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This can't be true, can it? - TOR Has 350k Concurrent Players; Minimal impact on WOW


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Lets put it this way. WoW doesn't have 350k concurrent players at the same time in NA/EU today.


Shock horror... A game that is 7 years old has less than a brand new much hyped release... Who would have thought it....

Edited by Cordelia
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350k concurrent users...World of Warcraft didn't have 350k REGISTERED ACCOUNTS at launch.


That's a fricken awesome number. Heck, WoW didn't gain their first Million Registered accounts until like 8months after the game launched. Most MMOs nowadays don't even launch with more than 100k subs.


TOR has set the new bar. All these naysayers are just jealous.

TOR is piggybacking on the fact that wow has significantly grown the MMO playerbase.


When wow launched, no western MMO had more than about 350k players. Most were significantly smaller than that.


Post-wow, every game gets a huge boost in initial subscribers from the fact that wow grew the MMO genre so much.

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no mmo, including WOW didn't have a $300 million budget either. you're leaving out some important numbers there to call swtor as setting a new bar. Maybe more of a lesson for other companies in what NOT to do.




the budget was no where near 300 million ..


it didn't even cost half that much to make the movie episode 3: revenge of the sith


where do you people get this information from??


SWTOR costs a little over 20 million to make and develop which is still the most expensive mmo to date

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when you read an article like that ALWAYS check from where and how they have their stats. Also check the analysis that is based on those stats.


This article doesnt' provide neither so it is "shaddy" (at least).


If they do not provide that NEVER EVER trust them.

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350,000 concurrent players online is good. It means out of their total numbers 350k players were online at peak. People as they found time to play.


Also whoever expected a huge impact on WoW still hasn't learned from history: The only one making a great impact on WoW will be Blizzard themselves. It's like making a new RTS game and hoping it will crush the Starcraft 2 scene.


People need to understand that WoW players are not equal to the total size of available players for a MMO. There's too many MMOs these days to gather a huge subscription base compared to WoW. So you have to consider the reality, that is making a plan for many and a plan for fewer subscribers.

Edited by ArmchairMagpie
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Shock horror... A game that is 7 years old has less than a brand new much hyped release... Who would have thought it....



Wait a sec to hear the Midget Dwarf Cannon Bearer fans bray it would be a safe bet WoW has eleventy million on each instance....

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TOR is piggybacking on the fact that wow has significantly grown the MMO playerbase.


When wow launched, no western MMO had more than about 350k players. Most were significantly smaller than that.


Post-wow, every game gets a huge boost in initial subscribers from the fact that wow grew the MMO genre so much.


Absolutely true! That, however, do not mean it isn't a solid number of concurrent players.

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SWTOR costs a little over 20 million to make and develop which is still the most expensive mmo to date


while the person you quoted was way off, you are too. EA has officially stated in an article last may that the cost of SWTOR development is to exceed 80 million. that is the only number that is official

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And how you know that? and how you know that this game does? I think this game has 15 million subs already and 5 million players online all the time and EA spent 100 bucks to make this game.


In China when WoW had 8 million subscribers that record was 1 million players logged in at the same time. That is around 13% of the Chinese player base.


WoW at its peak in NA/EU had 4 million players. If you apply the same 13% you would have 500K concurrent.


WoW is no were close to its peak.


The fact is SWTOR has more concurrent players than WoW, already.

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all you have to do is look at warcraft realms stats.
you're not comparing apples to apples. One is a peak concurrant usage. The other is not (it's not officially released either)


Do you have a source for peak concurrent usage for wow?

Edited by ferroz
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the budget was no where near 300 million ..


it didn't even cost half that much to make the movie episode 3: revenge of the sith


where do you people get this information from??


SWTOR costs a little over 20 million to make and develop which is still the most expensive mmo to date


20 million lol? Well that explains why its second hand quality. No but for real, they said that 20 million dollars is only manufacturing, marketing, and distribution spending,. Money thatthey spent on making this game is lot lot more.

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you're not comparing apples to apples. One is a peak concurrant usage. The other is not (it's not officially released either)


Do you have a source for peak concurrent usage?


i'm not the one that was posting their stats, was simply providing an aswer to said question as where the original poster got their info.

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Calm down people, what the hell is there to argue about ?



350,000 concurrent users is a great figure, it's more than WoW at the moment and close to where Rift was at launch. The original story is at http://www.gamesindustry.biz/articles/2012-01-03-early-star-wars-success-points-to-healthy-mmo-market for those who do not / can not follow sources.


The fact there are so many people playing over Christmas holidays, in a new game, with the free month sub is not surprising - the test comes when people level / get back to school, college, uni, work and the free month runs out. Then we see whether the game has legs or not.


At the moment SWTOR is following the same pattern as WaR, AoC and Rift - its whther when people finish the first month and hit level cap if they decide the game is worth staying around for that we can start saying hit or miss.

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Holidays are over, people are back at work. Not really surprising. Factoring in all those that complain and said they cancelled their subs.


You think WoW on a daily basis has 11 million at one time playing?


WoW had that many people subscribe since launch and more than half have canceled since then.


based on expansion sales, servers and basic server capacities wow has about 3 to 4 million active subscriptions also including one person with multi accounts to box

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You can't make a true judgement until the 30 days free is over. To play the free month you had to subscribe, so the total subs at the moment is a false positive.


The only way to gauge how it wil go is when teh free time is up and how many subs have been cancelled in that time.


I have cancelled my sub, not because i think it is a bad game just because i feel this is a single player game with some mmo thrown in and I am not going to pay a monthly sub for a single player game. Thats not to say it isnt a good game it's just not for me.


In regards to the WoW debate no clue never played it never will.



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OP, and everyone else, learn to read. 350k concurrent means there are only 350k people online at the same time... but the actual user base is around 1.5 million. You do realize the EU and USA are pretty far apart when it comes to timezones, right?


People work and play at different times.


What this guy said ^^^^^

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In China when WoW had 8 million subscribers that record was 1 million players logged in at the same time. That is around 13% of the Chinese player base.


WoW at its peak in NA/EU had 4 million players. If you apply the same 13% you would have 500K concurrent.


WoW is no were close to its peak.


The fact is SWTOR has more concurrent players than WoW, already.


please .. you actually believe that marketing bull crap?

Edited by bboudreaux
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