up until a week ago nobody thought they'd get in till thursday, but now ppl are in and it's not you so it's not fair. I mean come in bioware just let all 2mil ppl in all at once that's what a staggered release means. Plus with how many servers you'll have to open and how leggy and crashy it would be everyone would get sooooo much play time. Plus then you could ***** in 4 months that they made too many servers and they are too dead and now they owe you the right to have the merged. I mean am I right?


Reading comprehension fails you. Miserably. I'm not complaining about staggered release. If you don't see a problem with not giving out ETA's you're a fool.


Also they advertised "upto 5 days" in DECEMBER! There is 0 % chance of anyone from December getting in 5 days early. Do you not see a fundamental problem with that? Well they might as of just said "Upto 20 days early access for Preorders" and just let people in on the 13th, because they said "upto"? It is really a clever marketing ploy. Just that messing with your fanbase is usually not a good idea.

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If you don't see a problem with not giving out ETA's you're a fool.


You're a fool for assuming BioWare has a strong enough idea of when everyone is getting in to ask for an ETA. Honestly. They probably have an idea, of how many are going to get into the next wave. Then they'll wait before deciding upon how large the wave after that should be.


If they gave you an estimated time, and it didn't deliver there would be as much, if not more QQing if one group got in early, and one late. Or, worse, if no one got in on-time.


Furthermore, it's not "misleading". The add says you may get to play up to five days early, then has some fine-print. If you read the fine-print, and still think there is a chance to get five days (before they added the two), you're an idiot.

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Imo, BW dropped the ball on this EGA thing, the massive complaints are the proof. Secondly, it is an unfair system to handle. Why not allow people who registered 1st at BW site get in 1st? Some people registered years ago but bought game later...

You see where this is going?


Not? Lets suppose you are a parent with 5 children. Are you giving 1 a candy and the rest not?


Such decisions are unfair and bias, i for sure wont handle such decisions. All or none, thats my motto.

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Personally they sent me 5, yes 5, beta test emails that were useless. Some of those were bugs, so I can forgive them for that, but others were not. Now they do nothing after they did that to their fan base and tell them to "wait".


Ya guys already dropped the ball a few times, quit throwing them at us as well, its getting kinda annoying.

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